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On the corner of the shopping strip, there was a power outlet free to use for the public. This was usually where people would find buskers who were able to plug in their equipment. It was hit or miss being a busker, some people would stop to listen, some would simply walk by with not a single glance. Occasionally you'd get some change tossed into your guitar case as a helping hand to fund your dreams.

You'd been to this spot a few times, and it was a rather busy place which meant lots of potential people to stop and listen. Each time you'd performed there, you'd gotten a decent reaction. Today though, you were hoping for a miracle. After years of work you'd completed your first album completely independently, all recorded yourself using your own equipment. So while it was far from professional, it was good enough for a first indie album.

But the more people who heard your music and spread it around, the more you'd be able to afford better equipment and maybe even get picked up for a record label.

You had your guitar, which had been customised over the many years you'd had it with stickers. Your amp and mic, CD player for backing tracks. And in a box by your feet was a stack of CDs, just in case some kind stranger wanted to buy one. Your guitar case open, a paper sign reading 'thank you for the support!' And your website domain taped to it.

It'd been a few hours of you busking now, cycling through your own songs and a few covers as people passed by, some stopping to listen or toss a coin or two into your guitar case.

In all honesty you weren't expecting much from the day, as it was playing out fairly normal. The same as the last time you busked, and the time before that. Although you did notice one thing.

There was one person who hadn't moved in ages now. As people stopped to watch and walked by, they only stayed for a few minutes before going on with their day. But this man, he was just sitting on the bench nearby and listening. Well... more like curled up on the bench. At first he had a cake packed full of whipped cream that he'd stopped to eat, so you didn't expect him to sit and stay this whole time. You thought he'd have his snack and move on like everyone else.

But no, he'd been listing to you for hours now.

You appreciated it, he wasn't hanging around in a creepy way like some of the other people you'd unfortunately encountered before. He just sat, listened and every so often looked over to see what was going on.

He had a particular look to him you couldn't quite describe. He was tall, had fluffy black hair and dark eyebags. His clothes a bit too big for him, making him look cosy and soft. Funny enough he also had several nails painted, but not all of them. Like someone has used him as a tester to annoy him.

This guy definitely caught your attention, he was oddly charming and it wasn't often someone stopped to listen for this long. So you figured why not grab his attention, talk to him. And you had the perfect way to do that.

By pure chance, he was wearing the same outfit that you described in one of your songs. Blue jeans and a white shirt. Maybe that would catch his attention.

There were a few other people standing around watching you as you adjusted your guitar, hit play on the CD player and plucked your pick against the wires.

"Blue jeans, white shirt. Walked into the room you know you make my eyes burn"

As you thought, he picked up his head and looked over. Only to be met with your eyes gazing right at him, telling him that yes, you did pick that song to grab his attention. He listened eagerly, the song unraveling to reveal it was a tragic love song.

"I will love you till the end of time, I would wait a million years. Promise you'll remember that you're mine, baby can you see through the tears?"

You heard someone toss a coin into your guitar case as yet walked past, but you were too focused on the reaction of the oddly charming guy. He got up, joining the small crowd standing around you to get closer.

"Love you more than those bitches before, say you'll remember. Oh baby say you'll remember, oh baby ooh. I will love you till the end of time"

It was almost like he was in a trance, as if you were a siren luring him in with your deadly voice. He'd never been in love before, but your voice singing that tragic love story threatened to make him fall right then and there. This song was one of your favourites as well, as it came from the desire for love to stay forever rather than end in tragedy. By expressing how much love hurt, and how you wished it didn't, you hoped people who listened would try to be more gentle with love.

When the song finished, the small crowd of around 10 people clapped for you. A few adding a coin or two into your guitar case. One by one leaving to continue their days and allow for new people to walk by and listen. But the oddly charming man, he stayed. He was smart, he knew you'd lured him over for some reason.

"You picked a good day to wear blue jeans and I white shirt. I have a whole song for it" you teased.

"You really are incredible, with such sheer talent I'm surprised a company hasn't picked you up yet" the man replied.

"Unfortunately most companies want radio friendly pop. Not the mix of sounds I make"

"Radio companies don't know good music apparently"

You wanted to thank him for actually taking the time to listen for as long as he had, so you reached into your box and grabbed a copy of your album, inside it a business card and the CD.

"Thanks for staying for so long by the way, I've noticed you listening" you said.

"I'm usually here for the French bakery, you were a nice surprise" he replied.

Handing him the album, he cracked a smile as he took it seeing the cover art and clear care put into it. He flipped it over to the back to look over the track list and spotted the song titled blue jeans in the middle of the list, the one you'd used to lure him over.

"You know... I do know someone who might be able to get you into a label. My uh... coworkers girlfriend is also a musician" he said.

"Oh? Well if you could pass on the business card that'd be a major help" you replied.

"I think she'll like this style of music. She's into the whole tragic love story thing"

Maybe you could get something even better out of this? A cool new fan was one thing, but a potential record deal was like a double package.

"Oh yeah, what's your name by the way? I'd introduce myself but my names already on the album" you said.

"...Ryuzaki. Honestly (y/n), I think you'll go places. Especially with that voice of yours" he replied.

"Thanks. Maybe you'll be the reason I get a record deal"

"Oh, I'll make sure you will"

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now