YouTuber // Sammy Wilk

By shellyeet

206K 4.1K 1.1K

Madylyn Monroe is a YouTuber. Sammy Wilk is a Singer/Rapper. What happens when they meet each other in a airp... More

⌜ author's note ⌟
⌜ chapter 1 ⌟
⌜ chapter 2 ⌟
⌜ chapter 3 ⌟
⌜ chapter 4 ⌟
⌜ chapter 5 ⌟
⌜ chapter 6 ⌟
⌜ chapter 7 ⌟
⌜ chapter 8 ⌟
⌜ chapter 9 ⌟
⌜ chapter 10 ⌟
⌜ chapter 11 ⌟
⌜ chapter 12 ⌟
⌜ chapter 13 ⌟
⌜ chapter 14 ⌟
⌜ chapter 15 ⌟
⌜ chapter 16 ⌟
⌜ chapter 17 ⌟
⌜ chapter 18 ⌟
⌜ chapter 19 ⌟
⌜ chapter 20 ⌟
⌜ chapter 21 ⌟
⌜ chapter 22 ⌟
⌜ chapter 23 ⌟
⌜ chapter 24 ⌟
⌜ chapter 25 ⌟
⌜ chapter 26 ⌟
⌜ chapter 27 ⌟
⌜ chapter 28 ⌟
⌜ chapter 29 ⌟
⌜ chapter 30 ⌟
⌜ chapter 31 ⌟
⌜ chapter 32 ⌟
⌜ chapter 33 ⌟
⌜ chapter 34 ⌟
⌜ chapter 35 ⌟
⌜ author's note ⌟
⌜ chapter 36 ⌟
⌜ chapter 37 ⌟
⌜ chapter 38 ⌟
⌜ chapter 39 ⌟
⌜ chapter 40 ⌟
⌜ chapter 41 ⌟
⌜ chapter 42 ⌟
⌜ chapter 43 ⌟
⌜ chapter 45 ⌟
⌜ chapter 46 ⌟
⌜ chapter 47 ⌟
⌜ chapter 48 ⌟
⌜ chapter 49 ⌟
⌜ chapter 50 ⌟
⌜ chapter 51 ⌟
⌜ chapter 52 ⌟
⌜ chapter 53 ⌟
⌜ chapter 54 ⌟
⌜ chapter 55 ⌟
⌜ chapter 56 ⌟
⌜ chapter 57 ⌟

⌜ chapter 44 ⌟

2.5K 63 19
By shellyeet

December 14, 2014

Today we decided to go to the lake house since Sammy had to rehearse for the show which was on the 20th.

"What are we gonna be doing at the lake house?" I asked, putting the things in the trunk.

"What normal people do at the lake house," he chuckles, giving me a duh look.

"Well I never been to a lake house," I sheepishly say, occupying myself by moving some things around so he couldn't see my face.

"Aw," he cooed, seeing my flushed face, "Miss Mady have not been at a lake house before?" he says in a baby voice, wrapping his arms around me from behind and buried his face into my neck, doing butterfly kisses.

My hair was in a messy bun which was more worse since I'm ticklish there.

"Stop," I whined, laughing as I tried to pull his arms off of me but of course, failed. He just continued, leaving some little kisses also.

"Samuel leave the poor girl alone and grab the bags," Mama Wilk calls from the front door.

I looked up to see her winking and smiling at me but when she moved her eyes to Sammy who was still behind me, she glared.

I snickered as I heard him grumbled under his breath. He placed a kiss on my shoulder before letting me go, jogging up to the front door to get the rest of the bags.

After we finally got everything in the car, we said our goodbyes to his family and got in his car, driving away.

"So who's lake house is this?" I asked, watching myself rub his knuckles.

"Well," he started, which I looked over at him, "We actually built it out there," he grinned, looking at me for a split second.

I nodded and grinned, "That's pretty cool."

"Yeah," he chuckles, "But I was a kid at that time when they were building it.

"We would go there when we were kids/teens for every family vacation or something," he explained, nodding his head.

"I see," I say, nodding along.

"I think you'll love it there," he smiles over at me before quickly leaning forward, placing a kiss on my lips before paying attention to the road.

I smiled at the gesture and looked out the window, watching as trees and houses go by.

An hour later, he drove up to this beautiful 2 story house that looks like a cabin.

"And here we are," he stated, parking the car in the driveway. We got out and walked over towards the front door.

It was quiet and warm, which I really liked about it.

"Did you bring the key?" he asked, looking down at me.

"What no?" I asked, looking at him confused.

"I thought I gave it to you?" he frantically asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

"You didn't give it to me," I calmly say, patting my pockets.

He sighed and leaned his forehead on the door, closing his eyes.

