Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I groggily get up, only to hear my mother barge through the door. She yells as the door swings wide open. I ignore most of her words as I make my bed, while grabbing clean clothes. I carefully place them on the bed, only for my mother to swipe it away. I angrily furrow my brows and follow her to the dresser. 

"Mother what is with you!?" I lowly shout as she pulls out a nice black dress. 

"Since it's your birthday today, we are managing another party." I look over to the calendar, running to see it's already been a month, and I haven't finished my credits yet to graduate.

"Another party...." I mumble, crossing out today with an red marker, creating an X on top.

"Yup! Now get dressed, and be down in 10." As the door shuts, my eyes react, flinching with fluttering. 

I wasted a month, I was so focused on college I completely forgot about Chilton. I fall back down on my bed, and remember what I've done throughout this month...or the beginning of it. I sent the application to Princeton and Harvard, only waiting now....hopefully my father won't hate me too much. I sit up and look over to my dress, not wanting to go to a party in the first place. It's pretty early as well, but that's my father anyways.

I quickly slip on the dress, with the shoes. I brush my hair, pinning it back. I take a deep breath and open my bedroom door, hearing the light chatter from downstairs. I go further down the steps, and watch eyes slowly go onto me.

"Birthday girl!" My father announces, I smile while looking down. I turn seeing Rory and her date. The tension rises as I lock eyes with Dean, I gulp hard in my throat but look away shyly. I step down and slowly walk towards him, we look at each other.

"Dean." I state sternly.

"Isabella." He says lowly.


I stand upfront as the man politely holds my basket up, I furrow my brows thinking of my cooking. I bite my lip hearing my name being called out by the man, multiple numbers get shouted. I feel a light glow on me, as I start to feel confident in myself. I look over seeing Dean slowly walk up, he smiles and shouts a number. Everyone waits, I look seeing no one else step up to the plate.

The crowd claps as Dean runs up, I reach out to the basket, but Dean politely grabs it for me. We both step down and make some space between us and the crowd, as we get somewhat far away.

"Glad I got your basket just in time." He says with a wide grin, I return the smile as we find a place to eat.

"Thanks, but I have to ask...what happened with Rory?" I say as his smile weakens, he tilts his head.

"Someone bid higher than me, which is find since the money is going for a good cause." I nod and run over to a spot in the grass. I open the basket and pull out a blanket, Dean carefully drops the basket and helps me lay it out. "The food smells delicious, what's you make?"

"Well I had help from sookie, since I'm not familiar with cooking..." He opens the basket placing down the different foods. "That's seafood pasta, with a side of garlic bread and mash--but if you don't like it I have a medium rare wellington with risotto also on the side." He then pulls out a glass bowl. "Oh and that's devils food cake, but the other glass bowl is a fruit pastry." I get nervous while playing with my thumbs.

"This'd you think of this stuff?" He says lifting his head towards me with a glow. 

"Well I didn't wanna go cliche, or lazy so I kind of did a mix of things I eat on a daily. Oh right!" I reach over grabbing the basket, and pull out two glass mason jars. "Although I did bring only apple juice and water."

"I love apple juice!" He happily yells, I nod and start pouring us a cup of it.

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