Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

By Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... More



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By Patchutsksk

Minho is currently sitting on the passenger seat as Seungmin drives his car. They had a solid 5 minute argument on who should drive home but Seungmin who was so persistent eventually won.

"Mom told me to take care of you Hyung. Should I tell your friends about our little secret then? So they can take care of you instead?"
Asserting his domimance over a blackmail he'll eventually overuse until the results comeback which Mimho wasn't happy about but he has no choice but to comply and he also understood that it was for his own benefit as well.

They were allowed to go home after successfully conducting the genetic testing for Minho's blood back at the hospital. Their family doctor also conducted a full body check up on Minho to make sure he was ready to go home and no complications arose after fainting last night.

"Do you want to order take out Hyung? There's a drive through just a few blocks from here. My treat since I'm the best step brother you have."

"You are my only step brother though. But yeah. Get me anything healthy. I need to battle this disease and live a long life."

"Are we twins or something? That's exactly what i was thinking." Seungmin laughs as he takes a turn to the diner.

"Hey hey! Don't cross the line. It doesn't mean that I'm being nice to you, you can claim absurd things like that. Boundaries Seungmin." Minho laughed back.

The ride home was peaceful and slow paced. It was like Seungmin knew the older needed to experience this car ride for himself.  Minho was never in the passenger seat for quite a while so the feeling was very new to him. He opened the window sill to let fresh air in which he never did before. He forgot how refreshing and cool car ride air is for he was so used to his air conditioning.

The scenery of the city was somehow different that night, not in a physical sense but the emotional attachment Minho felt as they stroll at the busiest and brightest streets of the city.

He realized how the city he looked up to for years felt like a big place when he was still younger but now that he was all grown up, it wasn't so big after all. Now it looks so small and new to him. He then falls again into the oblivion of his deep thoughts and remembered the things he realized upon earlier that day.

He spent the rest of the afternoon at the hospital mostly alone as he waits for the Genetic Testing scheduled for him. He made a lot of self reflections and realizations.

Amazed how a single night can change the way he sees things, he sees the world and how he sees the people around him. He became much more open and forgiving to other people and to himself personally. He realized how he was so hard on himself and how he was his own enemy all this years. And finally he did understood how special his life really is.

"Is this what they call Self Actualization? Ironic how death gives meaning to life. Funny but hits different when you actually experience it for yourself."

That was the last thought Minho had for the day as they aproach their home.

"Hyung. Hurry up. I'm hungry. Come on old man." Seungmin called excitedly as he jogs towards their front door from their garage.

Minho caught up on how Seungmin was acting suspiciously but shrugged it off since nothing was out of the ordinary. Seungmin was still the typical annoying brother he had. So he just passed it on as Seungmin's same old antics to make him better or the younger might just be really hungry because his stomach was also rumbling from the smell of the dresses vegetable salad the younger was holding.

But as Minho approached their front porch, he heard murmurs coming from the inside. He immediately opens the door and sees darkness.

"Seungmin turn on the light, i think someone's in here. Might be a burglar or something. Be careful."

"WELCOME HOME!!!!!" His friends shouted as light illuminated their living room. All 6 of them were wearing their pajamas. Hyunjin and Felix were holding a banner possibly designed with sharpee that wrote WE HAD A LONG TEST EARLIER with cutout designs of different sketches Minho made of his friends.

"What are you guys doing here? And how did you get in?" Minho asked laughing as he approached them with arms wide open.

"Seungmin told us you were coming home from the hospital. So he gave us the keys to surprise you. Aren't we so sweet?" Changbin said in an aegyo like manner. The rest of them cringe at the sight but Minho's smile didn't falter a little bit.

"We were literally absent for just a day guys. You didn't have to do this and on a Monday night? We still have school tomorrow. Wait, are you gonna spend the night here?"

"If you let us? But i mean you don't have any choice anymore since your rents already agreed to us having a sleep over, so yeah we are gonna spend the night here on a Monday night." Bang Chan replied proudly.

"Coming from Bang Chan huh? Who didn't even agreed with when we asked him if we can have a night road trip last year." Minho bickered

"Hey. I've changed now. I'm more spontaneous as you all have noticed."