"Now we can't get inside," he muttered.

I frowned, "Don't you have a second key?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He shook his head, his forehead still on the door, "Nope."

I sighed, our plans ruined.

"I guess we have to go," I sadly say, turning around.

"Found it," he suddenly says, a key in his hand.

"Where was it?" I asked, watching him put the key inside.

"I had it the whole time," he grinned, unlocking the door. He twisted the knob and pushed the door in, opening it.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him, walking in the house first. After a couple steps in the house, I felt his arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me into his chest.

"And now we have the whole house to ourselves," he murmured into my ear, placing a kiss on the back of it.

"And what should we do?" I went along, feeling his grip tighten around my waist.

"I have ideas," he seductively whispered into my ear, his lips slightly touching my ear lobe.

"Samuel is that you?"

Sammy let me go and we both turned around to face the front door. We see an old man, well not really old, looking like he was in his 50 or 60's walking up to the front door.

"Grandpa Jerry," Sammy greeted, walking towards the man once he was right outside our door. He hugged him and the man patted his back, chuckling.

They pulled away and I walked towards them, standing by Sammy's side.

"And who's this beautiful lady?" Jerry smiled, his eyes shifting towards me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Sammy smiling down at me and he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Grandpa this is my girlfriend Mady," he says to Grandpa Jerry.

"Mady this is my Grandpa Jerry from my moms side," he says to me.

I smiled at Grandpa Jerry, him smiling back at me.

"It's nice to meet you," I say, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure is mine darling," he chuckles, releasing our shake.

"Jerald!" I hear a woman shriek, "You're supposed to wait for me!"

"Oh boy," Jerry muttered before turning around. I looked over his shoulder, seeing a same age looking woman like Jerry not to far from us, looking around.

"Over here Hunny!" Jerry called out, waving his hands in the air. The old woman snapped her head at us and a grinned appeared on her face. She walked towards us and stood next to Jerry.

"Samuel! It's good to see you again," she laughed, pulling Sammy into a hug. He chuckled and rubbed her back, smiling.

They released from the hug and the old woman turned towards me, smiling.

"Oh my aren't you beautiful," she smiled, looking around my face.

I blushed, "Thank you."

She turned towards Jerry, "Don't tell me this is Samuel's girl, she's way too pretty for him," she joked, nudging him in the shoulder.

"Hey!" Sammy defended, us laughing at him.

"I'm kidding, kidding," she laughed, slapping Sammy's shoulder.

"Anways," Sammy says, playfully glaring at the poor old woman, "Grandma Sherry this is my girlfriend Mady."

"Mady this is my Grandma Sherry," he says to me.

We shook hands, smiling at each other.

"So it was you who pulled in? I thought it was Ben," Sherry laughed, looking at Sammy.

"How long are you staying here?" Jerry asked, leaning against the door frame.

"3-4 days?" Sammy asked, looking over at me for confirmation, which I nodded, "Yeah, about 4 days," he says, nodding at his grandparents.

"Well, we are just down the road if you guys need anything," Sherry says, rubbing my arm. They said their goodbyes and left.

"Are they the only people that calls you Samuel?" I laughed, walking over towards his car.

"Yes thank god," he says, walking behind me.

"They're names are so cute," I gushed, grabbing our suitcases from the trunk.

"And?" he laughed, grabbing the last boxes and closing the trunk.

"It's Jerry and Sherry! Isn't that cute?" I asked, holding the door opened for Sammy.

"But Sammy and Mady is cuter," he says, winking at me while he passed by. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the suitcase which was still outside.

"Shut up Samuel!" I called out.

"Hey! Only they could call me that," he called out from inside.

"Okay Samuel!" I called back, laughing, just to irritate him more.

I rolled the suitcases inside and next to the stairs before walking into the kitchen. I sat on a kitchen counter, watching him put some things in the drawers and cabinet.

"Are you not gonna help or?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nah, I'll just stay here and watch you do it," I winked at him.

He dropped the things he was holding into the box and stood up, walking towards me with a smirk.

He walked in between my legs, roaming his hands up and down on the side of my thighs.

Once his hands were on my hips, he pulled me closer which made me wrap my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

"Why are you smirking Samuel?" I suspiciously asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me when I mention Samuel but didn't say anything, just kept his smirk on his face.

"You just look sexy sitting on this counter over here," he nonchalantly says, looking me up and down.

I playfully rolled my eyes and slapped the back of his neck, making him laugh.

I smiled at his laugh and he wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing the lower part of my back.

I looked to the side and see the box still with things inside.

"You still have to put those things away," I bite my lip, looking back to him.

"I'll finish them later," he smirked, staring at my bottom lip that was in-between my teeth, not even taking a glance at the box.

