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Tw: stalking.
As someone who has been stalked (although to a much lesser extent than this) I know how terrifying it can be so if you experience paranoia, skip this oneshot for your own good.

You'd think being a detective, you'd be the kind of person that avoids trouble outside of the job. But not in your case. You'd hoped that as you went though law school things would blow over, but to this day you lived your life on the edge of your seat.

You had a stalker.

You knew who they were, although you'd never spoken a word to them before. It was someone from your class back in law school, they'd been harassing you for years now. Knowing full well you were a detective and had the authority to arrest him, you'd tried to multiple times too but they just kept evading you. Just out of reach, but close enough to scare you into fearing your safety.

And then, you got the job opportunity of a life time. Working under the worlds greatest detective, L himself. You'd felt alone safer since you began working with him, he took security very very seriously and no one but the taskforce would be getting into the building without a million alarms going off. But the fear was still in the back of your mind, and a few months after being hired, you finally opened up to him.

"A stalker?" He questioned.

"I know who they are, but I've never even spoken to them. They were in my class in law school and always followed me around campus. Then they started calling me, leaving messages, finding my online profiles... I see them out and about sometimes and I'm sure they're following me still. I've done everything I can, wiped my digital footprint, installed security cameras, told my friends and family that if anything happens to me it's likely them. But they'd been out of reach just enough that I can't arrest them" you explained.

L looked rather unimpressed, he knew the horror of stalking cases, he'd worked on a lot of them. It was that horrible grey area where an arrest is hard to make, but the threat is very real and affects the victim for the rest of their life.

"Do you have any idea why they're obsessed with you?" He asked.

"No idea... I've never even spoken to them..." you replied.

He turned to his computer, pulling up the security system.

"Give me any details you know, I'll make sure they don't get anywhere near this place..."

That night L put all the details you had in the guy into the system, including photos from the stalkers social media so if the cameras identified their face the alarm would trigger. It definitely made you feel a lot safer staying at taskforce HQ. But there was still the fact you had to leave the house sometimes, and when you're out in the open you're still at risk. Disclosing this information to L was definitely the right thing to do, because using the little information you did have he was able to track the stalker down and found out even more information on them.

The trouble was that in order to perform an arrest, they had to do something to cause you harm. Something that put you at risk of being hurt. That was the annoying thing about stalker laws, the situation had to be extreme to perform an arrest. But that completely undermined the stress and fear of lesser cases, they were still a horrible thing to go through.

Stalkers usually stalk for power, vengeance or a sick fantasy. L was sure that your stalker was doing it for power, and they likely had a massive ego and thought they were above others. Reminded him of a certain Kira suspect to be honest...

But the more he found out about your situation, the more worried he got. He'd already gone full protection on the taskforce for the case, with fake IDs, trackers and emergency codes. But he'd gone as far as to give you self defence weapons, a safety alarm key ring for your keys, pepper spray and as much protection as he could think of.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now