Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



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By Patchutsksk

"Call Jisung." Minho said to no one in particular but Jeongin immediately got out his phone and dialed the other's number.

"Where the heck would Jisung go now that this is happening?" Jeongin murmurs as he sloppily dials his bestfriends phone.

"Just continue contacting him Innie. Now Felix you go to the caf and check the field area. Seungmin please check the two libraries. The rest check the main halls and classrooms. Got it?" Chan said authoritatively.

Everybody agreed and ran out of the room heading to their assigned destination but Chan stopped Minho before he could reach the door and asked him to stay for a little talk.

"I know what you're thinking. That's not the time for this. Jisung is strong. He can manage himself. Don't lose your temper on anyone. Got me?" Chan reminded him. "But yes, you can go off but don't cross the line. I know you want to protect Jisung from everything but know your limits. The power you hold is...just just, no one can handle that. Understand me Minho?"

Minho avoids Chan's gaze. His best friend knows him too well. And he knows Chan is right. He agrees eventually. "Yeah. I know my limits as long as no one touches my Jisung I'll be okay." Minho said as he clutches his fist. The thought of Jisung getting hate for being who he is makes his blood boil again.

"I'll be behind you. We will be behind you. Now go find what's yours."

As soon as Chan let's go of his shoulders, without any glance, Minho immediately runs only thinking of Jisung, he then promised himself never to let the other get out of his sight. Ever again.


Jeongin was running behind Changbin but slowly stopped as his attention was on his screen still trying to reach Jisung's phone and unconsciously, he walks towards the front entrance of their building. After realizing where he was, he attempts to go back to the main hall but stops as he sniffs something familiar. A scent only used by one person he knows back when he was still in Malaysia.

People say scents hold memories and that's true and this particular scent is an unpleasant one, if you may ask. An immediate flashback of what happened before came flooding back in. One of the driving factors why Jisung left the country was here.

Confused on why he got the faint scent in the first place. Out of curiosity, he decides to find where it was coming from but hoping the owner of the fragrance wouldn't be the one he's expecting especially in a place like this.

He then finds himself walking towards the metal benches just beside the main entrance of the building. The infamous scent becomes stronger as he got closer and to his dismay, he sees Jisung sitting with the man in question.

"Jiji!" Jeongin calls out which caught their attention. "Can you not just runaway like that? You are making us worry. And why is he here?" Jeongin whispers the last question.

"Hi I.N, long time no see." The other greets.

"Uh. Yeah. Hi." Innie awkwardly greets back. "Anyway, Minho is looking for you. You need to go back or he might actually flip the whole school looking for you."

"You should go Jisung. I'm glad we had our talk. Till next time?" The boy smiles as he reaches out his closed fist. Jisung then bumps it as they both laugh. Jeongin who was clearly left out and confused why the two was suddenly friendly with each other just waited for them to finish catching up. He figured this can also be good for his friend to finally face his troubled past, now that Minho is around the corner willing to do everything for him, which was totally opposite with what this boy they are currently with has done for Jisung.

"Why was he here? Did you call him?" Jeongin asked as soon as they were far from him.

"Hey ani. why would i? I was looking for the possible "witness" to my innocence and he found me. So we talked for a bit and you came. He was here for his girlfriend."

"So was he staying here all this time? Didn't you two saw each other at the mall before? That was weeks ago. And he's still here."

"Oh yeah! Well I guess? I didn't ask."

"And he still wears that ugly perfume he used when he dumped you. I almost puked but I'll thank him though, I found you immediately. But what do you feel now?"

"I'm actually great Innie. Realized I was never in love with him in the first place, comparing to what I feel for Minho now that is. Now why are you here? You guys shouldn't have gone looking for me again. I'm not a lost kid, well a stray kid if you know what I mean."

"Well, Minho is worried. Everybody is. Actually it's because we somehow got information that everything is happening because someone exposed you for liking Minho. And you know how fans can be crazy sometimes right? So yeah, Minho literally flipped after hearing it. He warned our classmates not to touch you. He looked really cool while he's angry though, not gonna lie."

