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A/n: I'm convinced L has curly hair but just doesn't look after it probably so we never see it. Here's a oneshot about that.

L had some wild hair, he was constantly perishing out of his eyes or doing the 'emo fringe head flick' to adjust its position. But you seemed to notice something he didn't, the way his hair naturally sat and puffed up made you come to the conclusion it must be curly.

He just doesn't look after it properly. Of course, like he'd care about his hair.

But you did and you wanted to see his curls healthy.

"L has your hair always been like that?" You asked.

"Yeah? Why?" He replied, not looking up from his work.

"Hm... can I do something with it?"

Those words made him raise an eyebrow (that was hidden under his long fringe) in confusion. What on earth did you want his hair for?

"Like?" He questioned.

"I just wanna see if my theory is correct. If I give you a specific shampoo and conditioner will you use it?"

He was still a little confused as to your goal here, but if it meant he didn't have to go shopping for his own hair products he'd let you take over that responsibility.

"Ok sure?" He said.

"After that don't dry your hair and come see me ok? I have an idea"

With that conversation, L waited a few days I'm confusion until you gave him some hair products one day, he read the label on them and wondered why you'd given him 'restoration' shampoo and conditioner. What about his hair were you trying to restore?

He didn't know much about hair, just that you have to wash it and cut off the split ends. But you seemed to know what you were doing, so he trusted your judgement. After that long shower that he didn't want to get out of since it was nice and warm, he did as you asked and kept his hair wet as he walked up to your room using a towel to guard the drips from his warm dry clothes.

When you heard him knock and told him to come in, you couldn't help but get exited. He'd actually listened to you and you might get to see these curls of his if your theory was right.

"L! Come sit!" You said, getting up and pulling out the chair to your vanity for him.

He did as told, bringing his knees up to his chest as usual.

"What exactly are you trying to do here?" He asked.

"You'll see"

You picked up some treatment cream, he watched you in curiosity wondering what you were putting in his hair. He didn't complain though, he quite liked the feeling of you rubbing it into his hair. It was like a massage really, it felt quite nice.

"Ok now don't dry your hair with a normal towel, use these ones" you explained, gently scrunching his hair with it to dry it off.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you have hair that'll be damaged by normal towels. It's best to use this and let the rest air dry"

His hair now reduced from soaking to damp, you wrapped the towel around his hair and told him to keep it this way for a while to make sure it would dry properly.

"You haven't done something to those bottles have you? Why are you avoiding the reason you're doing this?" He asked.

"I'm not doing anything bad L, it's a surprise you'll see. I noticed your hair looked like it shouldn't be the way it is and connected the dots that you weren't taking care of it properly. And judging from your confusion you had no idea that you had to do it this way to keep it healthy" you explained.

"My hair has to be washed and dried a certain way?" He questioned.


"And you could tell from just looking?"

"L your hair was a mess it's not hard to tell"

He wasn't going to argue, it was a mess. He never cared that much about his hair past the basics of keeping it clean. So if you knew what you were doing, maybe he could take your advice.

After a while of keeping that towel wrapped around his hair and it soaking up all the water, it was time to see if your theory was correct. Facing the mirror, you unraveled it from his hair and sure enough, it bounced into loose but puffy curls.

"I knew your hair was curly! Aww you're so cute!" You cooed.

L looked at his reflection rather perplexed. He NEVER knew he had curly hair. As a kid his birth parents probably never cared for his hair properly and when he ended up at wammys they wouldn't have noticed.

"It's curly?" He questioned, pulling at a chunk and letting go, watching it bounce back into place.

"See I told you I knew what I was doing. That's how you care for curly hair properly"

L had already taken quite the liking to the curls, it was different than what he was used to seeing in the mirror but he found it made him look... softer? It seemed more natural on him. His emo swoosh was still there, but puffed up and curly this time. He could actually see now his fringe had curled up and out of his eyes.

He liked it, he actually liked his natural hair.

"I don't know what was expecting but... it's nice" he admitted.

"So will you take care of your hair properly now?"

"I suppose. Curls seem quite nice actually..."

"They are. You're so cute with curls"

That comment caught him off guard. cute? That's something he hadn't gotten before.

"You... think so?" He questioned.

"Uh, yeah! Look at them they frame your face nicely and make you look all fluffy and soft. Plus your hair is so soft now" you replied.

He felt his cheeks heat up at the compliment. Praise about something that isn't detective work was uncommon for him, but much appreciated. Your compliment made a shy smile break on his lips.

He liked the curls... and YOU liked the curls. Maybe he'd keep the curls. After all, you think he's cute with them right? And if you say so it just be true. Because as you just demonstrated with your theory on his hair, you were always right.

So he decided them and there he's keep the curls and keep taking care of them properly. He liked them, you liked them, he liked the praise, you like the cuteness. It was a win-win for both of you.

Plus... maybe if he kept the curls you'd start to like him the way he liked you.

L x Reader oneshots 1 // series 3 • Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now