Lured in Part 2

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A/n: me being self indulgent as FUCK and making more follow ups to lured? Because siren L supremacy? Yes. At this point it's basically a short story

The taskforce always thought L was a bit weird, like the way he sat, the sweets addiction, the fingerless gloves he always wore?

What's was up with all that.

Not to mention he looked a little... off. Not that he looked bad, but slightly non human. They couldn't really describe it but something about L was always off. Only you knew the reason why, him being a siren. And the fact he vanished every night at around the same time always confused them, since he was so hard on working diligently on the case and then just ran off at around 8.

Something was weird about him.

You'd always wondered how the hell he found sleeping in water comfortable but then again, he was a siren. Although him having to sleep in water always made you a little lonely in bed all by yourself. Occasionally he'd skip on the water and snuggle up with you, tail hanging half off the bed all night, but he needed water more often than not so that was a little treat that happened every so often.

"You know you should really get better at telling the time. You've been on land for years" you sighed, kicking the door to your room open carrying L and his long ass tail in.

"This case has made all time seem like it doesn't exist ok? I'm trying" he replied.

Closing the door behind you, you dropped him on the bed. His tail made him heavy and you had to catch your breath for a moment. Why did he have to loose track of time and transom in the middle of the hallway all the time? Light almost caught him last time.

"Alright, pool?" You asked.

"No I'm cold tonight. I can live without water a little longer as long as I take a bath tomorrow morning" L replied.

Cuddles? Finally! That was the only downside to dating a siren, no cuddles when he's in the water all night. He didn't have to tell you twice, you tackled him back into the pillows giving him an affectionate squeeze.

"Humans are so affectionate, you know? You're always all over me" he replied.

"And sirens aren't? They make whole love songs for their partners!" You replied.

"Yes but you humans are so touchy, always hugging and holding hands. It's like how otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift apart. You're like an otter"

"Well otters are cute so I'll take that compliment"

Before you were to go to sleep for the night you had to get ready for bed, so you changed into your pyjamas and put the pearl necklace L had given you when you met on your bedside table before snuggling up with your siren boy. His tail wrapped around you trapping you in a grip of love, arms clutched around your shoulders.

"I'm touchy?" You teased.

"It's so cold! You're warm. I'm not used to the cold I'm a shallow water siren not a deep sea one. Although having bioluminescence would be cool..." He replied.

Before you could even think about falling asleep together, you heard a knock on the door and almost had a heart attack.

"Hey (y/n)! Can I come in?"

Shit, it was Misa.

"Uh- JUST A SECOND-" you called back.

You slithered out of L's grip much to both your disappointment, getting up and racking your brain for what to do. Throw L in the pool outside? Hide him under the blankets.

"What do I do?" You whispered.

"I don't know!" L whispered back.

This whole working with other people thing had strings attached...

Panicking, you tossed the blankets over his tail and tucked it all under. Telling him to just pretend to be asleep. It was... out of character for L to sleep but it'd have to do. When you opened the door you found Misa holding a washing basket, and you immediately knew what she was here for.

"Our stuff for mixed up again" she said.

"Seriously? Ugh why did we agree to take turns dosing the washing when no one can tell our stuff apart. You'd think style would play into it" you complained.

"I know, can I grab my stuff from yours and you grab your stuff from mine?"

"Uh... sure just don't wake up L..."

Your adrenaline spiked when Misa looked over your shoulder finding what she thought was just L sleeping... you know like a normal human.

"Damn... never seen him sleep. Weird" Misa commented.

You wanted this over as quickly as possible and ushered her in to get the laundry swap over and done with. It was truly astonishing how much could get mixed up sometimes. Just because you're the only feminine ones in taskforce doesn't automatically mean you share each others clothes or something...

"What's up with L always being so strict about bedtime routines?" Misa asked, grabbing clothes from the basket.

"He's just... watching his sleep disorders. Making sure they're in check you know?" You replied.

"Ah, makes sense. I'd hate not being able to sleep EVERY time I went to bed"

You looked over Misas shoulder, spotting L gesturing for you to hurry up. You gave him knowing eyes and tried to speed things up. But, it was no use and what you feared would happen ended up happening.

L's tail was... very long after all.

There was a slight thud, the sound of his fluke falling off the end of the bed followed by a whined "ow". Misa turned to see L now 'awake' and frantically adjusting the blankets to hide his tail. Luckily she didn't see the tail, but she did see the fact he was indeed, not wearing a shirt.

Because sirens don't wear clothes.

"Ooohhhh" she teased.

"Wait- no it's not-" you cut her off.

"You know he's actually not that bad, good job (y/n)"

"Ok- uh, it's not. I'm just... uh... overheating in here..." L stammered.

"Whatever you say, I won't snitch" Misa teased, taking the last of her clothes and getting up.

"Misa seriously it's just-" you began.

"You're secret safe with me! Have fuuuunnn~" she teased, skipping out the door and closing it behind her.

You and L just sat there in silence for a moment.

Well... now both Misa AND Light think you fuck every night... lovely.

L sighed, kicking the blankets off his tail.

"That hurt" he complained.

"Why does your tail have to be so long?" You sighed.

"So I can out-swim sharks duh! Well... it could be worse. At least she didn't see the tail"

Well... that was true at least.

"Next time you're going in the water where no one can see you" you said.

"What about cuddles? I never said humans being touchy is bad" he replied.

"... oh yeah, cuddles. Damnit ok back to the drawing board"

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now