"Wait wait. Who would even expose me like that? And nobody knows except you guys right? It's not like I'm that obvious? Am i?"

"Not at all. But that's not important right now. Minho needs to see you. Like right now. I'll chat them wait. But they're in the main hall and the classroom so let's head there."

Jisung and Jeongin then proceed to the main hall of the building where the student lockers and some classrooms are located. After a quick turn, they immediately see Changbin by the distance. Jeongin was shout whispering to him to get their attention but they seem to be preoccupied with something.

As they got closer, the atmosphere immediately felt chilly and they understood why. Hyunjin was facing Hanna while Chan tries to stop him from engaging more and Minho was just observing by the side. Some students were around but still too far to really know what's happening entirely.

"Why what happened to him?"

"He was accused of this accident that happened at lunch and rumours are lowkey spreading. Maybe you know about it? Or heard about it?" Hyunjin asked in raised eyebrows.

"Actually no. I don't have any idea about what's happening now at the campus. And if I know about it why would I do that to your friend? And it's not a big deal if he's gay right? It's okay, I mean I have gay friends. "

"But I'm not accusing you. I'm just asking if you know anything about what's happening."

"Sorry Hanna. We are just worried for our friend and Hyunjin here didn't mean to sound rude either. We are just... stressed, if you may say it."

"And no. I don't know anything about what happened just to be clear. But it's okay Chan. I understand and don't worry. I haven't seen anyone talking about your fri- I mean Jisung and if I do hear something going around I'll talk to them immediately not too spread rumours. I'm on your team. Always." Hanna replied. "But I have to run. Someone needs me at the gym, you know practice as usual. But chat me if you guys need anything. And bye Minho! See you later." She faced Minho and smiled sweetly before living the scene.

"You shouldn't have done that Hyunjin. What if she'll take it negatively? I should have asked her myself. And we know how you don't lik-"

"Guys. I found Jisung by the way." Jeongin blurts out in a whisper form but everybody immediately looked at their direction.

Minho who heard Jeongin's faint voice immediately approached them with worried eyes as he cupped Jisung's fluffy cheeks.

"Where did you go? I told you not to go anywhere without me right? What if somebody frames you again or worse."

"I was just-"

"No excuses Jisung. You are never getting away from me this time."

"But I wa-"

"I said no buts."

"You two are arguing like an old married couple already? It's too early." Changbin teased. "Oh wait. Felix texted. He said he found something."

"Let's meet him then."

They were walking towards their main building as per Felix's text. Changbin and Hyunjin still checks the classrooms they pass by just to see if something is suspicious while Jisung and Minho were walking behind all of them, still reprimanding the other, Jisung now looks like a cute sad squirrel walking as Minho held his shoulders.

As they arrive at their classroom hallway, Mr. Park is already outside checking his watch. As he see Chan and Jeongin approaching him at the front, he immediately knew the two students he was looking for was with them.

"Hi prof. Jisung is at the back with Minho." Chan greeted him.

"Yes yes. I am looking for them and they are right on time. You can go inside now students just wait for the announcement if they suspend the afternoon classes entirely. Oh and Chan, keep everyone quiet. The meeting is still ongoing and some student's voices can be heard in the faculty room so try to calm them down. Aswell as the other sections, if you can. "

"Oh. Okay Prof. I'll just tell their class presidents then."

"Yes yes. Do whatever you want. They'll obey you." Prof. Park responded. "Now you two. Come with me and we are meeting the student at the clinic. But before that, let's talk at my office first. Just to lay the problem and have an equal understanding of what's happening here."

Minho held Jisung's hand as they walked behind the professor. Jisung's ears turned red while Minho still has his poker face on since he's still upset at the other for leaving without him. They arrived at the office and Prof. Park offered them to sit comfortable at the sofas.

Jisung immediately felt the nervousness creeping in his system as he felt the cold air emitting by the AC inside the room. This was his first time to enter a Professor's lounge since he was always a good student, even back in Malaysia. He was just thankful he had someone by his side and to his extra luck, it was Minho.