I let go of my lip and he looked up. I gave him a look and he sighed, giving me a chaste kiss. He let go of me and stepped out between my legs, walking over to the box.

I hopped off the counter and walked in the living room, liking the view. It feels homey in here, just how I like it.

I looked around and see a patio outside and a view of the lake. Somehow there wasn't snow yet, I guess it's coming some other day.

I grabbed a blanket that I found on the couch and wrapped it around me, walking out to the patio.

Once I was outside, I knew it was little chilly so I snuggled into the blanket more, walking to the end of the dock.

I looked around, seeing the beautiful view. I looked down at the lake and see little fishes swimming around.

I felt him tugging on the blanket so I let it go, the cool air around me. He wrapped the blanket around us and my back met with his chest. I leaned back into him, the back of my head on his shoulder next to his neck.

"Beautiful isn't it?" he whispered, pulling the blanket around us more.

"Mhm," I hummed, nodding.

"But guess what?" he murmured, turning his head towards me a little so his lips were next to the top side of my head, a little above my temple.

"Please don't be cheesy and say you're more beautiful," I whined, mocking his voice on the you're more beautiful part.

He pulled back and I heard him scoff above me. I leaned up a little from his shoulder and turned the side to look at him, wanting to just laugh at his face right now

"Okay 1st," he listed off, "It's true, you are beautiful," he says, sass in his voice, "And 2nd, I do not sound like that."

I shook my head, laughing.

"Now why are you laughing?" he asked, looking at me in amusement.

"Okay 1st," I listed off, copying him, "It was your face expression when you were explaining," I sassed, emphasizing explaining, "And 2nd, yes you do sound like that."

He shook his head, smiling at me.

"I love you," he says, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you more," I say, staring into his eyes.

"Oh really?," he asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Really," I state.

"I don't believe you," he says, raising his head up a little.

"Are you questioning my love for you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know," he teased, looking away, "Am I?" he smirked, now looking back to me.

"Funny," I mocked, nodding my head at him.

We stayed out at the dock a little longer, just admiring the view.

"I'll be taking a shower," I say, walking up the stairs.

"Is that an invitation for me to joint in?" I heard Sammy call from behind. I turned around and see his head popped out from the kitchen door with a cheesy smile.

"I don't know, is it?" I smirked, turning back around and walked towards the bathroom, swaying my hips a little higher than usual. A few seconds later I heard Sammy's running footsteps coming up from the stairs.

* * *

"What should I make for dinner?" Sammy asked from the kitchen.

"I didn't know you can cook?" I laughed, sitting next to the kitchen island.

"Well I do," he mocked, rolling his eyes.

"Mhm," I hummed, "I don't know, surprise me."

He just stared at me, looking like he was thinking. I raised an eyebrow at him.

I was about to open my mouth but his face lit up like something popped into his head.

"Shoo," he says, shooing me off my seat, "Go wait in the living room and don't come in here till I say so."

I laughed and shook my head, walking out of the kitchen.

"I love you!" I hear him call out the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah," I called out, sitting on the couch. I looked around, finding what I should do. I decided to watch some television.

After about 30 minutes, I heard Sammy call out from the kitchen.

"Okay it's ready!"

I grinned and turned off the tv, walking into the kitchen. I was greeted with a chef Sammy. He had a apron and that chef white hat on.

I smiled and tried to hold in my laugh, looking at his appearance.

"Come sit," he motioned me over towards the dining table. He pulled out a chair for me which I thanked him and sat down while he scooted me in a little.

He walked over to the stove and started to take off his things.

"Wait wait," I quickly say, getting out of my seat, "Let me take a picture of you."

"But why," he whined, crossing his arms.

"C'mon you look cute in that," I encouraged him, motioning to his appearance. He sighed but agreed, seeing my pouting face.

He smiled in my camera and I shot it, getting back to my seat.

I watched him take off his chief things and place them in a cupboard. He walked towards me with 2 plates in his hand.

He placed a plate in front of me and sat in the seat across of me, placing his plate in front of him.

"This is my special chicken alfredo," he says, motioning towards our plates.

"My favorite," I smiled, looking at him.

"Oh wait," he quickly says, getting up, "Forgot the drinks."

I grinned and shook my head, watching him.

He walked over towards the cabinets grabbing 2 glasses and a bottle of wine.

He got in his seat and popped open the wine, pouring our drinks. He gave me mines and we raised our glasses.

"I know it's been three or 4 days," he started, "But happy 5 months baby," he says, smiling at me.

"Happy 5 months," I smiled back, us clinking our glasses together.

* * *
hope you all have a safe 4th of July! 🎆💖

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