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I sit on the velvet couch, staring at the window as my hands provide a pillow for my head, letting my chin rest on top. I tilt my head seeing kids pass by with friends, I blink slowly as the day goes by. The perfect blue sky surrounds the trees outside, making me wish I could go out and meet new people. I hear talking come closer, I turn seeing my parents having an argument, I get up and walk over to out dinning room, grazing my fingers on the dark, glossy wood. I lift my nose into the air, smelling the fresh bread. 

I go over, seeing the women carefully place the hot loaf on the kitchen counter. She takes off her mittens and wipes her forehead. She notices me and smiles politely, I nod with a smile and walk back to the couch. My mother notices me listening in, their argument cuts as she lowers her voice. 

"Isabella, go practice piano upstairs." I silently nod and go to the stairs, walking up like I'm not bothered. I lazily turn to the right seeing the white piano centered in a mildly empty room. I walk over and crack my fingers, as I lay my hand upon the keys I start to daze out again.

Music was always my passion, sometimes I daydream about becoming the biggest music star, and appearing on award shows. I can't disobey my father, he wants me to take over his company, since I am the only child. Ever since I could comprehend what he wanted me to do, I've always been afraid of disappointing him. I don't want to fail at my studies or hobbies, I push myself to get where I want to be, even if it means not being able to reach for the stars. 

Homeschooling gets boring when you have no one to talk to, makes me wish I had a sibling. I have never asked for something big, but I believe that now is the time to. It'll take some begging and convincing, so hopefully I have enough confidence to go through with it. I look up, doing the last notes on the music sheet. As I finish I hear soft clapping, I turn my head seeing my maid smiling brightly. 

"Beautiful playing as always Ms. Porter." I get up and walk over to her. "What's the matter, Isabella?" She says holding my shoulders to comfort me. 

"I want to ask my parents about schooling, because I want to go to school at Stars Hollow." She gives me a few seconds of silence, knowing how this might result. "You could stay up here, I want to do this myself." Her hands fall from my shoulders.

"If this is what you want, then by all means...go for it." I smile and hug her, I back away and sprint downstairs. 

I jump off the stairs and go to my parents, I walk in seeing my father reading the newspaper. My mother is drinking a glass of wine. I hide behind the door frame, holding my hands behind my back, getting nervous.

"What do you need Isabella?" My mother states, I slowly walk in, sitting down in the chair between them.

"My schooling has been amazing, and my piano playing has improved." They both nod without looking at me. "That is why I want to go to the Stars Hollow school." They both look at me shocked. 

"No, no, you've been doing fine here." My father sternly states, putting down the newspaper. 

"I've been in this house most of the time, which is why I need to communicate with others. To practice my business skills..." That was a lie, and a excuse. "I need to be surrounded by people my age." I say light heartedly.

"Kenneth, she isn't wrong." My mother tells him, finishing the wine glass. "Communication is important." My father sighs and rubs his eyes with his index and thumb.

"Isabella, your mother and I will speak about this. Thank you for telling us this, now you can go to your room." My expression fades to sadness, feeling the rejection going to arrive. 

As I walk out, I feel the tension ease. Felt like two lions fighting in a zoo, although in this case they're probably arguing about food or meat to hunt. 

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now