Drops of Starlight

By StrawberryMoonRose

34.2K 1.1K 698

It's the year 2000 and Crystal Tokyo never came to be. The Starlights visit Earth to find Usagi raising baby... More

Chapter 1: Back in the Atmosphere
Chapter 2: Listens Like Spring, Talks Like June
Chapter 4: Dance Along the Light of Day
Chapter 5: Jupiter Garden
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
Chapter 8: Payphone
Chapter 9: Who's the Perv Now?
Chapter 10: Look at the Stars, Look How They Shine for You
Chapter 11: Monsters of the Past
Chapter 12: Not You Again
Chapter 13: Well, This Shall Be Interesting
Chapter 14: Chasing Her Way Through the Constellations
Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had
Chapter 16: Afraid That She Might Think of Me as Plain Old Jane
Chapter 17: Did You Fall for a Shooting Star?
Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 19: I'll Be the Actress Starring in Your Bad Dreams
Chapter 20: Assumptions
Chapter 21: Turn of Events
Chapter 22: Princess
Chapter 23: Five-Hour Phone Conversation
Chapter 24: Troubles Stacking
Chapter 25: Encounter
Chapter 26: Disguises
Chapter 27: The Cosmic Valley
Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere
Chapter 29: Coincidences
Chapter 30: Soul Vacation
Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?
Chapter 32: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 33: Did You Make it to the Milky Way?
Chapter 34: Chocolate Parfait
Chapter 35: Permanent Scar
Chapter 36: Insecurity
Chapter 37: Beautiful Ghost
Chapter 38: Did You Sail Across the Sun?
Chapter 39: Freeze-dried Romance
Chapter 40: Calamity
Chapter 41: Banishment
Chapter 42: Fortune Teller
Chapter 43: Tell Me
Chapter 44: There's a Time to Change
Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?
Chapter 46: Too Afraid to Fly, so He Never Did Land
Chapter 47: Her Stay on the Moon
Chapter 48: Pursuit
Chapter 49: How Far We've Come
Chapter 50: There's Room to Grow
Chapter 51: Begin Again
Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There
Chapter 53: The Stars Above
Chapter 54: Was it Everything You Wanted to Find?
Epilogue: Drops of Jupiter

Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated

1.2K 31 27
By StrawberryMoonRose

💫Drops of Starlight💫

by Strawberry Moon Rose
🍓🌙 🌹

If you like the cover image for this story, thank you! I am the artist. I draw lots of Sailor Moon fan art, (especially Seiya and Usagi!) so come say hi on my art instagram account: taylorlynn.art and let me know you're from Wattpad! ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
Chapter 3: Heaven is Overrated

As the darkness settled in, they decided to order takeout for supper. When the doorbell rang, Usagi was in the middle of changing Chibi-Usa's diaper, so Seiya answered it.

Trying to balance the pizza box in one hand, Seiya cleared the clutter off the table to make room. Envelopes, a package of baby wipes, and three mugs were shuffled aside, one of them bearing the remnants of what seemed to be chocolate milk in a past life.

"Sorry," Usagi apologized as she entered the room with Chibi-Usa on her hip. "I know it's a disaster. I'm just attached to her all day, I can't get anything done."

"Don't worry about it, Bun Head. I'll help you clean up before I leave," Seiya offered.

"You don't need to do that. I'd feel too bad."

"Nope, too late. I insist." Seiya winked.

Usagi rolled her eyes and sat Chibi-Usa in the high chair. "Okay, okay. I probably could use an extra pair of hands if it wasn't too much trouble. By the way, how long will you guys be staying? And where are you staying?"

Seiya shrugged, looking sheepish. "Well, we're just kind of playing this whole thing by ear. The Princess said we could stay as long as we wanted. We've got other guardians at the palace in our place. As for where, Taiki's in charge of that. Probably a nearby hotel."

Usagi opened the pizza box and inhaled a gulp of cheesy air. Black olives, mushrooms, pepperoni...

"You can totally stay here," she said through a greasy bite. "I would love some company. It's been a few weeks since Mako stopped by, and even longer since I've seen Ami."

Seiya's eyes glimmered. "Are you sure?"

"Mmmyes," Usagi mumbled through another mouthful. "It's kinda lonely these days. I'm so used to the routine of caring for Chibi-Usa, I would love to have some adult time."

Usagi turned red. "That sounded weird. I-I meant like adult conversations and... um, whatever. You know what I meant."

Seiya had to laugh to resist saying something inappropriate. "I know what you meant, Bun Head. And I understand. I would love to stay here with you for a while." Honestly, I wouldn't mind staying indefinitely.

