Noises in the night

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A/n: Poltergeist AU!!

Imagine your shock when you awoke one day to find people building on your land. Well, technically it wasn't your land but it was the land you haunted. After dying tragically years ago, you were kind of stuck here. All the construction and noise annoyed you for a while, but on the bright side you had a new place to explore with this building being put up. And after a while when it was fully one, a small group of people moved in.

Watching and listening, you managed to put the pieces together and figure out this was a police taskforce for that one guy that popped up recently, Kira. Even though you were dead you knew about him you'd heard people talking about him non-stop these past few months. At first, you didn't do much. Just watched the taskforce and soaked up all the tea that came with the case. But the more invested you got, the more you started to get involved.

Especially when you saw a shinigami following that Light guy around. Being dead, you could see them. It became clear who Kira was very quickly to you, and it annoyed you to no end that no one but this L guy had figured it out. Safe to say, you were on L's side real quickly. And after watching Light straight up deck him in the face, you absolutely hated the man. Team L all the way, you wanted Light thrown into the pits of hell. But since you couldn't exactly scream 'HEY LIGHT IS KIRA!' to everyone, you were pretty useless.

Expect for the fact you COULD haunt. Your actions had limited effects on the living world, but you could do a few tricks here and there. So why not give Light a taste of his own medicine?

You started small, making a creak in the night and turning the lights off. Things he would just shrug off after a moment if confusion. Then you moved onto making ghostly moans, knocking books off shelves, slamming doors. All the typical ghost things. He started to get a bit on edge at that point, and his looks of dread when he heard you go bump in the night made you smile. But now, you were going full poltergeist on him. After he had the audacity to try and beat up L AGAIN.

It was the perfect chance to strike, make him look crazy. He sat around a table with the rest of the taskforce, all of them working on tracking down the yotsuba Kira. Your first move? Brushing against the back of his neck.

You dragged your cold fingers across him, making him squirm and touch the back of his neck to feel what it was. Although he was met with nothing as usual. He looked around, seeing nothing and just turned back to his computer.

That was always the method, have him not think too much of it and slowly amp up the hunting until he's terrified.

You waited a little until he seemed to have forgotten about it, before leaning into his ear and whispering to him.

"I know what you are" you muttered.

He jumped, looked around and again was met with nothing. Nothing that he could see anyway. You giggled at his reaction, and he seemed to hear that too because he perked up and looked around again.

"You good light?" Matsuda asked, noticing his confusion.

"Oh... yeah, just thought I heard something" Light replied.

Floating over to L, you checked up on him and his work. He was looking through case files of the recent victims looking for connections. He hadn't noticed your presence yet, even though you made the air cold wherever you went. You'd never hurt L, only Light. In fact you protected L. Anytime something was going to fall or spill on him you'd knock it out of the way. Anytime he was about to trip you'd push him back up before he could. You had a feeling he knew there was an entity in the taskforce, but he had no idea it was you or what you were.

Ready to amp the haunting up again, you floated over to the nearest door and grabbed the handle. Pushing it as hard as you can, it made a loud bang as it slammed. The whole taskforce looked up and over at the door. They all shrugged it off, thinking it was the wind from the open windows. But Light was more on edge, he'd already felt a cold touch and heard a whisper after all...

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now