Multiverse part 3

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A/n: 100th chapter of this oneshot collection wooo! The chapter limit is 200 so we still got a long way to go. Don't worry. This AU has a lot of potential, may make it into a full story tbh.

L wasn't a religious person, he never had been. But the events of kira had made him somewhat spiritual, he knew shinigami existed, and his encounters with you proved there was a multiverse. So he was much more open to the possibility of magic and the supernatural, although he always looked for a scientific explanation first.

It took some work, but with his newfound knowledge he was able to finally end the Kira case... a whole year later. Getting evidence without revealing you have inside knowledge from a supernatural being was a lot more difficult than he first thought it turned out. And you had been watching the whole time to make sure all worked out, and that Kira didn't fuck this universe up.

You'd been checking in on other Kira timelines too, the once's you couldn't change. Ones where he was caught right away, ones where the successors caught him, ones where he won. There were many universes Kira existed in and for every possible outcome there was a universe. You couldn't interfere with those ones, the only reason you did with this universe is because L wasn't meant to die in that timeline. There was already a universe where that happened, and there couldn't be two with the same cataclysmic events.

L was a very interesting person, and you'd admit you did a bit of digging into him and other universe versions of him. In most universes, he was always the world's greatest detective. There was one where he had a normal family and ended up with a normal life, but that universes version of him seemed pretty depressed. L seemed to be the kind of person that needed mental stimulation, like being a detective. It was his calling. There was a universe where he was a girl, one where he was trans, one where he was the biological father of his successors, one where he was born in Japan rather than England. Endless possibilities.

But the version of L you encountered remained the most interesting, you couldn't stop watching him. Even when the Kira case ended.

Over the year it took him to solve the case, he fell into a bit of a existential crisis. Now knowing that a multiverse and gods existed, the supernatural was real. He was content knowing there was stuff he'd never get to know or understand, but the feeling of being watched by who knows what entities was starting to get to him. So after a year since he last saw you, he decided to try a shot in the dark.

"Hey uh... (y/n). If you're watching me right now can I come see you? I have some questions..." he asked, speaking to the air in his empty room hoping you were still watching.

It was silent a moment while he waited for something to happen, and then he blinked. And he was back in the place he'd found himself when he almost died. You were watching several universes on a split screen, including his.

"Howdy" you said.

"So you are still watching me? Even though the case is over?" He asked.

"Yep. I just wanted to be sure nothing backfired. I can stop if you want"

"No no, it's just..."

He seemed a bit lost, and it dawned on you that a human encountering someone like you was so rare it must have really given him a mental brain fry.

"Damn, did I make you all existential? Sorry man. I just had to make sure you didn't die you know? Guess I panicked and pulling you in here was the first thing I thought to do" you said.

"Admittedly I am a bit existential. But that would have happened anyway, shinigami exist too and I found out about them way earlier than I did you" he replied.

"True, other you's have had the same reaction to finding out about shinigami"

Other hims... that's something that made him kind of brain twisted too. There were other versions of him, that were born exactly the same and some born different. He recalled seeing the female him when he last saw you, it made him wonder what her life was life compared to his.

"I just... I guess I want to know one thing. I'm content with not knowing about most of the multiverse and such, that's stuff I'd never be able to comprehend. But there is one thing..." he began.

"Shoot" you replied.

"You... you've been on my mind since I first met you. You said you're not a god but an entity? What exactly... is that?"

Ah, you should have known. Reactions like this weren't uncommon among your kind.

"Well, there's a bunch of entities, all of them have different jobs to maintain the universes. Mine just happens to be keeping watch and making sure disasters don't happen when they aren't meant to.... You know what? Explain to me what I look like in your eyes" you began.

L looked you up and down, taking in your features.

"You're about this tall" he began, gesturing to your height he saw.

"Damn, short. Well, not to you. But to me, sorry continue-" you cut in.

"You have (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair... you're (gender) or at least you look like it. You're wearing what looks kind of like pyjamas, you're pretty human looking. Although there's definitely something off about you, I don't know what it is but you seem inhuman..."

Interesting, no one had ever seen you looking human before. Then again, the other people you've encountered weren't human either.

"All of that, that's how your brain comprehends my energy. I don't actually look like that, I'm kind of... I don't know how to explain it to a human... I'm... a big shadow of energy I guess? I have no physical body, but to your human eyes it seems like I have one. You could reach out and touch me, I'd feel it. But you wouldn't be touching a human" you explained.

Curiously, L reached out and out a hand on your shoulder. You let him, you understood his curiosity. You could feel the warmth of his hand, and he could feel what felt just like a persons shoulder. Although it tingled a bit, like touching an old TV and feeling the static electricity on the screen.

"You look so... like a person..." he muttered.

"I am in a way. I have a name, a personality, likes and dislikes. But I'm not a human, I just... am. I don't know how to explain it in a way a human would fully understand I'm sorry. But know this much, I'm not a god nor am I a ruler or any kind. You can pray to me but nothing will happen, I don't need to be worshipped or sacrificed to. I simply do my job, I fix the stray threads of the universe. Weather it causes order or chaos is beyond my control, I do what I have to" you replied.

"You're... indifferent" he said.


He was silent a moment, he understood a bit more now. Although he accepted he would probably never fully understand. He was only human, you were... more. He was given a once in a lifetime chance to meet you, to know you existed. And he just had to live with that knowledge now, but at least he got that wish out of it and was able to ensure that his loved ones in his universe would be safe until their natural death of old age.

"You've given me a lot to think about" he said.

"I'm sure I have. Maybe one day, you'll find the words to describe it all"

"I hope I do, although I'm content with not knowing everything"

"Good. That's what the downfall of so many humans is. The need to know what can't be understood" you replied.

No matter the universe, or the events that happen within it, there was one thing L knew for 100% certain. He was the luckiest human alive to have met you, and he'd never, ever forget you.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt