Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up to silence, thank god. I check the time on the muggle clock that was placed on the bedside table, it read '8:43 am', it was rather odd that Sirius nor James were making noise and waking me up.

I sat up and enjoyed the silence not wanting it to end, but all good things must end at some point.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by James and Sirius barging into the room, not bothering to knock.

"Do you mind?" I Sassed.
"Actually I do. Anyways, we're going to diagonally this morning for last minute Christmas shopping and stuff," James explained.

"Urgh," I groaned, flopping back onto my bed, shoving my face into a fluffy pillow. "Also, hate to break it to you, mini Sirius, but that means you have to go outside." James teased me, cause Sirius to go into a fit of laughter. "Fuck off Potter!" I exclaimed. "Don't even mention that!" Sirius really shouldn't of explained to that idiot of how far my hate of the cold runs.

"Any ways, we're also gonna be eating breakfast out so get ready," Added Sirius. "Ugh, fine," I Whined. "I should of known something was off the second I managed to wake up in silence!" I mumbled.

"You really should of," Sirius commented. "Urgh, now leave so I can get ready," I told the two boys.
As soon as the left I hopped out of bed and got into a pair of jeans with a warm sweater to wear under my winter robes.

After I was ready, I met Sirius and the Potters downstairs in the entrance room. We all flooed into diagonally meeting in the leaky cauldron. From there we entered diagonally through the secret entrance.

We first went to a small café for breakfast. After breakfast we went to gringotts to get out money from our vaults.

We first went to the Potters vault where they all grabbed a reasonable amount of coins. After, Sirius and I went to our family vault, I had to get Sirius his money as well as my own because Sirius technically isn't aloud to take money from the vault ever since he was disowned.

After I thanked the goblin, we left the wizard Bank to go shopping. James, Sirius and I separated from Mr and Mrs Potter to do our own shopping. "You kids meet us back at the leaky Cauldron 11:30." The lady told us.

"Ofcourse, thanks mom, bye!" James said, pulling Sirius and I away excitedly. "So, where are we gonna go first?" Sirius asked.
"Doesn't matter to me," I told them. "How about we go to Zonkos,"

"Yes! That sound great!" Sirius said, excitedly. "Sure, I guess," I mumbled, couldn't say no because I already said I was fine with anything. 'Urgh, stupid me trying to be polite.'

We went to Zonkos and James and Sirius really seemed to enjoy themselves. They both got many prank items and started to plan their next prank as they shopped.

I had never been in the store before but it was pretty cool. Definitely not the kind of store I would normally shop at tho. Although, I'm sure I could find James and Sirius Christmas presents from here, considering they could turn basically anything here into some sort of joke item or prank.

After picking out a strange looking prank item for each of them, I stood at the front of the store, waiting for the older boys who seemed to be taking forever.

After what felt like hours, they were finally done shopping and paying for their supplies.

Next, we wnt to a book store because they wanted to find Remus a book to owl him for Christmas, also they wanted to give me a chance enjoy the trip.

The book store smelt like old books, which is a magnificent sent, might I add.

After looking around, I bought a fictional book for myself and a book on rare magical creatures for Remus. Because we had become some what close over the past few months so it would only be polite to get him something.

I also got James a quittatch magazine, figuring it would be something he would like, as well as a book on rare potions for Severus, as he has taken an interest in potions. Also a fictional book called, '5 total strangers' by an author named 'Natalie D, Richards,' that I thought Lily might enjoy.

After we left the store, James had made us go to the quittatch supplies store. I know they both Sirius and James love quittatch so I decided to buy them both a small broom repair kit.

I know I have already gotten James 3 things and Sirius now 2, but I know how much James loves quittatch and it wouldn't be fair if I only got the kit for Sirius.

After once again, the two boys spent what felt like forever in the shop, we moved on. We went to a candy store that I didn't catch the name of.

From that store, I got different assortments of chocolates and candies. I got a few chocolate frogs, blood pops and Bertie botts every flavor beens, knowing I could throw those in with anyone's gifts.

Before we could go into another shop, Sirius stopped me. "James and I have to get something, we'll be back." He explained. "Why can't I come?" I asked, annoyed that they were planning on leaving me in the freezing cold.

"Sorry Sirius look alike, it's kinda hard to shop for you when you're with us." James explained. "Why? I've been shopping for you two this whole time." I said, crossing my arms as best as I could with my heavy winter clothes. "..." They were silent.

"Well, you are better at being secretive then us then!" James Exclaimed. "Mhmmm," I hummed. "Fine, but I'm gonna go into a store down the street because I'm not gonna stay out here and freeze to death."

"Deal." James and Sirius said at the same time, 'creepy I thought it myself. I turned around and left, leaving the two boys to do their own thing. While they were being secretive, I went to a small shop that selled expensive potion supplies, think of giving them to Severus and maybe find something for myself in there.

I ended up buying Severus an expensive and rare potion ingredient that I'm sure he could make many unique potions with.

After I left the potions shop, I didn't know where to go next, Sirius and James were probably still shopping and I didn't want to wander around by myself in this weather. Honestly, we're wizards, couldn't someone make a spell to get ride of the cold?

I swear, if I don't die from boredom, I'll definitely die from the cold.

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