Chapter Thirty

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After my birthday, a week passed, I turned in my assignments and got my letter from both colleges. I hid them from my parents, terrified what lied under those words. I sat staring at the two envelopes, as time went by. I hid the letters and hear another knock at my door, my mother comes in, as my father follows.

"Isabella, as a newly graduated student, we decided you needed to start a job. Even though the letters are still coming from college, we still want you to not be lazy." I sigh and feel my vacation over.

"Father, I can't have a little break from studying? I have been good with my grades and tests, that I believe I deserve a break." He sighs and shakes his head.

"Well a good CEO or boss, never take a break unless they plan it. Now, starting tomorrow Sunday you'll be going to your first secretary job, to get a feel of how business works. No ands or buts, be ready." He walks out, as I stop trying to argue or fight back. My mother walks to me, and gives me a light pat on my shoulder.

"It'll be good, I promise." She leaves the room, I walk to my bed, plopping down on the soft sheets. I furrow my brows, and jump up, leaving my room and storming down stairs, seeing both my parents frozen.

"If I am going to learn about maturing, then let me get and drive my own car!" I say, feeling a deep breath leave my lungs after that sentence. 

"Sweetie, we have personal chauffeur, why drive when we hire Peter?" He says aiming towards outside, I turn and feel guilty. "We can't let you, it'll ruin our image as a high-class business and family." 

"I want to create an image for myself, and I want to drive, give me one responsibility please?" I say, my father steps forward, with his head high up.

"How about this....Peter will continue to drive you, to your new job as well. I would allow you to drive, if you show me that you can handle this job, so consider this a test. Also I pick the car you could be driving." I nod, and hug them both tight, happy that I at least get a chance to prove to them that I can mature.

"Thank you, thank you!" I clasp my hands and  start heading upstairs, I pause turning. "Did my last report card, ever get in?" They shake their heads no, I nod and continue to rattle the stairs with my steps, hearing my mother yell from down below.

"Isabella, elegance please!" She shouts, I giggle and lightly close my bedroom door. I lightly stomp my feet in happiness, I lay down, tossing myself down on the bed. Before getting covers over my head, I hear a knock. I groggily get up, seeing my mother ready to leave the house. "We're buying you more secretary clothes, now come on." She grabs my hand and drags me with her.

"Right now!?" She nods, "W-wait..."

"No time, and it'll be quick!" She says, as the entrance door opens.

"That's a lie." I mumble, her eyes glare at me, I weakly smile in defeat as she gets into the car, I follow. "May I take a nap on the way there?"

"Well you'll have sleepy eyes, but I guess you deserve it." I smile and lay my head on my mothers shoulder. My eyes slowly shut, as the drive continues there. 

My eyes open shockingly, as my mother calls my name. She gets out of the car, and I fall to the side, I was resting on. My mother helps me out, as I say a quick goodbye to Peter, I get dragged into designer stores. I try on multiple skirts and blouses, saying yes to them, although every dress I refuse since I think I have too many. 

My mother disagrees, but doesn't force me to wear or buy them. She then pulls me into another store, but forces me to buy more high-heels, but even higher than before. I struggle while walking, so the store employee helps me walk better in them. I curse inside my head as I continue to wiggle my ankles while walking.  

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant