Stepsister Next Door || SaTzu...

By Dimenth0r

495K 12.9K 5.9K

Where Sana is Tzuyu's stepsister, and Mina is Chaeyoung's stepsister... A bit different from the one shots More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Phase 2: Prologue
Phase 2: Chapter 1
Phase 2: Chapter 3
Phase 2: Chapter 4
Phase 2: Chapter 5
Phase 2: Chapter 6
Phase 2: Chapter 7
Phase 2: Chapter 8
Phase 2: Chapter 9
Phase 2: Chapter 1O
Phase 2: Chapter 11
Phase 2: Chapter 12
Phase 2: Chapter 13
Phase 2: Chapter 14
Phase 2: Chapter 15
Next Chapter (UPDATE)

Phase 2: Chapter 2

7K 179 42
By Dimenth0r


"I can believe- Seungjae tricked you" Chaeyoung let out of small laughs

She and Mina are laying on their bed, both were naked under the covers. Chaeyoung's right hand is under her head and her left arm is wrapped around Mina's Shoulder.
While Mina, her head is on Chaeyoung's left shoulder and her arm is on the latter's tummy- hugging Chaeyoung from the side.

They have just finished making love... It happens when Chaeyoung comes home and Mina suddenly grab her into their room.

Mina look up to Chaeyoung "He's just like you, he knows how to get what he wants" She smiled and Chaeyoung just smiled in return "Chaeyoung..."

"Hmmm?" Chaeyoung hummed

"What if I can't give you a daughter?" Mina suddenly asked "Remember when we asked a fortune teller, and she said that it's only son"

Chaeyoung looks to her side to meet Mina's eyes "Mina, stop thinking about it... We already have three beautiful boys"

"But I also want to carry your daughter... I always think that it's fun to have a little girl in the house, and besides- you always wish to have one" Mina

Chaeyoung smiled "We're fine, right? Stop pressuring yourself"

"But it will be nice if we have a daughter" Mina

Chaeyoung removes her hand under her head and use it to cupped Mina's face "But it's still a blessing that we have three boys, our youngest will be turning three- You had a hard time giving birth to Minho, I can't risk you"

"I'm sorry..." Mina apologized

"What for? We tried, right?" Chaeyoung chuckles and hugged Mina "There's nothing to be sorry... You're enough, and I am grateful to have a family with you"

Mina smiled upon hearing Chaeyoung's side... She admits that even if they have been together for so long, she's still pushing herself to gave everything to Chaeyoung. Mina makes sure that she's there whenever the latter's in need, she's afraid to not attend her partner's needs... And on Chaeyoung's side, she's trying her best not to push Mina to her limit.

"I love you Chaeyoungie..." Mina suddenly utter

Chaeyoung giggles and plant a kiss on Mina's forehead "I love you"

Mina smiled and hugged Chaeyoung even tighter.


It's Saturday but Chaeyoung needs to go to the office to finish some documents.

She was heading to the stairs when she passed by the open door of the kids room, she stopped- and there she saw Woojin, sitting on his bed and doing nothing.
Woojin noticed Chaeyoung's presence, he take a glance to his mother but quickly revoked it and look down.

Chaeyoung put down her bag beside the door before making her way to her son. Woojin acts as if he don't know that his mother is about to approach him.
Chaeyoung sat on the side of the bed, facing her son who's still looking down.

"Are you still mad at me?" Chaeyoung asked

But Woojin didn't speak, he just keep his head down.

Chaeyoung sighs "Would you like to spend the day with Mama?"

Woojin lift his head and met Chaeyoung's eyes "Don't you have work?"

"I do have work but can't I bring you to my office?" Chaeyoung

Woojin's face lit up "You'll do that for me?"

Chaeyoung nodded "Of course"

Woojin move forward and wrapped his arms ariund Chaeyoung's neck "Thank you Mama"

Chaeyoung smiles and hugged her son back...
Chaeyoung is Woojin's idol, he always look up to her other mother more than Mina... Mina herself noticed that, she knows that Chaeyoung is their middle son's favorite mother, and it's fine with her.
Woojin can be happy by just seeing Chaeyoung at home, even if the latter's busy. He will just sit beside her and read books about astronomy.
People keep on saying that someday, Woojin will be a doctor like his mother Mina... But in Mina's perspectives, Woojin will be an architect like his mother Chaeyoung, since he idolize her so much.

