Tainted (part 2)

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A/n: again, TW for this one.

L stared down at the three page long victim statement you'd written over the last few weeks. The different coloured pen for each paragraph indicating you'd needed to take some breaks while writing it. And the dried tears scattered on the paper told L just writing this down was difficult for you. But he wasn't going to push you for anything else. This was all he needed.

Reading over exactly what happened sickened him. He'd seen some of the worst of the worst on the cases he'd done, and every time he saw assault he got the same icky feeling in his gut mixed with burning rage at the freaks who committed the crime. While he was lucky enough to have never been assaulted in a sexual manner, he had been hit before. He knew the fight, flight or freeze reaction well. Freeze was the most common and most unfortunate reaction to get. Being so overwhelmed and scared you just can't move, your body just shuts off and disassociates in hopes it'll just all be over soon.

He already hated Light, he was arrogant, annoying and clearly Kira. But now L just wanted to beat the shit out of him for what he did. He couldn't risk that though, it'd just make the situation worse. But he was a detective and he could arrest him.

Three pages of details about what happened was good evidence. Unfortunately there were no security cameras in the room it happened... but there were in the hallway. L was hoping he could find at least one that had an angle into the room, or maybe one that had audio. That's what he was scrubbing though footage for now, while reading over the statement.

"Fuck I hate this man so much..." L muttered to himself in frustration.

He leaned back in his chair, frustrated at how long this was taking. He wanted to put the man in jail NOW, he was getting impatient having to sit with the knowledge of what Light did to you.  He glanced over at the HQ security cameras, seeing you asleep up on your floor. He already quite liked you, you were patient with him and you had a lot in common. But now that urge to keep you safe was even stronger, a sign he truly has come to care a lot for you.

When there was movement on the security footage form the university, L turned back to watch it. The students left the classroom, leaving the doors open as they usually did. From the placement of the camera, he could see about halfway into the room. He watched you walk out, only to have Light stop you and ask for the previous lectures notes like you'd explained. You nodded, stepped back into the classroom to put your bag down and get them out.

Just in frame, right up in the corner of the screen, you and Light could still be seen. It was a bit far away, but close and clear enough to make out what was going on. Clearly Light didn't think the cameras would be able to see this far into the classroom, and his own ego made him confident enough to pull this stunt with the doors open since this hall wasn't issued again until 3pm that day.

L watched, he waited. It started as a seemingly normal conversation about notes, but after about 4 minutes things took a disgusting turn and L had to bite his tongue to not get too nauseous and angry watching it. But he sat through it, saw everything he needed to see and immediately saved the footage. Backed it up too just in case. That was it, that was what he needed. Victim statement and video evidence, Light couldn't get out of it even with the worlds best lawyer. And if he was arrested for this, it'd also allow for a warrant to search him for anything else illegal he may have which was a ticket to a Kira conviction too.

He was so done.

Even though it was almost midnight, and most of the building was asleep, L wanted this done now. That way Light would be gone from the building when you woke up, you could feel safe. That, and L was just beyond disgusted and wanted that human filth out of his fucking building.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz