Chapter Twenty-Five

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I hear my alarm, I groggily wake up and slam down on my alarm. I slowly get ready for school, I swing my bag over my shoulder and pick up my almost finished basket. I walk down the steps and see Melinda open the front door, noticing my mother isn't nowhere to be found. She puts her finger to her lips, sliding me a muffin to go. I nod, thanking her, I walk out seeing Peter opening the car door. 

He holds my basket as I slip into the car, he passes me it, and I place it beside me. I eat my muffin as we drive to Chilton. I instantly get out of the car hearing the first bell ring, I wipe my mouth from muffin crumbs, Peter takes my trash as I rush in.  I instantly run into my first class, I successfully arrive before the last bell. I calm down and relax as I set down my things in class, I hear whispering to my left, I raise my head seeing Paris and her friends talking while looking in my direction. 

I ignore them and continue to write, I finish my notes and hear the bell sound quickly. I collect my things, I stand holding onto my backpack, as Paris comes with her friends behind her. I confusingly look around, seeing Rory curiously turn around, she notices and waits by the door. 

"So, that essay was easy right?" I nod still confused. "I got an A-, what'd you get?"

"I got--" She cuts me off, starting to walk away.

"I heard I got the highest grade, must be a shame to be second." She smirks as she giggles while walking out the door. I slowly follow, wanting to leave the class with Rory. The three move out of the way as I finally am able to step out. 

"Uh Paris...?" Rory calls, she turns around. "The highest was a 98%, and I'm pretty sure Isabella got that." I shyly walk to Rory's side as Paris angrily stares at me.

"Yeah sure." I then slip out my essay with the grade up top. "Whatever." Paris then storms away as Rory and I glance at each other. 

"Glad this is the last day." I say while turning around with Rory, we start heading towards the cafeteria. 

"Last day, feeling like a last decade." She chips in, we laugh a bit and turn into the cafe, seeing our table open. "I'll be getting my lunch, you can stay here if you want." I nod and take a seat as she places her things down. 

Now, since I have time to myself, I have to think about my basket. The actual basket is almost done, but I need to make the food. My mother would never let me cook at home, she always say that's what our chefs are for. Even if I get a chance to cook or bake, what will I actually make? Mini cake? That'll go well with something salty for the main course, seafood or meat would be good. I have an idea, I just have to go to Stars Hollow today, and make it quick, cause my parents will not like me staying over there for more than 5 hours. 

Hearing Rory's plastic school lunch tray hit the table, made me snap out of my thoughts. I rapidly blink my eyes and look over, seeing her calmly sit down. I smile as she returns the gesture, I then finish my homework as we talk throughout the lunch time. I quickly put the last remaining books in my locker, and shut it.

I sprint out the school, seeing Peter wave as I approach. I thank him and sit, seeing my basket at the same place I left it. I grab it and finish the simple weaving as he drives, making sure, I wouldn't have to worry later. I lift the basket, seeing the nice ribbon styled as a bow. The car slowly stops, I decide to leave my school bag and only take my finished basket. Peter carries it as I exit the car.

"Same place, bye Peter!" He nods and gently hands me the basket.

"Goodbye Ms. Porter." I he salutes and enters the car. I turn and walk along the sidewalk, going towards Lorelai's house. 

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