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A/n: this is kind of a follow up bonus to case file L Lawliet. You don't have to read it to understand this but you do need to know the plot of L change the world.

You finally felt as though things were back to normal after the absolute mess that was the blue ship case. It'd been a while now, your lives post blue ship were starting to look as normal as pre-blue ship. Well as normal as life could be for you and L. But there was one difference, L was tired.

For once he was worn out. Usually he'd be awake for days on end doing his cases but after everything that happened he needed a rest. He'd been sleeping a lot more, which you were glad about because he needed more sleep. And you didn't mind taking over some cases for a while so he could get some rest.

So the roles has swapped for once, he was the one asleep in your room and you were the one up in the study room cleaning up some loose ends on the latest case. The orphanage was silent, all the kids asleep and it was a calm night. The only light on was the computer in front of you and the staff room down the hall. The rest of the orphanage lay in darkness.

So you almost had a heart attack when you saw something move in the darkness for a split second before releasing it was one of the kids awake past bedtime. Getting up from your desk you approached the door to see who it was.

"Maki?" You mumbled to yourself, watching her round the corner with her teddy in hand.

What was she doing up so late? And on this end of the orphanage? You went to follow her only to find her slip into your room through the small opening in the door. She was probably looking for you and assumed you'd be in your room and not the study room. You were about to open the door and ask her what was wrong, but you overheard the beginning of a conversation.

"It's late Maki, what's wrong?" 

She'd gone to L instead, woken him for something.

"I keep having nightmares... about my dad" she replied.

Well... the poor girl did watch her dad die right in front of her. You weren't surprised she's having nightmares.

"Unfortunately that's normal after you've been through something traumatic. I used to get nightmares about my parents all the time" L said.

"Did your parents die to?"

"I don't know if they're still alive or not. They weren't good people, they abandoned me a bit younger than you"

You decided not to intrude, as the two traumatised orphans could use the bonding moment. Makis wounds were still pretty fresh, and since L was older and more healed it made sense she'd go to him for help. Especially since he'd been taking care of her since the day her dad died.

"Do you still get nightmares? Will I be stuck like this forever?" She asked.

"Not forever. Sometimes you might have a bad night and tell come back, but for the most part they go away as you get older and heal more" L replied.

Maki leaned into L's shoulder, clutching her teddy tight.

"I miss my mum... and my dad" she sniffled.

"I know, you shouldn't have seen what you did. They shouldn't have been taken from you. But I promise you that as you get older it'll get a lot easier. I mean look at me I'm basically a fossil and I'm still around doing a lot better" L said.

"You're only 23 how are you a fossil?" Maki snickered.

"Look my joints are that of an 83 year old ok?"

You wanted to snicker at his dumb humour too, but didn't want to ruin the moment. L had been such a big part in raising the boys, and now he was taking on the same role for Maki. You were so proud of L for becoming what his parents never were, these children may now be his but he's raising them into amazing people.

You were so lucky to have him.

"Can I stay here..? I don't want to have another nightmare. And when I slept on your chest listening to your heart beat at the Internet cafe in Japan I didn't have any nightmares" Maki asked.

"Yeah, ok. Funny that I like to listen to (y/n)a heart beat after nightmares too" L replied.

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yeah... I do"

You smiled behind the door, liking that even when you weren't around he still thought of you and kept you dear to him. And he was right as well, it was common for him to sleep on your chest to listen to your heart beating. It was comforting in a way, and you'd gotten used to his weight on your chest you couldn't sleep without it nowadays.

"One day I want to have what you and (y/n) have. You remind me of mum and dad sometimes" Maki said.

"You'll find someone one day. Maybe when you're a bit older, there's someone out there for everyone. If I somehow managed to get the angel that is (y/n), then you can absolutely find someone just as good" L replied.

"Thanks L... you've gotten better at emotions"

You remembered that conversation on the bikes in Japan, when Maki roasted L for being bad at emotions. She wasn't wrong, L wasn't good at expressing himself to new people. But now he'd created a bond with Maki, he was a lot better at it. You knew he would be, it's exactly how he was with you as a kid. It took time but he got there.

"You can't roast me anymore" L said.

"I'll still find a way to roast you panda man" Maki sassed.

"Yeah yeah, it's way past lights out. Go to sleep"

"I know, thank you... and goodnight L"

"Goodnight Maki"

You'd let them sleep while you finished your work for the night, and squeeze into bed a bit later so you wouldn't wake them. But you couldn't help but feel so proud of L for how far he'd come and how well he can handle these situations now.

They say that fathers are protective of their first born daughter, and Maki may not be L's first born daughter. But she was the first girl he'd ever help to raise, you swore on everything holy he had that protective instinct over her.

A few hours of work later and you were done for the night, you packed up the files and turned off the computer. Tired and eager for some sleep. When you opened the door to your room you found L half asleep with the blankets kicked half off. Maki passed out on his chest with her teddy. One of his hands protectively on her back.

It was a sweet sight.

Quietly as to not wake them you got into your side of the bed, ready for some well earned sleep.

"Go ahead say it" L's tired voice spoke up.

He knew you too well.

"I'm proud of you" you said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you. But just so you know when she's old enough for the talk I'm leaving that to you"

You were basically parents now, you'd definitely be the ones to do that. The wammys staff would probably make you...

"Fair enough, you have to do the boys though. ALL of them" you said.

He didn't think of that, all 4 boys. That would be an experience... in his sleepy state he could only muster up one very unenthusiastic response.


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