A profile on L from a veteran stan

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Alright. Along with oneshots my analysis's on L are back too. In this post I'll list all basic CANON info on L and then all the ALLUDED canon stuff I've come to the conclusion of in my 7 years of an ADHD induced hyper fixation on him.

This will be like a 'come to this post when you need details on L for a fic or project' checkpoint.

Ok let's go.


Name: L Lawliet
(Japanese characters translate to Roraito, which yes is lowlight. BUT in western pronunciation law-lee-et, is also correct)

Age: 24-5 in the Kira timeline.

Birthday: 31/10 (year depends on anime or manga timeline, manga it's 1978, in anime 1982)

Height: 5.10" (179cm)

Weight: 50kg (boy is 22kg underweight)

Sex: male (cis)

Pronouns: he/him

Ethnicity: mixed (Japanese, English, Russian, French or Italian) although the main ones seem to be Japanese and English.

Born and raised: Winchester England, Wammys house orphanage for gifted children.

Family: unknown alluded as abusive parents, no known siblings, Watari is his foster dad figure and caretaker.

Successors: A, Beyond Birthday, Near (Nate River), Mello (Mihael Keehl), Matt (Mail Jeevas)
Note* Matt is said to be ranked under Near and Mello in wammys. So he COULD be a successor but it's never stated outright, the fandom just accepts him as one though. Mello and Near were originally written to be L's biological kids but it was ditched.

Health problems: canonical insomnia, and posture/weight issues.

Mental health: the only CANONICAL thing we know for sure is depression because he says it himself while in a depressive episode.

The alluded.
This is all the stuff that isn't explicitly canon or not canon, but he'd been coded or hinted at it. So everything is open to interpretation, but all these listed are the most likely in the canon context. Doesn't mean you can't have fun with HCs and AUs.

Sexuality: Straight. DN has no time or bother for things like sexuality so the authors likely defaulted to cis/het for everyone (expect rem she literally fell for misa). Although it's arguable weather or not Near is Non-binary coded.

Health problems: of the alluded things, it's up for speculation if his diet causes things like anemia and vitamin deficiency's. But realistically he would absolutely have them. And he'd probably be pretty cold all the time so if he did have those.

Mental health: ah yes the one the fandom tears each other apart over. He's heavily coded to have PTSD from his childhood (I did a whole analysis power point on it) and there's hints of neurodivergency in there, most people point to Aspergers but ND disorders are VERY hard to diagnose sometimes because symptoms are so similar and can cause OTHER disorders. (I should know, I was mis-diagnosed with Aspergers only for it to actually be ADHD) so it could be ANY ND disorder mixed in with a lot of trauma (trauma disorders and ND disorders have very similar symptoms sometimes). We don't see enough of his past to examine his behaviour as a child/teen to make a certain diagnosis.
But in the canon context, PTSD is almost certain and there's SOMETHING ND possibly in there but it's unclear which one, HC all you want which one it is. But in canonical context it's out in the open.

Triggers: he shows a negative reaction to raised voices and violent grabs as seen in the scene were Aizawa yells at and grabs him resulting in him trembling and tightly bracing himself. Weather that was a potential panic attack or something else is unclear.

Tbh might make an extended version of my PTSD analysis because I've noticed some more things. I will DIE on the 'abandoned in the snow' theory hill and I could go on for AGES backing it up with canon evidence.

When he became a detective: we know he came to wammys at 8ish in canon. And his first case we get the details of in the timeline is LABB where he's 22. All we got in canon was the phrase 'at an unknown young age'. So we can guess that maybe 10-15 was the age range he became L, it's young enough and gives time for him to become world renowned like he is in LABB at age 22.

Morals: we know for sure he's morally grey, but that's it. He thinks his justice is right, and only solves cases he takes personal interest in (or if an organisation practically grabs his neck and drags him into it) whatever his morals are they oppose kiras, but it's all up in the air. But we know for sure he's a morally grey coded character as the 'good guy antagonist' against Lights 'Anti-hero protagonist'

Right, that's everything that's canon and 'almost-canon'. That's relevant to writing fics/ making fan projects that is. There's other tiny details like him tying cherry stems in a knot with his mouth and him hating ringing phones while he's talking, but they don't affect the story greatly. (Unless it's a lemon, then the cherry thing DEFS does).

All the alluded/almost-canon stuff, while it's open for debate, that's the coding rooted in canon. I've been obsessed with him for so long at this point I'm pretty 100% confident I've got him down almost completely accurate. Like I've consumed every canon media with him in it I'm basically a catalog of L info. Got a canon detail? I know it. Got a fan theory? I know it. Want a head canon? I've got fuck tons.

Well that's all for this bite sized analysis, and L info catalog. If you wanna read about my PTSD analysis, here's the link:
Ffs I hope it works and doesn't dead end like last time,,,


That's all for now. Sorry if this was boring I just like info dumping and analysing L.

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