Of Course Not || MINSUNG ON H...

Od Patchutsksk

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Han Jisung, a transfer student at JYP Academy, is forced to be the lead role for a school project partnered w... Více



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Od Patchutsksk

"Hyung, slow down! You'll get us killed. I told you i should have drive. Just pull up. Please. Let me drive."

"Seungmin, shut up. You're messing with my head and i don't need any of your scolding right now. So shut the fuck up." Minho growled.

Seungmim was taken a back by the older's response. Minho never shouted nor cursed at him before even though they were not that close. He could feel the negative aura that Minho radiated at that moment and the more reason he wanted to take the wheel from him. "But you're not on the right state to drive right now! And mom needs you!" Seungmin shouted while trying to pat his Mom's back who was already shaking from anxiety.

Minho fell silent. Deep inside he knew Seungmin was right. Millions of thoughts were already floating over his head. Series of mixed emotions were pilling up and he knew any moment he might explode. All the anger and resentment he collected through the years washed away after hearing the news awhile ago. All that's left is the feeling of sorrow, regret and longiness for his father. He wasn't ready to be left alone by his Dad. And he will never be ready.

"Fine. Take the wheel." Minho finally said in a breath. He parked the car on the side walk and quietly got out.

Their eyes met as they cross each other's path while exchanging seats. Seungmim let out a reassuring nod before opening the car door.

"Don't worry. I'll take you to your father in no time, safely."

Minho pat his back in return. He was secretly thankful for the younger. If it wasn't for the person taking the wheel right now, he might have lost his mind.

It must have been the adrenaline rush that kept him going because his knees fell weak after seeing his mother crying and shaking from the back seat. He realized he was being selfish. Thinking about himself alone that he forgot that the most important woman in his life was suffering from the situation aswell.

He held his mom into a tight hug and caressed her hair. "Don't cry mom. Shhh. Dad will be alright. He's strong. You know him. He's a tough cookie. He'll be okay."

Minho couldn't help himself, he drifted into his own memory lane. Reminiscing the time he spent together with his blended family. He dug deep to remember if he ever had a single memory of happiness with his dad for the past year after he left them.

His parents' relationship might not have turned out like how he dreamt it to be but it was still something special. Best friends forced into an arrange marriage both were opposed to but eventually turned into lovers, and Minho is the living proof of the love that gradually blossomed despite the unfortunate path his grandparents has chose for them. Eventually broke up but still remained as each other's best friends till this day.

4 years ago, Minho's mom finally married Kim Juhkyun, a retired army turned into a successful business man at the age of 50. Originally based in the USA, they transferred to South Korea, together with his only son, Kim Seungmin, to settle permanently with them.

Seungmin's dad and Minho's dad were civil with each other. Jealousy was never in the picture. They both knew each other's boundaries and that's the key reason why their relationship as a complicated family wasn't that complicated at all.

Minho snapped back from reality when his car abruptly stopped infront of the most prestigious and well known hospital of the country. The area was unfamiliar to him now after not visiting for 2 whole weeks when the school year started. And now he regretted every single minute he didn't spent together with his Dad.

They enter the hospital practically speed running. Mrs. Kim spots a familiar nurse she has been seeing for awhile whenever she visits her ex husband.

"Nurse! What happened? Is he fine? Where is he?"

"Mrs. Kim! He is in his room now and I believe Doctor Jung is still there-"

Mrs. Kim didn't let the nurse finish before she ran towards the familiar hall she has been wandering for the past weeks. The only day she didn't visit her dearest friend and this happened to him. "He might have felt I wasn't there for the day and made his own tantrum to get my attention." Mrs. Kim joked to herself and as if it was an energy boost, her speed increased and in no time they were infront of Room 203.

They hurriedly opened the white sliding door. The smell of that sickening hospital scent lingered in Minho's nose, he then remembered why he didn't like hospitals in the first place.

He hesitated to continue as he sees his father attached on a ventilator and a heart monitor beeping in a steady rhythm as green zigzags peak through the screen. He looked helpless and fragile. A sight never crossed their minds even after the incident just a month ago.

Inside the spacious dull room was Doctor Jung, their private doctor and also a close family friend of theirs, he was talking to four other doctors who were behind him listening attentively to whatever he was talking about. They seemed to be engaged in a very serious topic for it was visible on their faces.

"Doctor Jung, what happened to Do Yoon?"

The other doctors greeted the lady and immediately went out instructed by Doctor Jung after seeing the family enter. He flashed a faint smile to them that made Minho's heart sink. He knew bad news was about to be delivered to them. It was the same faint smile he gave when he broke the news about his father being in a coma.

"Cho Hee, you are finally here. And i see that you brought your son with you."

"Why? Is my father gonna die?" Mrs. Kim flinched and immediately grab Mimho's hand after hearing her son's question.