"Because Jeongin's here." Changbin said in a coughing tone. "Oh sorry. I really should check on my doctor for my nasty cough there. Eherm" Bang Chan then attacks Changbin as everybody laughs at their silliness.

"Hey hey but kidding aside thanks guys. We just literally came from the hospital for dad. It's not like i'm the patient here but yeah. I'm flattered." Minho said with uncertainty in his voice. Seungmin was the only one who catched the change on his tone disguised in a convincing smile he flashed on them.

"It's different when you're not around Minho. And are you not happy seeing us? Huh huh?" Hyunjin teased.

"Of course i am. I'm just shocked. Well you guys don't even do surprises on my birthday what more on a regular day like this."

"Of course we are not gonna do this ourselves. What are we, your mother? It was Jisung's idea." Changbin said smirking.

"Hey don't give me all the credit guys. If it wasn't for you all and Seungmin especially, we wouldn't have done all of this."

"Oh Jisung's just being humble. He wanted to come to the hospital to visit your father even. But then Seungmin suggested we should just visit you here instead since you guys were gonna go home." Felix replied.

"And then Jisung got an idea that we should have a sleepover here and surprise you instead to make you feel better. Since we technically didn't have a proper one because of the Minsung Operation we had at my crib last time. Ha ha ha." Hyunjin laughed awkwardly as he said the last few words on a lower tone trying to avoid that topic and open up some unwanted memories that might trigger Minho and attack them again for playing with his fears.

"Yeah Hyung. Mom and Dad gave us permission. They said it was a great idea to have someone at home with us especially that they're not coming home tonight."

"Aww. You didn't have to. Well I think this is nice and cute. Oh and what's this? We Had A Long Test Earlier." Minho reads. "WAIT. Is this my drawings?! How did you get this?!"

"Hey it was my idea to write the banner by the way. Do you like it? We debated with Welcome Back Home From Prison or this. And yep. We remembered you had drawings of our faces at your notebooks so we printed those and made cut outs here. Too bad Jisung and I.N doesn't have any drawings made by you yet. So we just improvised. But do you like it?"

"Not a bit. You didn't tell me our Prof. had a test when i went to school earlier! I would have visited our professor personally to arrange our schedules. Ugh." Seungmin interupted.

"Hey. We got your bro. We passed your excuse letters and made sure to have all the professor signed it. You'll get a special test when you get back tomorrow so no worries."

"See. There's no need to ruin the fun Seungminnie. No you guys get dressed because we have prepared more surprises for the both of you. It's not only Minho who was absent this day and had a hard time, this is also a thing we did for you Seungminnie." Hyunjin said with a sweet smile.

"Wait. More surprises? What did you do? You didn't go to my room did you?" Seungmin asked worriedly.

"No we didn't. Just trust us. Now go get dressed with your cute pajamas. Go go go." Bang Chan pushed them towards the stairs as the group laughed at the brother's confused faces.

As the two came out of their rooms, Bang Chan Changbin and Hyunjjn were waiting for them with wide smiles at their door room. "Are you guys set? So we are off to the theater room. Come on."

"What are you guys really up to? Im sure we are just watching another movie. Right? And we still haven't eaten dinner yet? Do we have food for them Seungmin?" Minho asked.

"Well i guess they have food for us Hyung? That's why i ordered take out so that you can have an extra meal since i really don't have trust in them especially with cooking."

"Hey. You're talking as if we are not here, of course we prepared something for dinner. And why are you talking like normal people. You've been so suspicious since you came back, the both of you. What happened at the hospital? Why are you both acting like you're close with each other? Huh? Huh?" Bang Chan said as he hugged Minho from the back.

"What do you mean close. Nothing happened." Minho replid immediately which came off defensively.

"Yeah. Hyung still hates me. And i hate him too. Nothing changed. It's just in your head." Seungmin laughed as he rides on his Hyung's alibi.

"But seriously bro. We missed you." Changbin said while Hyunjin agreed.

"Tss. You're acting as if I was absent for a month. Don't be such a baby Chanhbin. But yeah. I missed you guys too. Yesterday was...a lot." Minho replied his thoughts already away from the group. Flashbacks of the image of his father in a ventilator, the doctor's news to them and him laying on the hospital bed came rushing into hs mind.

