Beautiful boys

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A/n: give men nice elegant jewellery for Valentine's Day too. They deserve some flowers and a nice locket as well it's 2022 give men feminine love as well.

You'd noticed something about L, you noticed it as soon as you met him. His hands.

He had very pretty, slander hands with delicate fingers. He looked like a hand model with those hands. And with how much I'd a germaphobe he was he must have the softest skin as well. L was quite the oddly charming person, at least to you he was.

He seemed like a total outcasted enigma to others, the kind of person that'd be an easy target for bullying. But you saw him differently, maybe it was your love for smart people but L was such a beautiful boy to you. One that could use a back brace for that slouch but still...

His hair was fluffy, his skin looked soft, he smelled like cake and tea and had such a buttery smooth voice. And those hands... you wanted to hold them and never let go. So when you found out his birthday was on the Halloween that just past, you first gave him a slight whack for not telling you to which he insisted it wasn't a big deal. Then you went out to find a present for him. Because fuck what he says he's getting a present, he deserves it.

It took you a while of thinking what would be a good present for him, and wandering around the shopping centre until you walked past a jeweller and saw a ring display in the window. Suddenly it hit you, of course! Get him a ring! His hands would suit a pretty ring. So you wandered into the shop and started scanning down all the options looking for something that'd suit him. Most rings with gems were a little pricey, but for your favourite detective you were wiling to play.

You were about to give up and find another jeweller when you finally made it to the end of the display and the shine on a silver ring caught your eye. The shine coming from a dark blue sapphire in the centre of a ring with a thin band and elegant plate which the gem sat in. As soon as you saw it you asked the clerk to open the case so you could take a closer look at it.

It was perfect, blue was definitely L's colour and the deep blue shine in the gem was the perfect match. Along with the silver band that would go well with his usual white clothes. Just like that, you'd picked the size you assumed would fit and bought it.

It may have cost about $500 but it was worth it for L. Plus... he didn't need to know how much you paid, he'd probably say 'you didn't have to spend money on me'. As if you weren't going to anyway. He knew he was your favourite detective, and absolutely didn't mind since it meant free cakes and someone that actually cared for him. Although any time you did a slightly bigger favour for him he'd immediately shut you down and say you didn't have to. Too bad, you were going to.

You wrapped the box with Halloween themed paper when you got back to taskforce and stuck a little heart in top folded in half with a message on it.

By now it has gotten late, so you decided to give it to him tomorrow. Knowing he'd probably be awake early from pulling an all nighter again. And just as you suspected he was indeed still awake at his desk the next morning.

"Goooddd morning my favourite detective" you teased.

"Good morning (y/n), I'm still not sure why you've picked me as your favourite but I'll take it" he replied.

You walked down the stairs and sat in the nearest office chair that you slid over to him.

"I've told you a million times why you're my favourite, because I like you. Also because you're the only one around here with your head screwed on and actually admits that Light is Kira" you said.

"Well that last part does make sense, still I can't see why you'd like me huh again, I'll take it" he replied.

You rolled your eyes, he always hit you with that 'I don't know why you like me' nonsense. You'd told him a million times that he needs better self esteem and he's not as weird as he thinks he is. Sure he's a bit unique but that's a good thing on your eyes.

"I won't take no for an answer, so happy late birthday" you said, grabbing his wrist and putting the box in his hand.

He looked down at it for a moment, not expecting you to actually get him something.

"(Y/n) you-" he began.

"I don't wanna hear it, accept my affection Damnit"

He knew he wouldn't win this argument, be never did. This was the only time he couldn't win something although he didn't particularly mind since it was a nice gesture. He gave you a playful eye roll and opened the little heart to read the message.

Happy late birthday you pessimistic cake addict. Be nicer to yourself ok?

He sighed, finding your description of him accurate and predicable.

"Thank you, although you really didn't-" he began.

"AH- none of that. Accept my love" you cut him off.

"Right, right..."

He took the heart off carefully as not to rip it, and then pulled the tape off the paper to unwrap it finding a small box inside. He knew it was the right size for jewellery but since men didn't often get jewellery he didn't think it was. He took a second to try and guess what it was, but came up with nothing that small and decided to just open it and see.

His surprise when he found it was jewellery was visible on his face when he blinked in shock.

"I've always thought you have really nice hands, totally worthy of being a hand model. So when I was it I knew it'd suit you" you explained.

He inspected the ring, rather impressed at your choice. You seemed to know him better than he thought because it was absolutely something he'd pick out. The blue and silver went well together and it was small and simple yet elegant on the detail.

"(Y/n) is that sapphire? How much did you pay for this?" He asked.

"Not telling, it was worth it because the blue suits you" you replied.

He took the ring from the box to get a closer look at the detail and the look in his eyes told you he was very impressed. He lit up when he saw the detail and shine in the stone. He also felt a little special since it's not often men get gifted pretty jewellery despite so many of them liking it.

"I kinda just guessed the size I hope it fits, if not I can get it resized for you" you said.

"It looks right, I think you guessed pretty well" he replied.

Sure enough, when it slipped it on it fit perfectly and he realised that you'd been paying way more attention to him than he thought. It made him feel appreciated, and caused him to blush a little.

"See I told you it'd suit you! Man you should be a hand model your hands are so nice!" You said, grabbing his hand to take a look at the ring actually on him.

Your hands were still warm from being tucked up in bed all night, and it felt nice against his cold skin. Just the feeling of his hand resting in yours managed to give him butterflies. It was like holding hands almost, something he didn't get to do a lot.

"If you ever get tired of being a detective you could definitely be a hand model. In fact all of you is pretty you could be a regular model, but you'd definitely be famous for your hands" you rambled.

He barely ever for compliments on his looks, since he never really went out and when he did people seemed to think he was weird. So your words only made his heart skip a beat and his cheeks stay warm and pink. He'd always relatively liked you, but he could just feel himself falling harder and harder the more you spoke to him.

"I... wasn't expecting any of this. Thank you" he said.

"Don't mention it, boys deserve pretty jewellery too. Especially boys as beautiful as you" you replied, still admiring his hands.

He'd never paid much attention to his hands, or his looks in general. But if you thought they were pretty... maybe he should wear rings more often.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now