"No. He is fine, for now. He is still in a coma but the good news is he gradually shows signs of brain activity. Earlier you received a distress call from one of our nurses but we already handled it while you were on your way here. He needed a ventilator because of the bacterial pneumonia present in his lungs. We already gave him antibiotics."

"What does that mean? Will he be okay? Will he still wake up? Pneumonia is treatable right?" Minho asked.

"Yes he might but-

"But what?" Mrs. Kim asked. Her grip on Minho's hand tightened.

"Cho Hee, I don't know how to say this. You should sit first. This is gonna be hard for the both of you. Especially for Minho." They slowly approached the sofa across the room. Their steps are heavy, trying to find ways to somehow delay the news coming to them.

"Do Yoon has been a friend of mine for years and what happened to him was very difficult for me. He was never a careless driver. He may be spontaneous at times but i know he was careful especially when driving. So i immediately knew something was not right. So we ran some tests to find if there are any problems in his body that may have potentially caused the incident." He held a deep breath before continuing.

"After weeks of conducting multiple of tests, we finally received the results just now as you came by. And as i suspected, Do Yoon has Huntington's Disease. It causes deterioration in a person’s physical, mental, and emotional abilities, usually during their prime working years, and currently has no cure. Most people start developing symptoms during adulthood, between the ages of 30 to 50, but Huntington's Disease can also occur in children and young adults.
A symptom of this is involuntary movement and i think that has caused Do Yoon's accident. A symptom that showed, unfortunately while he was driving. I know this is a lot to take in. But this is not the worse part."

Mrs. Kim sank on her seat. Tears she forced to keep the whole time just went free falling as the doctor explained his ex husband's diagnosis while Minho's mind went blank.

His brain can't process the information brought to them. His father was completely healthy through the years. He wanted to reject the idea of a "disease" that his father has, that he never even heard of before. It even sounds like a made up one just to make his life miserable than it already is but he knew better. He knew his mind was just creating a coping mechanism to ease the stress he was feeling. And it wasn't even the worse part of the news. There was more.

The room fell silent for a couple of minutes. The Doctor gave them enough time to process this devastating news. But they knew that what was coming will be much worse than the previous one. The heavy breathing of Mrs. Kim eventually calmed down after a few minutes.

"I'm ready. What's the worse part?"

"It is also known as a family disease because every child of a parent with this disease has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the faulty gene. This means that Minho may have inherited Huntington's Disease from his father."

Minho never knew such devastating news can get any worse than the one of his father. But after hearing the word Huntington's Disease and his name in the same sentence just took the winning bag. 18 years worth of life memories flashed before his eyes. The possibility of a disease present in your genes and knowing it does not have cure broke Minho's will to live right there and then. His breathing became heavy and his chest contracted abnormally. His hands were shaking, beads of cold sweat were formimg on his forehead and his body temperature drastically dropped.

"Sorry. I-i need some fresh air." He got up quickly and left the room not knowing which way to go. His intention was to leave the hospital immediately, afraid he might not be able to come out of it ever again. His sight was already blurry from the tears swelling up from his eyes. A wave of dizziness washed over his senses and made him walk in a zigzag manner. He heard a muffled voice calling out for his name. His vision narrowed as he bumps into a passerby on the hallway.

"Excuse me! Watch where you're going. Hey? Are you okay? You look sick. Kid kid!"

That was the last voice Minho heard before lossing grip from his surroundings as darkness enveloped his senses.


Minho opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar room laying on a comfortable bed, still wearing his clothes from the dinner they had at home. The morning light illuminated the room through the glass window showing a clear blue sky.

A boy, he assumes Seungmin, was laying on the sofa facing his back to him, sleeping soundly. He examines the area of the room. Brown wooden floor, light brown painted walls, a flat tv screen plastered across his bed and a painting of a garden beside the door. He is in a hospital room. He then remembers a flashing image of him falling on the ground. He remembered the feeling of the cold hard hospital floor as it touched his skin and he can't remember anything anymore.


"Hyung? Are you awake? What do you feel? I'll call the nurse."

"What time is it? What happened?"

"It's 10 am Hyung and it's monday. I already went to the school earlier to give our excuse letters."

"Where's Mom?" Minho asks as he attempts to get out of the bed.

"Don't stand up yet. I'll call the nurse." Seungmin pushed the red button on the side of Minho's bed.
"Please sit down. Don't walk yet Hyung and Mom has a meeting with the doctors. They're discussing about-"

"Dad. Where's dad? Is he okay?"

"Yeah he's okay. They transferred him to different room at the top floor."

A nurse immediately came by and checked his pulse and blood pressure. Everything seemed normal but he was adviced to rest a bit more. The nurse explained he fainted due to the emotional stress he experienced last night and jmhe just needed rest to get better.

