Chapter Thirty-One

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My alarm blares, I look seeing I'm a few minutes behind. I gasp and fall off my bed, I scurry and grab my new clothes and a pair of heels. I run to the shower, and take a cold one to wake me up. I almost slip and I change, as I put on my heels, I start doing my makeup. 

I do a nice semi-slick ponytail, giving myself a nice warm look to myself. I pick up my handbag and string it around my shoulder. I go downstairs and see Peter checking his watch. I yell his name and wave as I run to him. He opens the door quickly and I slide in, he starts driving quick. 

I check the time seeing that I might be late to my first day, I sigh and try to relax on the way there. I watch as Peter carefully parks, I thank him and jump out before he could help me. I walk into the large glass building. I go to the main desk and see a badge there for me, I clip it onto the edge of my skirt. I go the the elevator, I click a number, but see a man wave for me to hold it. I lean and hold the button til' he arrives. He gets in and leans away from me, as we wait there. 

I bite my lip nervously, as the elevator lifts up with this awkward silence. He then clears his throat, I look at him, as he starts to look down at me, I look away not wanting to share the gaze. He's very young and handsome....he must be the son of someone, I mean his suit is nicely pressed, with same brand shoes. 

"Thank you." He says, I confusingly let my mouth go agape. 

"Huh? Oh yes, well no problem." I say, nodding my head. 

"So, is this your first day?" I nod, "Well welcome to my establishment." 

"Ah yes t-thank you." Wait a second, my establishment? His--the elevator doors open as someone waits. 

"President, your secretary seems to be---here with you?" He confusingly states as we look at each other.

"So you're my secretary? A bit young, but it'll do." He starts walking off, I follow like a shadow. I'm young?! No he must be young too cause a CEO at his age is-- "So, first day and much to learn. Give her the paper." I get handed a black cover, I open it seeing a thick packet of paper. "It states what your daily tasks are, and what you should be doing when I'm gone, and your dress attire."

"Is this alright...?" He looks at me up and down.

"Yes, very fine. Your office is here, right next to me." I nod and he starts to walk away, I follow feeling my foot slowly slip. "Leave us." The man leaves as I enter his office, my foot gives in as I trip, he turns around and catches me. He helps me to my feet, as I adjust myself. "Are these shoes a problem?"

"No, no sir, I'm just getting used to them." I say awkwardly.

"Well, you shall call me President or CEO, and please get used to them faster, we have a lot to do." I panic as he sits at his desk, he points to a door beside him, I look seeing a passcode lock. "My apartment, the passcode is in your papers, I will be waiting for you in the morning in there."

"Well sir--uhm President, doesn't it seem a bit personal for a secretary and boss?" He gives me a scary look, letting his hand drop down.

"It's not personal, until you make it personal, now please start on your work." I nod and shamefully walk to it, seeing a glass wall separate us. I put my head down, and turn on the computer. 

As I start typing, a call comes from the phone, I pick it up and transfer it to him. He talks for a while but quickly ends it. He yells to book a meeting, I grab a planner and write the date and time down. I lowly sigh, and realize this is not how I expected this to be.

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now