Chapter Fifty-Five

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I fix my shirt, deciding to wear a cut sleeve with long sleeves to follow. I paired it with a light red skirt. I grab my purse and things, feeling better about everything. I collect my broken heart and leave through the front door. I get into my car, and drive past my parents house, making a straight line to Stars Hollow. I quickly park to the side, and see Luke in the diner wiping the window.

I get out, and put on my sunglasses. I walk along the street, and watch people doing their regular they always did. I grab the diner's door, and see Luke serving a table. I arrive at the bar, and hear a light tone call my name.

"Isabella!" He says. "Here for your regular tea or coffee?"

"Neither, I actually came to tell you the news." I say taking off my glasses.

"Well what is it?" He says throwing his dirty towel over his shoulder.

"I'm leaving Stars Hollow, and plan to leave to Princeton, majoring in music." He is taken aback not knowing to speak or not. "I'm really going to miss you." I hold back any tears while saying that sentence, he goes around the counter and gives me a tight embrace.

"I'm going to miss you too." We release each other, and I quickly put my sunglasses on. Before leaving I turn around one last time.

"Please, do this for it my going-away present. Ask Lorelai out." I smile and close the door behind me. I pull out my cell, and dial Lorelai. "Lorelai."

"Hey! How are you...after everything and all?" I hum, and start walking down the street.

"I'm coping, dealing, even after--well I should just tell you in person." I smirk, but hear her silence.

"Rory is expecting Dean to come over in about 15 minutes...." I continue walking, knowing I'll have to deal with my problems anyways.

"Then it's a date, trust me Lorelai I'm way over that and I'll explain how when I come over." I end the call, seeing her house from far away. I feel the lie seeping through the cracks in my heart, holding back to my dignity.

I hold my tongue until I arrive, I carefully take one step at a time up her porch. As I lightly knock  on the door, I am surprised to see Rory open the door. No inch of regret in her face at all, it's like she's the one who did the right thing. I smile politely then see Lorelei come into frame, exchanging awkward looks to the both of us.

"Pardon my manner but may I come in?" I ask Rory as she hesitantly opens the door wider.

"Isabella what's the urgent message you needed a pigeon for?" I hug her instantly, ignoring Rory in the process.

"I'm leaving for Princeton." Lorelei gasps in shock as she separates from my body, her face says a thousand words.

"That's amazing!" She hugs me again but quickly looks around, like she's looking for a gift or something.

"Yeah! And uhm about Dean." Rory's attention has been grabbed, her eyes could kill anything, but I felt stronger because of it. "I give up." I chuckle slowly sitting down on the couch. "I waited til he was available, never made a move—and then he cheats on his wife so I'm thinking that's a red flag on its own." I laugh holding back any emotion I put away that day.

"I'm so sorry sweetie." Lorelei stated, rubbing my back to comfort me as the chilled expression of Rory's stayed the same.

"Unbelievable." I hear a mutter, as Rory decides this was enough for her. As she steps onto the stairs the doorbell rings in a haste. I stand up and block her path to the door. "Now is not the time for that Porter."

"I can't believe I was a loyal friend to you, I never went behind your back and I never spoke ill of you. I'm guessing that you talking crap about Deans wife was just for fun huh?" She shakes her head trying to pry her way around me, but I stop her again. "You think you're little miss can't do wrong, like you are the victim in any situation. News flash Rory your the MISTRESS, your the OTHER WOMAN, and nothing can change the fact you slept with a married man." I drop my arm down, as she's given up on trying to fight my existence. "Go on, get the damn door."

Lorelei's guilt makes her open the door, as Rory and I stare into each other's eyes. I can tell she felt betrayed by my words, but she had no counter-argument to do so. I clutch onto my things, I allow myself to hear his voice behind me.

"Is Rory here?" Rory sighs and finally moves, seeing Dean waiting for her outside.

Years to Come || (Gilmore Girls based fanfiction) (Dean X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz