Chapter Fifteen

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I turn right back around seeing Rory eyes, I shrug and go over to my locker, opening it. As I out away my things, I carefully set down the flowers. I hear Paris's locker close hard, I instantly notice her staring at the girl. I place my hand on her shoulder, she looks at me angry still.

"No girl is worth it, trust me it's not easy when only you know how to fight." She nods and takes a deep breath.

"Hey Isabella, I'm having a party, dress to impress." Louise states, I nod.

"Ah, to be young and in love." Tristan says looking at me when he passes by.

"Yeah, went really well for Romeo and Juliet didn't it." I annoying say, I swipe my flowers and close my locker. 

The school day ends and I go inside the car, Peter and I talk about different things during the ride to Stars Hollow. Basic things, basic topics like school, books, movies, tests, quizzes. It's refreshing talking to him, he isn't wanting anything from me, only myself. My parents want too much from me, or expect too much. We pull up right in front of Luke's, I get out and say goodbye to Peter. 

I enter and quickly go on the bar stool, I sit and wait by looking around. He goes in front of me and presses his pencil onto the notepad.

"What'll be?" I hum.

"Coffee, not hungry today." He wipes around grabbing a cup, he places in down in front of me and pours coffee. "Luke..I was wondering if you'd be hiring any time soon?" He stops in place and looks at me.

"You go to Chilton, you're rich and you want a job?" I nod, "Reason being.?" I finish the coffee sip and place the cup down.

"I want to do work by myself, since my parents are helping my future. I mean, you don't have to pay me, I just want the experience." He sighs and leans his arms on the counter.

"Honestly you shouldn't work here, maybe be an intern or something?" I shake my head.

"I love this town, and this diner, I was to work here because it seems like the perfect place for me." He nods and he stands straight up again.

"I'll think about it." He grabs his pencil and paper.

"Really!?" I exclaim with joy.

"Don't get too excited or you might not get the job." My smile fades sarcastically, he smirks as he leaves me be. I graze my index finger on the rim of the glass coffee mug, thinking about my intrusive thoughts again. 

I finish my coffee and leave the money on the counter, I hop off the stool and exit the diner. I go outside and head to the market, I enter instantly going towards the candy isle. I look around, thinking what I want and what Peter wants. 

"Do you have a sweet tooth or something?" I turn my head seeing Dean with his bright smile, he walks closer to me.

"No, just getting something for my driver and I." I finally found the chocolate I want, I gently lift it up.

"Nice choice, goes great when making hot chocolate." I pick up another bar for Peter. "Ah, I see the young lady has some taste." I chuckle and walk past him, wanting to ask a specific question.

"I only saw you like twice during the dance, where did you go?" I ask, turning around to face him for a split-second. 

"Bathroom." He says quickly.

"Well I hope you're okay now, whatever  problem you had." I say jokingly, cracking a smile from him. "Listen I have to go soon, but I'll see you around."

"Whoa--whoa wait." I turn stopping at the cashier waiting for me. "Why don't we hang out?" I scoff playfully.

"I would like that, especially if Rory is there--"

"I'm just talking about you and me, like going to a arcade or something one day." I smirk and nod my head.

"Sure, see ya." I say quickly paying for my things. I step out of the market and see Peter, we do our routine, but the difference is that I'm smiling like an idiot.

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now