Lured part 3

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A/n: I had an idea to add to this mini series so here you go. More siren L.

Waking up on a cloudy weekend, you dragged yourself out of bed and downstairs to get a much needed glass of water. You felt like you were forgetting something, but you weren't sure what. Cold water after a whole slumber of not drinking anything tasted so good. You went back upstairs to get ready for the day, walking into the bathroom you turned the lights on and almost had a heart attack when you did.

That's what you were forgetting, you had a siren in your bath.

Jumping with a yelp, you laughed at your own stupidity when you realised it was just L. Having to sleep in the bath at night since he was stuck with a tail when the sun went down. As long as he was still in contact with the water it'd remain.

Your yelp awoke him from his slumber and he rubbed his eyes adjusting to the light.

"Huh- oh yeah..." he mumbled, remembering where he was.

Looking up at you as you laughed to yourself, he tilted his head in slight confusion.

"Whats so funny?" He asked.

"I just forgot you were there for a second and when I saw this massive tail hanging out the bath I jumped" you snickered.

"How do you forget you have a siren in your bath?"

"No idea. Get up and dry off so we can get ready"

"What are we having for breakfast? Is it sweet?" He asked.

"Yeah I can make something sweet, dry off and come downstairs"

Not going to lie, you kind of forgot about breakfast for a moment. You could make something up though, you had enough food. Heading back downstairs you went to the kitchen to look through the fridge for something to make. He liked sweet things so why not make some smoothies and pancakes?

As you were setting things up, he came downstairs now with legs and clothes.

"What's that?" He asked, seeing the blender you had.

He sat at the chairs against the bench and watched you plug it in.

"A blender. It cuts up fruit for smoothies. They're like a... thick drink" you explained.

Watching you put all the fruit into it, he remembered each one as you'd told him what they were. Mango was the orange one, strawberry were the little red ones he liked, banana was the long yellow one and blueberry were the tiny blueish ones.

"This will be loud" you said.

Turning it on he jumped at the volume, watching all the fruit get blended into a colourful mush.

"Don't touch the inside of this when it's turned on or you'll hurt yourself"

"It's sharp?"

"Yep. That's how they get cut up so fine"

Pouring the finished drinks into glasses you then turned your attention to pancakes.

"What are we going to do today?" He asked.

"Looks like we're gonna have a few days of mid summer storms from this clouds. Might not be able to go outside today, can't have you face planting with a tail in the middle of the street" you explained.

He took his cup and took a sip from it. His eyes lit up it was sweet! Very sweet! It had a strange texture, but he liked it.

"Don't drink too fast or you'll get a-"

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now