Chapter Twenty-One

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I arrive after school to focus on some studies, I take off my coat and place it beside me. I continue to finish my last essay for the year, until Rory joins me. Rory explains how one night ago Tristan went on a date with Paris, resulting in Paris going to Rory for some outfits. So far, no updates, but to our luck we spot Paris walking over to us. 

"Paris, Rory kept me updated, how'd it go?" I ask closing my notebook. 

"It went well, he kissed me on the cheek." I happily smile and nod.

"Paris we're so glad." Rory exclaims to her, Tristan suddenly walks over to us, greeting Paris but not me. I thought we were friends? Maybe he's trying to only focus on her. "Go talk to him." Rory whispers, as Paris goes into the classroom. 

I continue working as Rory goes in, to pack her things up. I continue writing, almost finishing the last paragraph until I hear yelling from Paris. I confusingly place my things beside my bag on the bench, I swing in leaning on the door frame. Rory stays quiet as Paris, turns to me, I shockingly walk in a bit only to get screamed at by her.

"I hate you!" She storms out, as Rory leaves as well. I angrily walk over to Tristan slyly sitting on top of a desk.

"You mentioned Rory and I, didn't you?" I cross my arms, he turns to me.

"I didn't know it was a secret?" I scoff and compile my thoughts.

"It was a secret to Paris! She's upset because I told you to ask, instead of you asking her yourself." I sigh, "One date, wasn't enough, you should've tried harder--"

"Isabella, I can't date someone else, when I have someone I like." I furrow my brows, understanding his side too. 

"I understand, so you're still not over Paris?" I say, he laughs and stands up, as his friends leave.

"I'm still not over you." He leaves the class, making me stand alone. I stare into nothing, I quickly get my things and pack it away, I sling my bag over my shoulder. I get driven to Stars Hollow, Peter and I making simple small talk. 

Tristan likes me, since the first day he teased me? Or am I overthinking? It doesn't make sense, he said he was into Summer. I sit at Lukes, playing with a napkin, as my thoughts take over my mind. The kiss, he was into me at that time, and I kissed back. I can't stop thinking about Dean and Tristan. I just want Charles to come back, he would set things straight with me.

"Whoa, I am the napkin police and that napkin is dead." I snap out of my thoughts and turn to Lorelai, I stop ripping my napkin and push it into a neat pile. "What's on your mind?" Luke pours her a nice steaming cup.

"For the first time in my life, I have boy troubles." I chuckle along with the sentence as she takes a sip, making Luke comment before she can.

"You're too independent for boys, just wait til you're in your twenties." He says coldly as he moves on. Lorelai playfully swats him away.

"Tell me, I could possibly help." I shrug and turn to her. 

"I have feelings for one boy, but the other just confessed to me, that he's into me." She hums and takes another sip.

"Sounds like, you haven't asked yourself something." I confusingly turn to her. "Do you have feelings for the boy that confessed to you?" I look down and start thinking back, knowing the answer from the start. I have feelings for Tristan and Dean, but I can't go to them because of Rory and Paris.

"Yeah, I do." I say, while staring at my empty cup. "Problem is, I can't move further, because a friend shouldn't do that. I answered my problem, thanks Lorelai." She nods, I place money down and walk to Peter, I smile and feel relief for the problem being understood. 

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