Persacom part 3

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A/n: damn wasn't expecting people to want more of this very niche AU but, here you go.

You knew you had to learn more about L, so you took to the internet to look for someone who knew a lot about persacoms to help. And lucky for you you found someone who didn't live that far away from you. They went by N online, and they'd agreed to take a look at your mystery persacom to see if he could crack its code.

What you weren't expect was N being an actual child.

When you showed up with L, you were greeted by several persacoms acting as the houses butlers and maids, and then you were met with the boy behind N. Near as you leaned he was called was only 14 but know an insane amount about technology. He was like a genius or something, definitely a million times smarter than any other kid his age.

So there you stood, watching Near poke around at L's ear ports where his chords were.

"He'd definitely a custom, I've never seen a model this detailed. And the lack of serial number or company logo means someone probably made him from scratch" Near explained.

"That's what I was thinking when I found he had no company attached to him. There's some kind of password that I can't get past to look in his files but, I was hoping maybe there'd be something about who made him in there" you replied.

Near pulled a chord from the pointed ear port of L, examining the plug to see if he had something that'd fit it.

"The chord looks normal, I can try and run him through one of my persacoms"

Near had quite the collection, you weren't sure where he got the money for it since he was only 14. Probably rich parents or something... although you hadn't seen any parents around. Maybe they were out a work? But that wasn't the point. The point was trying to figure out L.

"L can I try and do some scans on you?" Near asked.

"Scan L? Yes" L relied.

"Thank you, Matt can you try and connect to L?"

One of his persacoms, who you assumed was Matt walked over and pulled one of his chords from his ear ports.

"Will my chord fit into the model L has?" He asked.

Near took a quick look, and determined it would work.

"It should, sit down I'll plug you in"

Matt sat next to L, and Near connected them via their chords. Each chord that connected went into their ear ports until they were fully plugged in together.

"Alright, scan him" Near said.

"Should I try and hack past the password?" Matt asked.

"Yes, if you can't get past it just scan what you can"

"Alright, commencing scan"

You did really know how everything worked, that's why you had to come to Near for help after all. But you watched excitedly nonetheless hoping this would finally unlock some answers. Both persacoms starred into the void as their programs ran and the familiar electronic whirl they made could be heard.

"My persacoms are customs but their internal computer and skeletons are pre-made. So if L's something like that then the company would be saved someone within his computer as data. If not then we'll have to try and get past that password" Near explained.

"What got you into all this? I've never seen someone with so many persacoms. Customs nonetheless" you asked.

"Well... I guess I wanted to try and make myself a family. My foster parents are amazing and all, but I never got to experience siblings or  anything. I suppose making my own persacoms is like making a family" he explained.

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