"I just got out of the meeting to see you guys. I'll just catch up again soon as we settled this. Now I'm gonna ask you again Jisung. Did you do that to the poor young girl?"

Jisung rubbed his pale white palms as he nervously looked down. He knew he didn't do anything wrong but his actions right infront the professor says otherwise.

🌸 Classroom

"Where is Sungie and Minho?" Felix asks as he sees them enter the room.

"Prof. Park asked them at the office. Why? What did you find Lixie?" Seungmin asked.

"Well, they were talking about the girl at the clinic and somebody just posted the video a minute ago. I waited till you guys can come before I play it. And I wanted Jisung to see it himself. But I guess this already good that everyone's here."

"Play it babe. They might delete it later." Changbin coughed. "And keep your voices down. I don't trust some of our classmates."

As soon as Changbin said the last sentence everybody unconsciously looked at their classmates which made Changbin panic. "Don't look at them! You guys are being too obvious!"

"Oh yeah yeah right. Okay just play the video Lixie." Hyunjin laughed.

The video is one minute long but greatly received praise and attention to the members of the discord chat. It started with a girl checking herself in the camera as the other people tells her to hurry up. She's in a junior class based on her name badge. And then the video panned across the clinic room as the rest of the girls wave to the camera. Around 5 people are inside the clinic laughing about where would that "kid" be after what they did. But one particular girl whom they think is the one who's accusing Jisung is sitting crossed leg on the bed. The bandage on her right ankle is also visible in the frame. But what surprised them the most is how she effortlessly stood up and walked to the sink with perfectly fine pathing and pace which looks contradicting to the visible bandage on her leg. A girl not visible in the frame then shouts "Yah! Practice limping. You might forget and just walk infront of those idiots." And the video ended with the rest of them laughing.

"What did I just see?"

"Save it! Save it! Thye might delete it!"

"Oh shoot. Wait wait. I still haven't taken screenshots of the messages."

"Gooooo go! I'll take a video too. Gosh I'm freaking out."

"Oh god. They're on to me! I edited my name but it didn't saved! They saw my username. I think they know it's me! I'm scared Changbinnie!"

Seungmin is jumping on the side clearly panicking, as well as Jeongin. The rest are hovering over Felix pressuring him but Chan on the other hand is just at the side, observing everyone, clearly planning something already.

Felix groaned and sat back on his chair.

"Can you guys give me some space. I'm suffocating. Whew."

"Did you save it?" Chan asked in a cold tone.

"Yeah Channie. But I also got kicked out. Atleast I have the video. And some of the members names and messages."

"Save it for later. Let's not use it first."

"What do you have in mind Chan?"

"Let's ask them what happened first and if they won't budge we'll show them this video. Felix, send a copy to our gc. Now everyone download it so we can all have a copy. One wrong move and they'll go down. I will not let anyone trample on innocent students like Jisung. Let's make them pay the consequences."

"Why would they do that though? What did Jisung ever do to them?" Seungmin asked.

"Do you recognize them Innie? Maybe the students that you guys saw looking at you weirdly all morning?"

"Nope. Never seen them."

Changbin noticed Hyunjin was too quiet by the side and by the looks on his face, he was thinking hard. "What are your thoughts Hyunjin?"

"Did you remember clearly what Hanna said when I asked her what she knew about all of this earlier?"

"Uh. Yeah. She said it's not a big deal if Jisung is gay and she wouldn't do that to him because she was at our side." Chan responded

"Exactly!" Hyunjin screeched.

"What?" everybody asked confused.

"How would she know Jisung is "gay" if she doesn't know anything? Didn't she say she hasn't heard anything nor know about the rumours?"

"Oh shi-"

"You're right! She said multiple times that she doesn't know about it. But what does this mean?"

"I told you guys before that Hanna is evil! I told you guys right but you wouldn't believe me!" Hyunjin bickered.

"If she started the rumour, how would she know though? We shouldn't neglect the fact that there are rumours circulating already. She might have heard it and just didn't tell us."

"Ohhhh. But I can feel it. Hanna has something to do with this! Really."

