Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I start doing my paperwork, hearing calls pile in from the main office, I politely get up and close my glass door. I sit back down to continue, but I see my boss come up and open it. I confusingly look at him while he angrily comes in. 

"Secretary Porter, you don't need to close the door, my business is also yours." I lightly drop my pen and fold my hands.

"I always close it, because the handbook said so...and you need privacy." I say, while his steam cools off. 

"Well you don't have to anymore." He sternly says while going back to his desk.

I chuckles and finish my work by lunch, as I grab the planner, I hear a knock. A woman walks in, but I stay focused on my own priorities. As I write the last letter down, my boss comes into my office room, planting a letter on my desk. I grab it, seeing it was from Dean and Lindsey....a wedding invitation. Their wedding is quite soon, isn't it? Time has been going fast, that I don't really notice.

As I read the nice invitation, I start to feel my heart ache all over again. When Rory broke up with Dean, I was supportive of both sides. Rory is now with jess, I think? While Dean is now getting married, and I'm just working. I never had an opening to ask Dean out, because it wasn't right for me to do so. 

I snap out of my thoughts, and see my lunch time go to waste. I drop the letter, and pick up my purse. I grab my wallet and depart from my desk, hearing my boss clear his throat, I turn seeing him raise a brow.

"Lunch." I say, he waves for me to go ahead. 

I nod and make my way towards the elevator, pressing the button for the lobby.

(President Lee Point of View)

I watch as she rushed out the room, seeing the white card face down on her desk. I place my hand up to my smooth chin. She stared at that card for a while, reading the lines, or even in between them. I get up dragging my hand across my desk as I pass in, I pass the glass wall and reach over. I pick up the card and read it, it was a wedding invitation, to that guy Dean. As I hear heels clack on the floor, I panic and place the letter down. I rush over to my desk, seeing the shadow come loser. 

"Ah! Jackson! My boy!" She opens her arms and hugs me.

"Mom?!" I confusingly say as I hug her back. "What's with the visit?"

"Wanted to stop by and see how you were." She says looking around, her gaze freezes onto my secretary desk. "I see you found a new secretary--up to your standards?"

"Yes, if she wasn't, she wouldn't be here." I hear a light knock at the door.

"President, I'm back with my lunch--is it alright that I eat it here?" She looks up seeing my mother. "You have company, my apolo--"

"No no!" My mother exclaims, gently tugging her closer. "How pretty you are for a secretary! Modeling would be good for you-" I laugh cutting my mother off. "You must be the new secretary."

"Well, if you call a year new, then yes, that's me." She says, giving a nice handshake to her. 

"Well, I must go now. Ah, look how handsome my Jackson Lee is getting. Don't you think so?" She asks her, I raise my brow waiting for her response, she awkwardly nods.

"Yes, very handsome." She warmly says. 

After a few more minutes she left, I sigh and quickly walk back to my desk. She awkwardly goes to her desk and places down her lunch while making her way back to me. She calmly approaches me, and reaches up. I back up confused, but she quickly fixes my tie for me, after she smiles.

"Your mother is sweet." She says before going back to her desk, while I stand there shocked like an idiot. "Oh, President are you hot?"

"What?" I say, turning towards the mirror, seeing my face flush a bit of red. "I am, I am."

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