"Hyung. They're asking you a question." Seungmin snapped him back.

"Oh. Sorry. What was that?"

"We just asked if your father is okay. But i guess it's an inappropriate question. Of course he's not okay. We'll visit him on the weekend Minho okay?" Hyunjin replied as he pat Minho's back.

"Yeah yeah. He's fine guys. I think he's getting better. The doctor said he gradually shows brain activity so that's a start. We just have to wait a little longer. Mom and Seungmin's dad is helping him to. Doctor's suggested talking to him might help him recover quickly."

"That's good to know then. Dad also reached for his regards to you since i told him about it." Changbin replied in a low tone.

"Thanks guys. I don't know what i would have felt coming home here with the house empty. I might have lost my mind."

"Hey hey. Enough with that hospital news. That's why we are here to help you and Seungmin forget about it for the mean time. Now let's go. They're waiting for us."

They entered the Theater room with a different setting. They rearranged and stacked the bed foams on top of each other and formed a cute towering bed set up. Jisung, Jeongin and Felix were already on the bed and laughing at something Jeongin was telling them.

"What are you guys gossiping about? Is it about Chan Innie?" Hyunjin teased.

Seungmin and Minho entered the room last not expecting the sight they're seeing. Different chips, popcorns and snacks are on the table with sodas and juices of different kind. The big screen was already on, showing  the the title Knives Out.

"This.....is amazing you guys. I didn't expect you to actually change our theater room but I'm not even mad. This looks even better." Minho replied as he approached the bed.

"Glad you like it Minho. We can also order food delivery if you like but we already had dinner at out house and just prepared snacks for the movie marathon we'll gonna have."

"Oh it's okay. I bought Hyung our dinner so you guys don't have to worry anymore. We can just continue with this movie marathon then."

Everybody agreed and cheered as they find their own places. He eyed Jisung's place but the other was already positioned next to felix. So he just went to the top part to get a view of everybody.

"Okay everyone turn off the lights and get comfy. This is gonna be a good movie so let's enjoy okay?" Bang Chan cheers.

They start the movie with concentration. Minho munched on his vegetable salad. The rest were enjoying their chips and popcorns of different flavor.

He glances at everybody, especially at Jisung. He can't help it. His eyes just darts it's way towards the younger. It was like a magnetic force making it's way to look at him. Jisung would sometimes glance back to them but then gets shy when he notices the other is already looking at him.

They make eye contact with each other multiple times throughout the showing of the movie. They would sometimes exchange smiles and both will get shy by their own actions. Changbin who always had an eye on the two notices everything. He would just laugh at them and sometimes randomly clap when he catches them looking at each other red-handed.

Changbin also noticed the side glances Seungmin and Hyunjin exchanged with each other, which made his own suspicion of the two.

But everything else went smoothly. They successfully finished two movies that night, the first one being a mystery and the second one a comedy movie which created multiple of shared laughter between the group.

"Okay kids. Let's sleep. Minho and Seungmin had a long day so they need to rest too." Bang Chan initiated when he saw Seungmin and Minho yawning throughout the second movie.

"Did you guys enjoy it?" Felix asked as his eyes sparkled.

"Yeah. Thank you. You guys being here was already enough. I somehow forgog everything. Thank you really." Minho replied sincerely.

Bang Chan, Changbin amd Hyunjin got up and approached him as he was laying on his stomach. They hugged him from behind and stacked up at each other's body while yhe rest of the group just laughed at them. "Aren't you guys joining?" Bang Chan asked. "Come on. This is a group hug. Everybody cuddle up and make Minho warm!"

Minho wasn't used to this kind of attention didn't protest a bit. He enjoyed this time with his friends. Even if it'll be just this once. He wanted to be happy despite everything that's happening.

The possibility of them moving to Texas and leaving his friends behind gave Minho that extra strength to hug his friends one more time. It might be the last so he night as well savour it more.

Few minutes passed and they already settled down. Already bundled up on their own blankets and on their stomachs facing each other. It was around 11 pm already and Bang Chan thought of something to make them sleepy, talking about scary things till they fall asleep and it always worked.

