Multiverse part 2

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L had done well, thanks to you snatching him away from death right before his heart stopped, he was able to prevent the second Kira from ever happing. All he had to do was stop that attacker from coming at Misa, and thanks to your intervention placing him back in time to fix the timeline, was able to divert the two away from each other by simply changing the direction of a road sign.

His death was prevented, the second death note dropping was prevented, his dads death was prevented, the entire yotsuba Kira arc was prevented. But, he still had to stop Light. Although now he had the knowledge from the future he prevented, he knew what a death note was, what shinigami were and how the heart attack deaths worked. Of course, he couldn't really tell anyone that, no one would believe him if he said a higher being took him away from his death and had him re-work the timeline. But he could take that knowledge and use it to catch out Light as Kira.

A couple of days after successfully preventing Misa from ever getting involved, he found himself back in your safe zone. All he did was blink, just like before and he was suddenly out of the hotel room and right in front of you.

"Good job man, I did some thinking about all this and there's one more thing I want you to known before I send you back out into the rest of your life" you said.

As if he'd pass up the chance for knowledge like this.

"I'm listening" he replied.

"Since you're technically a visitor here even if I was the one that pulled you in, you get a wish. All visitors get a wish. But! Before you go wishing for Kira to never happen-" you began.

He'd just opened his mouth to wish just that, but he closed it again when he heard that last part, he had a feeling there was a catch.

"There's two kinds of wishes. One that warps a current universe, and one that creates an entirely new one. There's a universe out there for every possibility, every decision made. There's one where Kira never happened, one here Kira wins, one where you were never born, one where you're a girl, literally anything" you continued.

"Now you have me thinking what I'd look like as a girl..." L muttered.

"Wanna see?"

Flicking through some buttons on your keyboard, you pulled that universe on the screen wall. Female L was sitting in her office surrounded by scattered case files, clearly trying to solve something. Her hair was the same black and fluffy but much longer, her features were softer, clothes the same but they fit a little more snug on the waist.

"Oh wow... that does look like me. Like a twin sister or something..." L said.

"Yep, there's a universe for everything. But if you made a wish that Kira never happened, that'd just place you into a universe where that's the case. Kira would still exist in your universe. You have to be very specific with wishes, or they can backfire on you" you explained.

"So I'd want to make a wish that warps my universe. Not creates a new one or places me into another one"


L thought for a moment, unsure how to word things to get the results he wanted. If he wishes 'Kira never happened' it'd just create a universe where Kira wasn't a thing and his universe would still suffer a Kira. If he said something like 'I wish light never picked up the death note' then someone else would pick it up instead.

"Is there a way to prevent Kira in this universe at all?" He asked.

"I'm honestly not sure. There's imitation to my power, some things can't be changed. Theoretically with the right wording it's possible, but I don't know what that wording is" you replied.

Did L wasn't to risk it? Sure he could potentially get the wording right and prevent Kira from ever happening. But if he got it wrong he could accidentally create a new universe, or cause a buttery effect in his current universe that would just lead to Kira bit in a different font. Not Light, but someone else.

He could say 'I wish the death note was never dropped' which would definitely do the trick. But that wouldn't stop death notes from being dropped forever. The shinigami who dropped it could easily drop a different one in a different spot, at a different time. No matter how hard L thought about it, he couldn't find the wording that'd stop Kira without there being a catch. It seemed this was something the universe just wanted to happen.

"I don't want to risk anything, I'll catch him myself. Even though it means many lives sacrificed, if I wish wrong it could make a worse mess than Kira" L said.

"Fair enough, there is risk with wishing. You still have that wish though, you can wish for something else" you replied.

Was there anything he wanted? Anything that wouldn't mess up his universe's timeline or create a whole new one? He'd have to be specific about it too. He'd probably never get to see you again in this life after this, so he needed to be precise. Something that would effect his universe and not any others, something that would do good for the world. Then it dawned on him, he knew what he was going to wish for.

"I wish for my father and successors to continue living a long and healthy life" he said.

"Really? You don't want to use the wish on yourself? I mean that's really kind of you, but you only get one chance for this remember?" You asked.

"Yes. I don't care if I die young as long as it's not to Kira. But my loved ones deserve that long prosperous life, they're the only people I've ever had"

It wasn't often you'd see someone wish for another person. In fact, you can't even remember the last time that happened. The fact L was willing to give up his own chance at an ensured long and happy life for the sake of his loved ones told you a lot about him. L was definitely a unique and very selfless person.

"Alright, I can work with that. It's very noble of you to give up your wish for someone else" you said.

"You give me a second chance at life basically, they deserve that same kindness" L replied.

You gave him a smile, what a truly interesting person he was.

"Consider it done then" you said.

"Before you grant it and drop me back in my world, one more thing" he replied.


"Will I ever see you again?"

Truth be told, you had no idea. Maybe you would, maybe you'd see him in another form. Maybe girl L will show up one day.

"Who knows, maybe. But it was wonderful getting to meet you anyway" you smiled.

L was content with that. He'd prevented his death, his fathers death, Misa and the second Kira and now he had the knowledge to catch Light. Not to mention his successors are going to be living long and healthy lives for sure now. And you... you were one of the most interesting people L had ever had the privilege to come across. Truly a mind blowing experience. He gave you a smile, one you admittedly found very cute.

"It was a privilege to know you too, I hope one day, we meet again"

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora