Chapter Forty-Five

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I stack my papers, and walk over to him, placing it nicely. I turn around and fix up the planner before finally concluding the day in the office. I look over seeing him focused on his paperwork. Instead of interrupting him and his thoughts, I get up, grabbing my things plus the dirty clothes. I step out and turn myself, making my body face the door, he calls me as I freeze in place. 

"Let's talk." He sternly says, while I face him.

"I'll start first." I state while placing things by the door, I close it. "Last night, I wasn't expecting myself to start the um- you know...but I did."

"You regret it?" He asks.

"Being I didn't--it's the first time in years that I felt my heartbeat spike up. I-I think that I like you." I feel myself shake bit, getting those words out, he stands up, adjusting his suit.

"If I'm being honest, then I like-like you too." He smiles, while I give a weak one back. He grabs my hand. "Will you be my girlfriend? Isabella Porter." I look down at our hands, then back up at him. I nod and he quickly gives me a tight hug, he then cups my head. "Great....this is just..." He lets us separate. "Great."

"Listen....let's not tell anyone yet first, because of well my parents will actually kill you." He nods while making a face. "Glad you know how my father is like...I'll tell them myself and i'll figure it all out." He let's his face rub my face, as I notice the time on my watch. "It's late...I have to sleep and come tomorrow--speaking of which uhm...I don't want to go to Dean's wedding." 

"Any reason?" He asks me.

"I'll be meeting a friend." I smile. "I'll get going alright." I leave him and start picking up my things.

"Do you know if Luke's is open." I nod and look over to his calendar. 

"Should be, why?" I say.

"Craving his coffee...because of you." He playfully says.

"You're welcome." I open the office door.

"Wait you forgot something." I turn around and look around while he's walking towards me.

"What did I forget--" He lightly kisses my lips to shut me up. I rapidly blink as he backs away. "I guess that." I blush a bit and walk out, feeling his eyes glued to me leaving. I look back and wave, the elevator arrives and I walk in. 

(President Lee POV)

I nod towards her, as she leaves, I look away when her body disappears because of the elevator doors. I turn around and check her work station, seeing it nice and clean. I go to mine, and finish up a few things. I gather my things, and make sure I lock up my penthouse door. I exit the work place and enter my car, checking the time on my watch. I get in and drive to Stars Hollow, resting my arm on the window. 

I park in front of the diner, and leave. I jog across, seeing a woman exit, she slightly flirts while walking by. I ignore it and enter the diner, seeing the man named Luke stand there with his arms crossed.

"Did you just close?" I ask, he nods. "I apologize, I'll--"

"Before you leave, what were you gonna ask?" He annoyingly says.

"Black coffee." He nods as he walks behind the counter.

"It'll be one moment." I nod and take out my wallet, pulling out the bills for the coffee. I put away my wallet, as the door to the diner opens, giving the bell at the top a simple ring. A bunch of drunk men stumble in, with the same Dean guy. They sing a song, as they sit down, Luke returns.

"Woah...uhm it's brewing..." He says to me. "What is happening here?"

"Phase 2!" Dean shouts, his friend then steps up.

"We just need something to hold our stomach, we won't be long." He respectfully says, completely sober from the way he worded the sentence. 

"How about I whip up some pancakes, so it could soak up whatever you've been drinking?" The drunk men shout in agreement, as he goes back. I smell my coffee, as the men calm down a bit. He comes back, bringing the paper cup filled with the dark substance. 

"Isabella...." Dean mumbles, I turn my head, feeling my eyes or face do all the talking. I angrily look at his closed eyes.

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