After the nurse went out, they fell silent. Not knowing what to ask next, the door opened and Seungmin's dad entered. Holding a vase full of colorful flowers and a fruit basket.

"Minho, you're awake. Are you fine? What do you feel? The doctor said you just needed rest and your mom is talking to the doctors as we speak. I also visited Do Yoon before coming here, i brought him flowers and fruits too."

"Thank you sir. And yes im fine so can i got to him now? I want to see him."

"I'm afraid not son. Your mother said you should stay here until she comes back."

Minho nods, understanding the situation he was in. He lay his back on the bed again and looked at the ceiling. His eyes lit up after remembering something. "My phone. Seungmin, do you have my phone?"

"Yeah Hyung it's here."

He smiles as he sees Dori's cute face on his wallpaper. 75 missed calls and 36 text messages from his friends and a few from Hanna.
Minho sloppily typed on the screen, finding a particular name he's dying to talk to right now.

Han Jisung

Jisung: Hey. Are you alright?


Is your father okay?

Hi. Hyunjin took me home.

I'm riding his car rn.

I'm home. Is your father okay?

Minho, good night.

Good morning Minho.

You wouldn't believe what happened with Jeongin and Chan.

Minho, i heard you guys were absent for the day.

Are you alright?

Chat us if you can. We are worried.

I'll take notes for today's lesson and givee it to you and Seungmin when you get back so that you wouldn't miss any topic.

I hope you're okay. :(

Minho: Hi Jisung. I'm fine.
We spent the night here at the hospital to take care of dad. He's okay.

Jisung: MINHO!!! I'm glad you're okay. We were so worried for you guys.

Dude are you serious? We missed hundreds of calls for you last night and this morning but you chat Jisung first? Now I'm sad.

Bro! Guess who has a new boyfriend at our group.

Hey Minho, don't believe anything they're saying. Because I don't have a boyfriend! But i hope your dad will be alright.

I'm sorry. They passed my phone one by one to chat you. 🤦 I was worried they might break it. I've taken them under control. Your friends are craaaazy.

Minho: We'll be home after a few days, i think. Dad needs us.

And tell them to stop bothering you or else.
And don't worry. I'm fine. I just overslept last night so i didn't respond to you guys.

Jisung: Bye Minho! Chat you later. Prof. Gwan is here.

Minho: :)

Minho was so immersed with his phone that he didn't realize his step father was not in the room anymore.


"Do you need anything Hyung? I'll call the nurse again."

"No. Have you told anyone about what happened last night?"

"Uhm. No not yet."

"Good. Don't tell them anything. Or dad's disease or possibly mine aswell. Okay? I don't want them to worry about me."

"Okay Hyung. Anything you want." Seungmin said with a smile. "I'm sure you're gonna be fine Hyung. It's a 50/50 chance. I'm sure you're not gonna have it. I can feel it."

Minho knew the younger was just making him feel better. 50/50 chances are the worst. You don't know what's coming to you and what to expect. "Don't get my hopes up Seungmin. But yeah. I guess you're right. Thank you."

He takes 2 red apples from the basket full of fruits his step father brought earlier.
"Want some?" He asked the younger.

"Sure Hyung. Let me wash it first." Seungmin walks to the comfort room and took 2 apples and 2 bananas with him.
"Here you go. Fresh and clean. Uhm Hyung? I have a question."

"Hmmmm. What is it?"

"Remember when we baked cookies and i gave you a full bowl? You might have forgotten it already but i heard you said you were jealous of me?"

"Oh. You heard it? I should make my room soundproof then. But yeah. Don't think too much about it. It's not a big deal."

"No Hyung but I want to know."

"I guess you coming to our life and being my Mom's new son made me jealous? I always had to fight my way to get some attention from my dad and when he eventually left us, Mom was the only one there for me. I thought we were good on our own but of course i would sometimes still think of making ways to bring my family back together but then you and your father came and then you somehow had an instant happy family of your own. But for me, i never had one.

And then you settled in and the house i grew up from felt foreign. It was never the same till then. The interior was the same but the feeling changed especially whenever I'm seeing you three being happy made me feel as if i was the one who didn't belong there. I was the one who was trespassing.

Stray Kids became my number one family after mom remarried. I always stayed at Hyunjin's house especially if your father comes home. I always feel like a reject whenever i see you guys together. But don't worry, after 4 years of living with you i got used to it already. No hard feelings anymore."

"I never knew. I'm sorry my father married your mom. If only i knew you felt that way, i shouldn't have been mean back to you. I should have known better."

"No. Don't say that. I'm glad your father married my mom. I never seen her that happy before even with my dad. And well, i also wanted a brother to mess with sometimes so i guess you're good too."

"Are you angry with your dad? Do you know why he left?"