Seiya tried to distract herself by taking a bite of pizza, pushing away the temptation to let her thoughts wander down a path she had vowed to avoid. No, I can't let myself go there again. Just because she doesn't have a boyfriend, or husband for that matter, doesn't mean anything. I'm here for her as a friend, and that's what matters most.

"Hey, where's Luna?" Seiya asked, scanning the room for the black cat.

"Open up, Chibi-Usa. Say ahh!" Usagi wiped the pureed pumpkin off her daughter's face. "Oh, she's actually with Rei in Kyoto for the month. They wanted to make sure the future changing wasn't an enemy's doing. But I told them I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Honestly, I think Luna's as lost as I am and is looking for answers. After all, she's supposed to have a daughter with Artemis someday."

Seiya shook her head and poured them both glasses of soda. "So strange..."


"Knowing everything before it happens. Doesn't that take the fun out of it all? I mean, meeting your daughter before you have her. Hell, even knowing you're going to have her as your daughter, years before she's born. I'd never want to live like that. I'm so sorry you had to."

Usagi took a long sip of pop. "I see what you're saying. It's been weird these past six months. In the past, when she was a child visiting us from the future, I could only ever see her as my bratty little sister. But from the moment I saw the positive pregnancy test, to feeling her first kick, to when they held her up for me to see for the first time... though, it wasn't really the first time now that I think about it... I've had a different connection with her than I ever would have imagined. Maybe it'd be different if I'd never known her before, but I guess I'll never know. She's been a part of my life for the past decade. I don't know any different."

Seiya watched her scoop another spoonful of baby food into Chibi-Usa's mouth, this time pretending it was an airplane.

"It's weird to hear you say that," she admitted. "Looking at you now, with a child so young, who would ever guess you've known her for much longer?" After a couple of moments of Chibi-Usa babbling, Seiya added quietly, "I'm sorry."

"Huh? What for?" Usagi frowned.

"For how I acted when we were teenagers. I was so pushy. Back then I put you in some pretty awkward situations - taking you on a date, staying at your house..." Seiya's gaze fell. "But I didn't know anything. I had no idea you were Sailor Moon for the longest time, or that you had a daughter. I was naive and arrogant. And I never stood a chance." Seiya chuckled despite herself.

Usagi wasn't sure how to respond. "Seiya..."

Seiya scratched the side of her head. "And here I am putting you in awkward situations again. Guess maybe I haven't changed all that much."

Usagi appeared to be holding her breath.

"Well, I suppose it's time for dessert!" Seiya announced, standing up. "Got anything good, Bun Head? Ice cream? Cake?" She tapped Chibi-Usa on the nose. "You wouldn't smash cake in my face like Chibi Chibi did, now would you?"

Chibi-Usa squealed, wiggling excitedly in her seat.

"She likes you," Usagi said quietly. "She's not usually fond of strangers. You must be pretty special."

"Damn right," Seiya teased and ruffled Chibi-Usa's pink curls. They weren't long enough to do anything with yet, but she could already imagine Usagi tying them up in a similar bun-headed hairstyle.

Seiya swore she heard Usagi mutter, "You are special..." but she chalked it up to her imagination.


As the night progressed, Usagi carefully rocked Chibi-Usa to sleep, tucking her into the crib in the one-bedroom apartment that doubled as both Usagi's bedroom and the nursery.

"It's not ideal. I figured someday we'd buy a house, but Mamo always said it was unlikely unless he studied abroad to finish his degree," Usagi explained while digging for a spare blanket and pillow from the hallway closet for Seiya, who would be sleeping on the living room sofa.

"I suppose I could've found a job," Usagi continued. "But daycare would've cost more than anything I'd make. Mom offered to watch Chibi-Usa a few days a week, but I don't know where I'd work anyway. I never took community college seriously because there wasn't anything I really wanted to be other than a wife and mother. And with my duties as queen in the new era, I never gave much thought to my future until it vanished."

"I see," Seiya replied quietly. She's been through much more than I have since the last time we saw each other...

Together, they cleared the couch of pacifiers, a burp cloth, and two TV remotes.

"Well, let me know if there's anything else you need!" Usagi said. "There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom under the counter. Help yourself if you want some water or need a midnight snack. I'm sorry I don't have a guest room or anything better."

Seiya smiled. "I'll make do. Thank you."

Usagi hesitated. "Oh! Pajamas! I almost forgot."

"I can sleep in my clothes."

Usagi wrinkled her nose. "That's not comfortable! Let me see what I can find." Before Seiya could object, Usagi disappeared into her bedroom, returning a few minutes later with a neatly folded set of matching blue pajamas. They were adorned with crescent moons and little stars.

"Rei got them for me last Christmas. They were a little big, but I didn't have the heart to return them. I think they'll be close to your size."

