Chapter 17

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"REGS!" Sirius shouted.
Regulus was currently seated under a large oak tree with his Barty Crouch Jr talking about the traditional pureblood galla that's hosted every year by a different family. It was customary for every pureblood family to attend although to Regulus' relief, no non traditional families ever show up.

Regulus personally wouldn't care about the families who show but he very much didn't enjoy listening to his parents carry on about 'stupid and disgraceful blood traitors'.

This year the annual galla was being held by the Welburga and Orion Black, much to Regulus' dismay.

Sirius may not have any contact with the Black family but Regulus had always said that he wasn't going to leave the family, not yet at least. Sirius may think it's because he doesn't want to disappoint his parents but really Regulus fears what's to come once his parents get their hands on him. With Sirius out of the picture it means that Regulus takes his place as heir and without Regulus the family would be heir less.

Barty, being Regulus' best friend would be by his side throughout the galla as he too would be attending. Although Barty had given Regulus signs of planning to be a death eaters -which Regulus had known for a while that he wants nothing to do with- they were still close friends who would always be found together besides when Regulus gets dragged away against his will by his Prather or James.

"What do you want Sirius?" Regulus called back to his -now out of breath- brother who was running towards him and Barty.

"I-" Sirius stopped running as he reached his brother and failed to breath.

"I-" Sirius took another deep breath before continuing.

"The galla, is coming up, isn't it? I assume you'll be going," Sirius stated.

"Unless I want our parents to kill me, yes I will be going," Regulus said with a roll of his eyes.

"I was just checking, no need for the attitude," Sirius mumbled as he jokingly raised his arms as if he was surrendering.

"Can we talk-" Sirius glanced at Barty before turning back to focus on Regulus, "somewhere private?" Sirius asked.

"About the galla?" Regulus asked looking for confirmation.

"Yes, about the galla," Sirius replied impatiently.

"What about, Barty knows about the galla and everything else already, so just say it here," Regulus told his older brother.

Sirius took a glance at Barty before continuing. "We need you to sneak us into the galla," Sirius said in a hushed voice.

"Didn't you spend out whole childhood trying to... avoid the galla?" Reguls gave his brother a questionable look.

"Well yes but-" Sirius gave Regulus pleading eyes.

"I assume by "we" and "us" you mean you and your group of miscreants?" Reguls asked for confirmation.

"We actually prefer the title 'The Marauders', but essentially, yes." Sirius confirmed.

"No." Regulus said sternly. If he were to get caught in the process of sneaking in the four pranksters he'd be done for, not to mention if Sirius gets seen. He can already hear his mother going on about how her 'disgraceful, immature, blood traitor, Gryffindor son attempting to embarrass her in front of all her friends' and the punishment he'd get if she got her hands on him, she'd Crucio him into insanity.

"I'm not helping you with this, if you get caught it's on you," Regulus said before trying to turn away from his brother, not wanting to be dragged into the mess he's trying to create.

"Look, just get us a portkey to whatever location the galla's being held at and you won't have to see or hear from us the rest of the night," Sirius begged.

"No, you find yourself your own protkey,"

"You do realize the galla's being held at your house," Barty said, interrupting their back and forth discussion.

"It is?"

"Barty!" Regulus hissed. "He didn't need to know that!"

"Just saying, if anything you should be able to sneak into your house by yourself, I'm sure you've snuck out plenty of times," Barty explained.

"Well- I mean you're not wrong," Sirius pondered.

"Just sneak into one of the professors offices and use their floo," Barty offered.

"That could work, we definitely have experience with sneaking into the professor's offices,"

"Barty! Stop helping his!" Regulus pleaded.

"What? Those gallas are always so dull and boring, everyone goes off into their own separate groups, they could use a little chaos," Barty explained himself.

"You know, you'd make an excellent fifth member of the Marauders," Sirius pointed out.

"No! No, he would definitely not! Now go away, you already got your answers," Regulus said as he shooed his brother away before turning ot glare at his friend.

"What? Those galla's are lame and you know it, I'm just trying to save us all from boredom," Barty said jn defense.

"Save us from boredom? How about save us from death!" Reguls exclaimed. Barty did nothing but shrug in response.

"If I know them at all, they're going to get caught and just barely make it out alive, only thanks to Remus, Sirius and James will cause them to get caught and Petter will run and save himself knowing that it's his only hope to make it out alive, but that is if he shows up, I'm hope he's smart enough to listen to his gut and stay out of this one," Regulus sighed.

"Isn't Lupin supposed to be the smart one? Wouldn't he discourage Potter and your brother?" Barty asked.

"Nah, Remus, although yes, is by far the smartest and most observant, he's still a Marauder and is the genius behind all of this stunts," Regulus explained.

"Huh, you know them well," Barty pointed out.
"It's not that hard, they're quite obvious and seem to repeat their ways over and over away, never seem to learn from their mistakes," Regulus rolled his eyes.
"Hm, well maybe they'll surprise you, or they might completely fail and their portkey will accidentally take them into the middle of the pacific ocean," Barty said, making Regulus snort in response.
"Now that, I'd like to see," Regulus
"Wouldn't we all,"

Sorry, it's not much but I wrote this in an hour so that's the best you'll get for this chapter

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