Chapter Forty-Two

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I angrily slam my alarm down, and sit up rubbing my eyes. I look around and feel thankful it's not that early. I look around seeing the boxes and suitcases still in the same place I put them. I get up and start looking through my outfits, once I find a nice thing to wear I bring it over to my bed. As I get dressed, I start thinking about all the work I have to do after work today. 

I look in the mirror seeing my outfit, I put on a simple tan shirt with a warm cardigan. I look seeing my high-waisted jeans tucking in my shirt. I slip on some tennis shoes, I brush out my hair leaving in down instead of up. I grab a bag and start leaving the house. I check my watch seeing I'm running a little behind, I speed towards my car. 

I get in and quick drive to Stars Hollow, as I approach I watch everyone out of their homes and at the park or town. I park alongside the road, and exit my vehicle, I calmly walk alongside the sidewalk. I cross and head towards the park, seeing my bosses car, as I step a foot along the gazebo, I get startled by a loud popping noise. 

I look seeing pink and red confetti drop from the sky, I hold out my hand seeing the soft paper land. I smile as the sun perfectly hits my face, making it seem like a magical thing to occur. I hear footsteps, seeing my boss appear in front of me.

"President're in a suit?" I say, confused.

"Yes, no matter what I have to dress nice and formal. Anyways did you enjoy the confetti falling?" I look seeing it slowly end.

"Yes, I wonder why they did that this year." I hum, and reach up grabbing confetti in his hair. "Well, why did you bring me here?"

"Come." He says, while pointing to the gazebo. I follow him up the steps, seeing a perfect laid out picnic. "Sit."

I gently sit onto a nice pillow, as he follows. He opens the nice basket, revealing my favorite snacks and meals. I gasp as he sets it out on the blanket. He serves me first, then him while giving us both water. I start to dig in happily, as I munch on the food, he continues to stare at me. An unwanted beat comes from my heart, I cough and look away. After we finished eating we clean up and leave the area. 

A gentle wind hits my arm, making me rub the area and shiver. I then feel a heavy thing set on my shoulders. I look seeing his coat laid on me, I take it off and offer it back to him.

"President Lee, you must be colder than me, I have a cardigan--" He grabs it and forcefully puts it on me.

"It's fine, the sun is going down. You can sit on the bench, I have something to get." I nod and place myself down. This feels odd, he said I had to come here, I thought it could be to discuss work or anything changing in the future. I jump seeing a cup appear in my face, I gently take it. "Tea from Luke's."

"Thank you President Lee." I say while taking a sip, he sits down beside me, keeping his space. 

"Ah, yes, the day isn't done yet." He gets up as I finish my tea, he grabs it and throw it away. I chase after him as he goes into the trunk of his car. The day gets darker, as I watch him dig through his things.

Wait a second, no wonder this feels odd. I chuckle and look around, while staring at Luke's diner. My mouth goes agape, as I remember the survey I took that day, the questions and my answers. I wrote exactly this for the answers....I snap my head and call out to my boss.

"President Lee!" He peaks his head up. "There wouldn't be a huge stuffed animal in there...." He smiles and nods.

"You're right." He pulls out this huge cow, it's very cute. I gently take it. 

"Don't tell me, that I have to offer my life to you from now on, and work til your accomplishments are finished." I say, as he chuckles.

"No, but there's one more thing." He says, he slowly walks towards me, as I clutch onto my cow. 

What did I write?...What did I write....oh my god. I wrote that at the end I would receive a kiss, a passionate one. As he is inches away, I close my eyes, not rejecting the gesture. Why? Back heart is pounding so hard. Do I want this?

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