"We all know you don't like Hanna Hyunjin. Maybe you're just being biased here and want to point fingers at her." Chan said.

"But Chan. I know how you always look at the good side of people but really this Hanna is different. I just know it."

"Wait, but I think Hyunjin is right." Changbin added.

"Not you too Changbin?"

"At the gym. Truth or dare. She was there right? That was the time when Jisung was telling his truth. We don't know when she exactly arrived right? But I think she heard enough to grasp what was going on."

"Holy molly."

"I'll shave that girl's head until she gets bald!" Felix raged. But Changbin held him and he immediately calmed down.

"Okay. Now I couldn't find a way to excuse this. But please don't freak out on her. Let's choose our battles wisely. I'll talk to her when I see her. And if I can confirm then I don't know what I would do her either. Let's focus on the accident first, before all of this. Agreed?"

"As long as we expose that girl I'm okay with anything Chan." Hyunjin smiled.

"Now I think they went to the office first to talk to Prof. Park, let's pay a visit to the girl at the clinic shall we? Let's talk to her, uhm...nicely."

🌸 Office

"Jisung, she showed me a piece of the broken board that she said what caused her fall. Did you have your board?" Prof. Park asked Jisung again.

"Prof. I don't know how she has my board or why she's accusing me. All I know is I'm innocent and I didn't do anything wrong. When I went to the rooftop I met this group of students on the way. we had a little bit of conversation and I think, no, I know they can clear my name."

"Better! You should have told me this earlier. We need all the resources we can get. Do you know them by name? I can call them now to come here immediately."

"I don't Prof. I'm sorry. But I know them by face. I can immediately recognize them."

"I believe that'll be difficult Jisung. hmmm. Since you deny all the claims and insist of being innocent then all that's left to do is to face the girl who accused you. To get to the bottom of this immediately." Don't we agree?"

"Of course Prof. Anything to clear my name. It might be a misunderstanding too and if we can see each other maybe we can clear everything. I'm willing to cooperate since I know I'm innocent."

"Wait but prof. What about Jisung's board? Can we help him find the culprit who broke it? It was in school premises and intentional with the way it was cut in half. I can file a case of harassment to those students who did this right?"

"If we can resolve this incident first then let's see what we can do with Jisung's case. Since this two incidents seem to be connected with each other. I'll find what I can do to help Minho. Don't worry. Let's not go to that extent. If we can resolve everything here then we will. Okay?"

"I couldn't fully promise on that Prof. Let's see what will happen then."

Jisung who was confused with the exchange of the professor and Minho just kept quiet by the side and keenly observed but he couldn't help himself but be curious as to why Minho can just freely talk to the Prof like the way he does now.

"Okay Minho. So shall we go to the clinic to settle things early?"

Not long after, they finally arrived at the clinic but to their surprise, Seungmin, Felix and I.N were outside the clinic.

"Boys? What are you doing here? Did something happen?"

"Oh no Prof. Bang Chan is just paying a visit to the student here. Should I call him? We are also making our own investigation ourselves. And we have progressed actually, thanks to yours truly."

"Oh I see. Let me come in then so I can see for myself."

As soon as the Professor turned his back, the three friends immediately smiled and cheered for the two.

"Did you really find proof?" Jisung asked delighted.

"Yep. We got your back Sungie. We will never let anything happen to you. Now go and face that brat who accused you!"

Jisung then cheerfully went inside as Minho smiled at Felix. "Thank you Lix. I know I can count on you guys."

🌸 Earlier

Bang Chan, Changbin and Hyunjin entered the clinic without even knocking, which surprised the people inside. Everybody greeted them and even giggled as they thought the three has visited them.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Are you guys sick too?" a girl asked.

"No. we are actually concerned for your friend here." Hyunjin said as he sat at the nurse table and looked at the bandaged ankle of the girl on the bed. The rest immediately screeched like dying chickens before they composed themselves back again clearly feeling flattered for their friend.

"Can we know who did this to you?" Changbin asked smiling as he stood at the bed post.

