My full L head canons!

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Alright I've been writing L content for literally 8 years now, some long gone because it was bad but I have close to 2000 chapters on him so safe to say I've kind of developed him in my fanfics.

So I figured I'd give you all my permanent head canons on him. The ones that stay the same throughout all my fics even if it's an AU. Most of them are based off something to do with him in canon because I like keeping characters as close to canon as possible.

Let's go.

-he's a cis man, he/him. But since he's canonly crossdressed for cases he couldn't care less about gender roles or expression. Feels fine as a man but doesn't care if he has to be a girl or androgynous person for cases. Therefore, he's all for LGBT rights as it'd be pretty hypocritical of him to be walking around in drag and not be cool with its origins. Also discrimination is just bad anyway.

-sexuality is unlabelled because he doesn't feel the need for anything and never really goes out seeking relationships anyway. Not that he doesn't want one, he'd love one. He's just too busy and his job is too dangerous. Basically as long as he has a deep connection with the person and 100% trusts them he may be able to fall for them. Has had plenty of crushes on fictional characters and celebrities though. His first being Morticia Addams as a teenager who saw the movie for the first time.

-his mental diagnosis is CPTSD, stemming from his life before wammys and the added pressures of being a detective at a really young age. He's been though a lot. CPTSD also causes co-morbid disorders so there's every chance he has some other issues that have flown under the radar

-his physical diagnoses are Insomnia, mild scoliosis and anaemia. His eating habits aren't great which leads to a lack of iron, his sleeping habits aren't great bc CPTSD and he was just born with a bit of a squiggly spine.

-he was orphaned due to abandonment. His birth parents were toxic to one another and as a result took it out on him. Having health problems didn't help his case either so they just treated him like trash and eventually decided to straight up leave him. They took him out shopping one day, told him to wait by the doors and never came back. They planned it, fleeing the country to avoid child abuse charges and too this day he has no idea where they went or even if they still alive. He doesn't want anything to do with them, but if they ever did show up again he'd arrest the shit out of them.

-favourite food is strawberry shortcake (it's the one that shows up the most in the show so it's kinda canon)

-favourite tea is black tea with way too much sugar (also the kind he drinks the most in canon)

-owns shorter sleeved versions of his usual outfit for when he's in a country that's super hot and he'd die of heatstroke if he wore his usual clothes. Watari makes his pale ass out on shit loads of sunscreen.

-since he's canonly mixed European-Japanese raised in England, I imagine he had a balance of features from both sides that make it very clear he's mixed. (Judging by the way he's drawn) he's got the classic black Japanese hair, a more prominent European nose, pretty fair skinned (I mean come on look at his pale he is). Eyes the classic dark colour that's common in Japanese decent and the eye shape is kind of a mix of both European and Japanese. Basically he looks very mixed, you can tell just by looking at him. It's a pretty 50-50 balance of features.

-not religious, superstitious or a tin foil hat alien dude, but knowing that shinigami exist he's willing to believe in something if he can see cold hard evidence of it.

-has a couple of scars scattered his body. Some from just being a clumsy child, some from getting into fights in cases, some from his childhood abuse. None are too big, but you can notice them if he's not wearing his long sleeves.

-hair is actually pretty soft and long, but because it's so fluffy it puffs up and looks shorter.

-he's canonly not that great at socialising (same) but he CAN read peoples body language. It's a detective skill, so he can tell when he's accidentally overstepped a boundary or something based on the persons shift in body language. That's how he knows if he's messed up or not, and when to apologise.

-can sing really good (have y'all HEARD is VA? I mean damn)

-canonly knows 6 languages. But the only three we know for sure is English, Japanese and Mandarin. I guess the other 3 are French (bc that's one of the things he'd mixed with), Italian and german (maybe Korean).

Also Damn this man learnt 6 language and one of them is mandarin which is famously hard to learn? Go L.

-most cases he picks are ones he find challenging, interesting and fun. But if there's a particularly dangerous or bad case that desperately needs to be solved he'll do it even if he's not super interested. Just so justice can be served.

-believes in the death penalty but only for the worst of the worst (canonly wanted Kira sentenced to death). So Kira type cases where thousands die, anyone that harms children, serial killers, abusers and SAer. Those are the scum of the earth criminals who can't be redeemed and the only ones that should die after a fair trial. For the safety of those around them and a fair punishment for a crime that bad.

BONUS (NSFW one lol)

-sub. Man's just wants to relax and let someone else take the lead for once. Like he'a gotta lead all those cases and then lead in the no pants dance as well? Nah he'll let you take over this time, do your worst make him your bitch. Just be sure to give him a big old cuddle afterwards.
(Fun fact, it's actually common for people in super powerful positions like CEOS and stuff to be subs, because having power can be exhausting sometimes)

Allllrrrrighty that my list of permanent L head canons. That's how I've write him and just view him in general. Across all my works this is the base I stick to, that's why he pretty consistent among all my books, only really changing small
fit go fit the plot. I've got some oneshots lined up, don't worry. I'm just over in my other book writing no words needed rn. Which is going pretty well and y'all seem to like this mute!L AU. If you haven't seen it already go give it a read.

And I'll see you in the next oneshot baybee.

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