Minho was the last one to close his eyes. He mentally captured the sight he was seeing. His friends huddled up in a one convenient sushi wearing their pajamas and sleeping soundly.

This might be the last memory of them being this peaceful together, happily enjoying the moment without thinking of anything else. He then carelessly imagined what will happen when he begins to be honest about his disease to them, everything might change and it scared him big time.

But the sight of his friends made him relaxed again. He knows whatever will happen they got his back and that was enough for him to be at ease.


The next day, everybody woke up at around 5 am to get ready. Each has prepared their school uniform. Around 6:30 everyone was ready for school. Complete with school bags and their school shoes.

Minho got his keys as per usual but Seungmin who was so determined to not let his Hyung drive alone stopped him. "You heard mom. You can't drive on your own until your results come back and until we can make sure you're okay. So what are you doing with that?"

"They'll be suspicious if I'll let you drive my car stupid. And im fine Seungmin. Really. I'm strong as a cow. You guys are just exaggerating. Especially Mom and your riding with her too."

"Sure, you can say that. But I won't still let you drive alone. SQUIRREL!" Seungmin called. Jisung who was talking to Felix and Changbin on the porch looked up at them and approached.

"Hi pup. What's up? Haha. See what i did there?" Jisung joked.

The two just looked at him with a dissatisfied expression and laughed when the other got shy. "Aww cute." Minho said as he poke Jisung's cheek.

"My car broke down Squirrel. You should hitch a ride with Hyung okay? And keep him company. He need it, if you know what i mean."

"Oh? Just the two of us? Where would you ride then?"

"Nah. Im fine. I can just go with Hyunjin. I'll assume that Jeongin will likely gonna ride at Chan's car since we really can't seperate them since last night. So that's it. Okay bye! Now go to Hyung's car and keep him company. Go go go. Enjoy you two." Seungmin drags Jisung towards the car and push him.

Minho didn't protest but was amused with Seungmin's action. ''This brat is using me to get closer with Hyunjin without anyone knowing and he's even using Jisung for his plans. Tsk. This kid.'' Minho thought to himself but then shrugged it off since he promised he wouldn't tell anyone  about their secret affair.

"You're here again, at my passenger seat. I told you it belonged to you." Minho said as he starts the engine.

"I mean this feels more comfy that sitting at the back of Seungmin's car. So don't mind me if I'll actually take it." Jisung replied confidently.

"But it is yours. I'm giving you full authority of it. It's yours and yours alone. Nobody has sat on that you know, well now except for me. You can make that your study hub or your bed or anything you want. It's your spot." Minho smiled as he looked at the younger who's ears were red as a tomato already.

Jisung was trying to find a way to change the topic but screeched as he remembers something.
"Wait. Say that again. Study hub. You do know you have a special test for Prof. Gwan right?! Have you guys studied?! Oh god. We forgot to let you study last night! Oh my god."

Minho's expression didn't change a bit. "Oh it's okay. I had my early readings last week so I'm fine. And i lnow Seungmin can handle it as well."

"Oh yeah. I forgot you guys were hella smart...uhm soooo oh yeah! Here's the notes i wrote yesterday. You can keep it. I had my own one too. That's everything we discussed yesterday." Jisung hands a 3 page bondpaper with hand written scribbles on it.

"Thank you Jisung. For making the surprise for me. For being a friend. For being here. For everything. I really don't know what to do without you. I appreciate you. You're the reasons why I'm happier now."

"Hey. Why are we being serious all of a sudden? It's fine. It's not a big deal Minho. I just knew what you were feeling and i just wanted to be there to help you through it."

"My life became better when i met you. You know that right? I hope you know that. So thank you." Minho didn't hesitate to express his gratitude towards the other. Not minding even if he sounded weird for suddenly being emotional. He then reach for Jisung's head and pats it.

Jisung didn't respond as he became flustered and was taken aback by the other's action. His heart racing as Minho's hand touched him. Thankful that he can see their school gate from a distance.


Everybody watched them as they arrive at the campus. Parking at their usual spot rigjt on schedule Eleverytime. But what surprised the students waiting for them was that each of the Stray Kids member, aside from Changbin who was always with Felix, had a partner of their own.