Few more minutes have passed and Woojin come running down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Mina asked Woojin when she sees the latter wearing a jacket.

"I'm going with Mama" Woojin replied in excitement

"Huh? But your Mama have work today" Mina

"I'll bring him with me" Chaeyoung butts in, as she walks down the stairs.

"You'll bring him with you?" Mina asked when she approached her wife

Chaeyoung nodded and peck on Mina's lips "He will be my intern today"

Mina chuckles "You should have told me earlier- so I can pack food for you"

"Don't worry, I got him..." Chaeyoung replied to Mina

Chaeyoung walk towards the living room and kissed the top of Chanho's head, their eldest is busy playing video games.

"Kiss!" Minho- who's playing with his brother shouted

Chaeyoung chuckles and pouts her lips as she peck on Minho's lips.

"We'll go now... Chanho, take care of your mommy and your brother" Chaeyoung

"Yes Mama" Chanho replied without looking at Chaeyoung because his busy staring on the tv screen

Chaeyoung went back to Mina and kiss her again.

"Call me if something happens" Mina remind Chaeyoung then look down to Woojin "Don't misbehave there. Listen to your Mama, okay?"

Woojin nodded, Mina stoop down and kissed her son before the two leaves the house.


Chaeyoung looks at Woojin who's sitting on the floor in front of sofa inside her office, he's leaning forward and his arms are on top of the mini table- he's drawing something on the piece of paper that Chaeyoung gives him earlier.

"Woojin, are you hungry? do you want something to eat?" Chaeyoung

Woojin lift his head and look at Chaeyoung's direction "Can I have fries and Ice cream?"

Chaeyoung chuckles "Hmm... Your Mommy won't allow you to have that but since you're a good boy, I'll give you some"

Woojin smiles "Really?"

Chaeyoung nodded, she then stood from her seat and walks towards Woojin, she then kneel beside the latter.

"This is a little secret between us, okay?" Chaeyoung whispered

Woojin keep his smile and nodded "I won't tell anyone"

"Promise?" Chaeyoung asked lifting her right hand with her fingers folded except from her pinky finger

Woojin do the same and make pinky promise with his mother "Promise" He replied

Both of them chuckles on that simple act... It might be weird to some people's eyes but to Chaeyoung- it means so much to her... Having her son's trust even he's just a little boy- means so much to her.

Chaeyoung leaned forward to take a look of Woojin's work.

"What did you draw?" Chaeyoung asked

"This one, wearing a suit and a helmet is you" Woojin points at the taller one on his drawing, he then points at the kid- holding hands with the taller one "And this is me"

"But where's your Mommy Mina and your brothers?" Chaeyoung asked

Woojin pouts "Can I just have you for today?"

Chaeyoung chuckles "But how about them?"

"It's just for today... I behaved, right?" Woojin

Chaeyoung nodded "Yeah, you're a good boy"

"Then why don't you play with me?" Woojin asked in innocence

Chaeyoung was taken aback, those were just words but it hurts... She knows that her son has no intention to hurt her feelings but it still did, it hurts her in a way that she feels like she failed on being a good parent to Woojin... She works so hard for her family, she did that to give them everything they want...
She once thought that if she becomes a good provider, they'll be fine... But that's not how things work, she becomes a slave of her job- to the point that she can't spend time with her family.

After a moment of reflecting, Chaeyoung sighs and put her hand over Woojin's head "I promise, from now on- I'll make time to play with you"

"Play with hyung and Minho too... They also miss you" Woojin replied

Chaeyoung chuckles and joked "I thought you only want me for you"

Woojin shook his head "Just for today Mama... But next time, we should bring hyung and Minho, they will be happy to spend time with you"

Chaeyoung smiled and messed with Woojin's hair "Okay... We will spend time together"

They were smiling at each other when the phone on Chaeyoung's desk rang.

"Just a moment" Chaeyoung told Woojin

The latter just nodded in reply and watched Chaeyoung stood and went to the side of her table

"Hello? This is Architect Son, how may I help you?" Chaeyoung asked when she answered the phone

"Is this Son Chaeyoung?..."

Chaeyoung's forehead creased when the caller asked her name.

"Yes... Who's this?" Chaeyoung

The caller heave a deep sighed and Chaeyoung heard it from the other line. There's a long silence between them until the caller speak again.

Chaeyoung's mouth agape, as the caller speaks. She even put her free hand on top of her clothed chest, gripping on it- making her top crumpled.



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