Chapter Forty-Four

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I groggily, start to slowly wake up, as the sunshine pours through the big windows. As I lift my head, I notice I'm laying on someone's chest. I look up seeing my boss sleeping peacefully, I look around noticing the melted ice pack on the table. It created a large puddle around it, I feel my boss grip tighten, as he moves his arm more over my body. 

Last night, we kissed....and had a make out session...? I'm not really sure, but if my guess is correct then I guess we did. It was my first ever, hopefully I wasn't too bad. I check my watch, and hear him grumble while his eyes slowly open. I slowly sit up, and he follows rubbing his eyes.

"What time is it?" I stand up and get paper towels to clean the puddle. 

"It's almost time to open this building..." I wipe the puddle and grab the ice pack, I bring it and put it in his freezer. "We're running behind, I should go home and change...and return back just in time--" I turn around after throwing away the wet towel, he hugs me softly. He gives me space and places his hand on my cheek.

"Calm down, you have extra clothes here. Remember it was for emergencies." I nod and bring my hand up to his wrist, grabbing it. 

"Right...right, I should change...and you should take a shower." I say while ripping away from him, I scurry over and quickly go towards the guest bathroom. I take out the paper bag, and see everything I need.

"I'll be in my shower, you can change in peace--oh and" I look at him and watch him gently touch a spot on my neck. "Sorry about that." He smirks as I bring my hand up to the spot confused.

As he walks away I close the door, and look in the mirror. I remove my hand to see a light hickey place on my nape. I gasp, and look around for my purse, I realize it's still in my car. I sigh and take out my shirt, seeing a turtle neck. I feel a wave of release and get to changing, I fix up my hair using my small brush. I finish and place the bag by the toilet to pick up later.

I exit and hear my name being yelled, I open his bedroom door and lean onto the bathroom one. I nod and figure out what he saying through the mumbled wood, I go to his closet grabbing a specific suit jacket. I lay it out carefully on his bed, including the suit that follows. I exit out the bedroom, hearing the bathroom door open. I wipe down my skirt and shirt, making sure my appearance looks nice and cleaned up.

I walk into the living room, passing the couch we slept on that night. I flinch, feeling a pain in my lower back and hip region. I shake it off, and continue to walk, I place my hand on the door knob only to be interrupted.

"You alright?" He asks, I look back.

"What?" I say off guard.

"I heard you make a noise like you were in pain." He adjusts his tie, making me remember my job requirements. 

"Oh..." I release the door knob and walk up to him, grabbing his tie. "My hip or lower back is sore, maybe because we squeezed together on a small couch." I say while fixing his tie, I finish and wipe down his chest region. 

"I could let you off today--" I click my tongue.

"For a sore back? I rather be let off for a illness or cold." I smile and turn around, as I walk over to the entrance. 

" um, walk through that door....may you stay late we can speak about this--in private?" I feel myself remember our kiss last night, feeling it move onto my neck--I snap out of my thoughts and nod towards him. 

I open the door, and hold it for him. He passes through and I close it with ease, I then go over to my corner and place myself down. As I grab my pen and planner, I can't help but go back to last night. 

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now