Jeongin coming out of Chan's car. Seungmin coming out from Hyunjin's car and Jisung coming out from Minho's.

"Are they really that close? Why are they riding in Stray Kid's cars?"

"Isn't that the transfer students with Chan and Minho? How did they manage to leech their way to the elites?"

"I heard from a junior that they saw Stray Kids coming from Mimho's house this morning. Maybe they had a party or something?"

"Really? On a school night? That's so cool. Hey hey they're near. Shhhh."

The group of friends walked their way towards the main building. Laughing as they talked about the movie they watched last night, still haven't get over about it.

"I saw someone cuddling last night. Hmmmm." Minho teased.

"Hey! Why are you guys looking at us. We slept immediately. Must be Chan and Jeongin." Changbin said defensively.

"Ooohhh. You guys getting spicier huh?"

"Innie?" Jisung eyed his bestfriend.

"Noooo! Jiji! We didn't. I swear!"

Minho laughed as he teased the two but as they approach the main entrance a freshman running bumped into him.

"Oh I-I'm sorry. I wasn't looking. Im sorry." Said the girl flustered as she bowed multiple times ro the older.

Waiting for the cold expression he usually shows. Some student gasp at his response to the younger, as they knew Minho wasnt the most friendly out of the Stray Kids member the reason why nobody usually go in their way, especially Minho's.

"Oh it's okay. It's my fault. I wasn't looking. Sorry. Good morning by the way." Minho smiled to the girl and they continued walking leaving the freshman mouth agape as she was awe struck by Minho's presence.

"Did you see that? No. Did you hear that?!"

"Why was Minho scary again?"

"His voice is so angelic! I never heard his voice before!"

"Maybe he's friendlier now? Does this mean we can finally make an active fans club for him now? Omg!"

Murmurs by different students immediately spread towards the hall but it wasn't different from Stray Kids normal morning excpet for their new companions who was still uncomfortable with all the eyes on them.

"You were friendly back there. Have a nice nap Minho?" Bang Chan asked as they approached their classroom.

"I guess you can say that." Minho flashed a smile he normal doesn't do.

"You're being weird Minho. What happened to you? Ew. Why are you smiley all of a sudden?" Hyunjin asked as he grimaced at Minho.

Minho immediately looks at him with piercing eyes that could actually shot daggers. Hyunjin then trembles and breaks eye contact to avoid him. "Sorry! Fine fine. You look handsome!"

"I thought so." Minho smirked as he sat on his seat next to Hanna who already clinged to him asking how he was doing.

They finished the rest of the day in a swift. Minho and Seungmin already got their special test and had each teacher give their regards to this father knowing that Minho's dad was a well known Pilot in District 9.


They enjoyed two whole weeks in school with no problem. They had an agreement to postpone meetings for their film making on the weekends since they have to visit his father often at the hospital. His friends also visited the hospital one time but they were not allowed to enter his hospital room due to health reasons which Minho did not disclose to his friends yet. They just assumed it was for protocols and Mrs. Kim also asked for no visitors allowed for the time being even with close family friends.

But putside Minho's social and school life. 2 weeks of waiting was excruciatingly slow for the family. But finally the results were already on their doctor's hands. Ready to be open whenever Mrs. Kim gives her signal. The family sitting together on the table at the doctor's office.

Mrs. Kim holding her husbands hand who didn't leave her side even an inch and Seungmin clutching his knees getting ready for the result. While Minho was more relaxed than the rest of them, already had himself ready with whatever result may it be. Conditioning himself for the 2 whole weeks he had before the D-Day. With the help ofhis friends especially with Jisung who didn't even left his side for the rest of the week.

"Whenever you are ready honey." His mother smiled at him.

"Okay. I'm ready Mom. I'll accept whatever the result is."

The doctor opens the envelope containing the lab results. He reads the label loudly as possible so that everybody can hear it. "12 CAG."

"What does that mean doc?" Mr. Kim asked as his grasp on his wife's hand tighten trying to console her.

"It means Minho is negative for Huntington's disease."


A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR STAY! I couldn't finish the chapter much earlier but hey. Atleast i made it. I'm soooo excited for Step out 2021! AHHHHHHH! 🌸

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