" Yeah, of course i was angry with him. He left at the time where i needed him the most. But i knew, deep inside he never loved us in the first place anyway. You know they were in an arranged marriage right?"

"Yeah. Dad told me about it before coming to SK."

"Well i taught myself to believe that maybe that was the reason why our family didn't work. I wasn't enough for him to stay."

"Hyung." Seungmin said in a cracked voice as tears fell from his eyes.

"Hey! Don't cry! No one's crying right now! That's so corny Seungmin. Ew." Minho stretched his arms as he wipes Seungmin's tears with his sleeves.

"But you had it rough. I always hated you for being mean to me but you were just sad and alone. I should have been there for you. I'm sorry Hyung."

"Hey! Don't be sorry. I'm fine stupid. You're good Seungmin. I don't want you to be sorry for me. That's the last thing i want from you. Just dont change. Even if we'll confirm this disease in my genes. Don't change. Still be my step brother who I like to annoy."



"So are we good Hyung?"

"We were always good Seungmin. Hey but let me tell you a secret."

"What Hyung?"

"The first time i saw you, i knew i wouldn't like you. If were in the same school even before, i would have transferred or didn't hangout with you."

"HYUNG. I thought we were good. You're at it again. And you always say that." Seungmin laughed.

Minho's mom and his husband entered the room and found the two boys enjoying each other's company. It was the first time she smiled after last night.

"Minho, honey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Hi mom. I'm fine. Can we go home after this? Can we see dad?"

"Minho, the thing is I had a meeting with the board of directors and the doctors of the hospital. They suggested we should transfer your father to the USA. They have a Clinical Center for Huntington's Disease at Houston, Texas and they offer numerous of benefits and care for people like your father. And we are planning to transfer there, for good. Atleast to help your father."

"For good? But my life is here Mom. I don't want to leave my friends here. Can't they treat Dad here? I thought this was the number one hospital in the country? Aren't they competent? Then patients here are wasting there time getting better in this bullshit hospital when they can't even take care of my father. And what's the point of transferring him there? Their's no cure right?"

"Son. Calm down please. I know this is so sudden but your father can participate in the clinical trials there too. We can help in finding a cure for this disease. Isn't that what you father wanted before? To have a purpose? Maybe this is it. Honey, think about it. You don't have to come with us right away. We can have your DNA testing here to know if you have the disease as well. But it's final. We already had the flight ready maybe a week or two. We just have to sign some papers."

"Mom. But i don't want to leave. We can stay here. Please. I don't want you to leave me too."

"Minho. Listen to me. I'm not forcing you to come honey. You are on the right age to choose your own path. But i really want you to be close to me if i can. Here's the deal. If the result of your DNA test will be in our favor, you can stay here but if not then you have no choice but to come with us. No ifs no buts."

"Fine. I don't care anymore. No matter what i choose my life is already ruined anyway."

"Baby. Please don't say that. Minho!" Mrs. Kim's grip wasn't strong enough to hold his son back. Minho left the room and slammed the door behind him.

"Dad. I don't want uto leave here too. I'll stay with Hyung. Please rethink of this again mom, Hyung also needs you." Seungmin said as he immediately ran after his brother.

"Give him time. This is a lot to take in. Seungmin has his back. Don't worry. He'll eventually come to his senses."

"I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry you're caught up with this when it's not your problem anymore. You know how Do Yoon is to us right? I'm sorry Honey."


Seungmin found Minho on the small garden area at the back of the hospital. Alone and spaced out.
"Hyung, whatever you'll choose. I'll come with you."

"I'll stay here. No matter what happens. I won't let that disease take away my life. I know dad will understand me if i won't come with him."

"Of course Hyung. I never met your dad but i know he loves you despite the stories you've shared to me earlier. And besides, I don't want to leave here either."

"Is it because of Hyunjin?"

"H-hyung. No. Uhm. No. What do you mean." Seungmin said flustered.

"Do you think i don't see you guys eyeing each other secretly in between classes? I also saw Hyunjin's wallpaper."

"Fine fine. We are- we are taking it slow. Please don't tell them Hyung. We want this to be private first. Pleaaase."


"Hyung! Keep you voice down! You!? Now I'm gonna leave you. You'll stay here alone while I go with mom and dad at Texas. Ughhh!"

"Fine2! I'll keep quiet. Geez." Minho said laughing.

"Are you okay now Hyung?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

"What did i do?"

"For staying. And running after me. You didn't have to but you still did. Thank you."


A/N: might drop the next chapter sooner, maybe later or tomorrow. 👀 Just a little gift from me to you. Sorry for the late update tho.
And disclaimer, if you find anything inaccurate with the medical terms i used, message me right away. :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Stays!
You Make Stray Kids Stay. ♥️

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