Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So, what's with Tristan?" Dean asks, leaning down a bit. I tuck hair behind my ear awkwardly. 

"He's going to North Carolina, military school. He wanted to say goodbye to me, for his unexpressed feelings." I nod, making him nod, staring at the ending scene. 

"Well do you like him?" I turn with a shock as I try to figure out the words to answer.

"I did, but now knowing that he's leaving...I think I'm fine, we were never going to work. I wish him well." We finish the play, I decide to walk out into the hall, as I wait for Peter to come back. Dean then walks back up to me, leaning beside me.

"Are you coming to Stars Hollow on Tuesday?" I confusingly turn to him. "You didn't hear?" I shake my head, as he smiles brightly. "There's this basket thing happening, it's when you make a basket with lunch inside, someone bids on it, then you get to have lunch together." I smile brightly.

"I'll go to Star Hollow tomorrow, to ask if I can join late. I've never heard of something like that before." I hear a loud car horn, I turn seeing Peter wave at me. "I have to go." I say pointing to the car.

"Yeah yeah, no worries, I'll see you around." He comes close to me, hugging me tightly, he releases friendly as I run off. I playfully hit Peter for giving me a look, as I enter the car. 

I return back home, and see dinner being brought out to the dinning table. I go upstairs and place my purse onto the hanger, only to hear my mother call me. I run down and quickly place myself in my chair. Dinner goes along normally, but my mind goes back to that kiss and hug, Dean has never hugged me, why would he do it now? I didn't even get to say goodbye to Rory, she was on stage at the time. The only thing I feel calm about is Tristan, he ended things off good. We'll probably meet again someday and laugh at the encounter. 

"Oh, mother I forgot to ask but since Monday is the last day, I was wondering if this summer I can visit Stars Hollow more?" She nods, as my father silently agrees. "Great because they have this basket thing, where someone bids on a basket and--"

"Charity work, that's perfect for future jobs application." I close my mouth and take a sip of water, upset. "What do you think?" He turns to my mother.

"Wonderful." I excuse myself silently, and let them talk as I go upstairs. I pass by the piano, thinking if I should practice tomorrow. No, I'm busy making the basket, I need to cook as well. I stop at my room, seeing my favorite person, I smile and jog over to her as she continues to fold clothes. 

"Melinda!" She turns smiling back. "I have a favor to ask."

"Anything for you Isabella." She says gently placing down the warm blankets.

"Could I get basket material with some silk ribbons?" She tilts her head and picks up the blankets.

"Of course, I'll bring them to your room as soon as possible." I nod and thank her before going back. I enter and grab my knitting sticks, placing them on the dresser, a knock is heard from outside my door. 

"You may enter." I say, she placing the items on my bed, as I grab my knitting sticks. I plop onto my bed and grab the material to basket weave. I start weaving my white basket, as Melinda curiously steps forward. 

"Isabella may I ask why you're doing this?" I continue to weave as I answer.

"Well, it's for a fundraiser at Stars Hollow. It's for the little town I'm pretty sure." I weave a bit quicker, seeing the light pink ribbons she gave to me. 

"Well very generous of you." She bows her head and turns, waiting by the door. "Hope everything goes well for you."

"Thank you Melinda, I hope so too." She smiles and closes my bedroom door, as I continue. I check the time, noticing this will take me a while. 

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