"Thank you." Seiya accepted the clothes and headed into the bathroom to change. Seiya studied her reflection in the mirror over the sink when she pulled her sweater off. I'm actually here. Staying at Bun Head's place. Wouldn't be the first time, but I hope it's not the last. It was hard to accept she was on Earth when it felt like just earlier that day Princess Kakyuu was kissing her goodbye at the palace.

Seiya brushed her teeth and borrowed the round paddle brush she found in the drawer. It was pink with a bunny sticker on the back that made Seiya smile. Little golden hairs were wrapped up in the comb's teeth.

Usagi was on the landline phone outside the kitchen when Seiya stepped out.

"It's so good to hear your voice, Taiki... Thank you so much for calling. Yes... Um, I'm not sure... Okay, I'll let her know. Thank you. Have a goodnight."

"Guess Taiki found a way to get in touch after all," Seiya commented.

"Yeah, she said-" Usagi's words cut off as she turned around and took in Seiya - leaning casually against the wall, her folded clothes tucked under one arm.

Usagi couldn't help but admire Seiya's black hair, which shimmered with a bluish hue under the kitchen lights. The Starlight's hair cascaded down her broad shoulders to her waist, the ends waving slightly. The pajamas Usagi lent her fit well enough, though they hugged her figure in a more womanly manner than they ever fit on Usagi herself.

"Can I play with your hair sometime?" Usagi blurted out. "I'd love to try different hairstyles on you!"

Seiya hesitated. "I don't know, maybe... You're not going to make me a bun head too, are you?" she teased.

"Absolutely not! That's my signature hairstyle! It's trademarked."

"Okay, then I suppose that's okay."

Usagi beamed.

"I take it that Taiki and Yaten found a place to stay tonight?" Seiya inquired.

"Yeah. They're at Ami's. But you wouldn't believe what Yaten did!"


"She booked a plane ticket for London! She leaves tomorrow afternoon!"

Shock registered on Seiya's face, followed by a knowing smile. "Yaten was always fond of that blonde, wasn't she? She's written a couple of songs back home that I'm convinced are about Minako."

"Really?  No way!"

"Yeah. Something must've happened between the two of them at that idol contest Yaten judged. She'd never tell me, of course."

Usagi nibbled her nail. "Last time I talked on the phone with Minako, she was really hitting it off with some English guy she met on set."

"Well, that will be interesting for sure. But I'm happy Taiki can catch up with Ami. They always had so much in common."

"They are a good match," Usagi agreed, stifling a yawn.

"Hey, you better get to bed, Bun Head. If Yaten's flying halfway across the world and back, we've got time to hang out before we return home."

"I hate thinking of you leaving. You just got here..." Usagi hugged herself comfortingly. "I'll see you in the morning?"

"Of course." Seiya leaned in and patted one of her messy buns in a childish manner.  But as she drew away, her fingers combed through Usagi's golden bangs in a way that could only be described as lovingly. "Sleep tight, Bun Head."

A faint flush colored Usagi's face. "Goodnight, Seiya."


Sleep evaded Seiya, and it wasn't solely because of the scratchy and lumpy couch... Everything she learned in the past few hours ran through her head in a ruminating loop.

Mamoru broke up with her. Usagi had always had a daughter, even before she met me...

Seiya recalled teasing Usagi about Chibi Chibi, joking that she looked more like her daughter than her sister. Now, Usagi's flustered reaction suddenly made perfect sense.

Minako is somewhat famous... Yaten's probably not over her. Everyone had this future that no longer exists, even their cats...

Sailor Star Lover, Sailor Star Meteor, Sailor Star Ruiner and Sailor Star Spector, please watch over our Princess while we're gone...

Eventually, Seiya fell asleep, only to be awoken by Chibi-Usa's crying in the early morning. Squinting, she could barely make out the time on the grandfather clock in the living room. Moonlight streamed in through the cracks of the curtains, allowing her eyes to adjust.

1:20 AM, it read.

She drifted off again, only to be jolted awake at 4:16 AM when Chibi-Usa's screams filled the apartment. Seiya stumbled into the kitchen, fetching two glasses of water. She gulped one down before softly knocking on Usagi's bedroom door.

"Come in."

Seiya entered to find Usagi seated in a rocking chair beside the crib. She gratefully accepted the glass of water.

"I'm so sorry, she woke you," Usagi mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

"Don't apologize. Can I help?"

Usagi shook her head. "Go back to sleep, Seiya. She just does this a few times. See? Already asleep."

So she did. But Seiya found herself waking up again at 5:30 AM to the baby's cries. This time, she hesitated outside Usagi's door when she heard what seemed like sobs that didn't belong to Chibi-Usa.

It felt like somebody had reached into Seiya's chest and squeezed her heart.

Bun Head... You're so strong. But you don't have to do this all alone anymore. I am here for you.

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