"Well, t-that skater boy in your section? H-he did this to me." The girl replied nervously as she knew she was gonna lie in front of Stray Kids

"Did he really?" Chan asked with a smirk.

The lively atmosphere just seconds before replaced by a cold tensed one after Chan sat closely to them. His overall demeanor was emitting a dangerous aura and the students definitely felt it. He opened his phone and crossed his arms while taking a closer look at each of them. "I'll ask you again. Who did this to you? If I hear a lie in your mouth again I will send this video to Blueprint and everyone involved would be suspended and have their record tainted." Chan said as he waved his phone in the air. "You know what video I'm talking about right? We also have screenshots and already got a hold of every name we can find. And that's not the only thing I can do to you. You know that right? Now let me ask you again. Who did this to you?"

The students looked at each other, panic and fear filled their eyes. The girl in question was already stuttering and it seems like she can't find the right words to respond to Chan who already has his eyebrows raised and is still waiting for the answer he was looking for.

But before the student can respond, Prof. Park entered the room as Jisung and Minho walked behind him.

"Hello ladies. We are quite packed this afternoon. Now I heard you have evidence Chan? Let me hear it."

"Why don't we ask our patient first Prof. and Han is here. She might have mixed the faces right? Let's ask her first if it was really Han."

"Well that would be okay with me since everybody is here anyway, so Cho Hee was it Jisung who you saw?"

"O-oh. Is that Jisung Prof? No. That's not him. I-it was a different student. And i-I forgot his face from all the chaos when it happened. S-so I got it mixed up."

"Are you sure? So just for us to be clear? Jisung is not the one that caused your fall this lunch time? Is that what you are saying?"

"Yes Prof. Positive. H-he's not the one who did this."

"So I guess your name is cleared Jisung. I'm glad we settled this earlier."

"It's settled then Prof. Park? Cho Hee? So we will gonna head out then and leave you guys here." Chan said smiling as he waved to the girls and the professor.


"Chan? what just happened? Why did? How did you d-? HOW?!" Jisung asked dumbfounded. 

"Well, the truth will eventually come out sooner or later and they were sloppy to hide their tracks Jisung. So we caught their lie. Simple as that." Chan said proudly.

"And thanks to Felix. if it weren't for him we wouldn't have done it smoothly. We were planning on different things, much more complicated things but this was just right. Save us some time, money and connect-" Hyunjin laughed but immediately stopped as he sees the rest of Stray Kids looking at him.

ATTENTION JYPA Students. The whole afternoon classes are suspended due to extension of the faculty meeting. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

The announcement echoed the halls as students immediately emerged out of their classrooms. Some immediately avoided Stray Kids path while some awed at them. Minho who was walking behind them cleared his throat and held Jisung's hand. "Can i take you home?"

"Uh. Yeah of course Minho." Jisung replied shyly. 

"If i'll kiss you in front of everybody here will you be okay with it?" Minho whispered as he held Jisung's shoulder.

"Of course not! Why would you even do that Minho?" Jisung scoffed. "And someone might hear you for goodness sake!" 

"Just a hypothetical question Hanji. But you look cute when you're upset. Can i meet your mom later then?"

"You want to meet mom? Later? Uh. Yeah? Sure you can? But w-why?"

"Well, I wanna ask her if I can date his son maybe? if that's okay?" Minho said as he stretched his arms while smirking at the other. 

Jiusng just laughed and slapped the other as they both walk towards their classroom. 

"I want to make you smile like this whenever you're with me." Minho said as he held Jisung closer to him. 

"Who wants ice cream?!" Hyunjin yells. "We have a lot of dares not done today but Minho's will never be skipped! To the ice cream parlor!"

A/N 🌸

GUYSSSSSSSS!!! WE REACHED #1 IN MINSUNG EARLIER! CBSSHJHFJKSRJND, I CRIED. THANK YOU THANK YOU EVERYONE! T.T we did it. we freaking did. bccdjncjk. Febuary 2021 might be a living hell but March will surely be SKZ and STAYs month! Claiming! 

Let's be strong for our kids. cehbce I love you guys! <3 

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