Chapter 4

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Christmas break was coming up fast. I was still expected to go to James' for break, although I don't think I could. James is constantly driving me mad! I don't think I could spend the entire week with him, although Sirius will be there, and Remus was planning on stopping by on Christmas morning.

James still hasn't stopped calling me "baby Black," and has been annoying me more then ever with his annoying questions.
"Hey baby Black, what're you doing?" That annoyingly recognizable voice said from behind me, startling me, making me jump and mess up on my painting.

"Do you have to do that!" J asked angrily. "What, try to talk with you about something that interests you?" James asked, sitting on the ground next to me.

"W-well no, I meant startle me..."

No matter how much I wanted to add 'and talk to me' I couldn't bring myself to it. Was he really wanting to talk about something that interests me, or was he just faking it?

"Uhuh..." James remarked. "What!?!" I asked, impatiently. "Nothing, nothing," He rushed to say. "Sooo... you excited for Christmas break?" James asked, casually. "I don't know. I know Siri wants me to go with you guys but I'm still thinking of staying here." I explained, not sure why, he's the worst person ever to talk to.

"Oh come on baby Black! It'll be fun!" James pressed. "We'll play pranks-" I stopped him. "That's what I'm afraid of." I said, rolling my eyes.

"We have a really nice garden." Said James. "So what." I asked, confused. "You like painting, I'm sure you could find some inspirations there." Explained James. 'Hmm, that does sound nice...' I thought to myself.

"I'll think about it." I groaned. "Great!" James cheered, as of he actually cared. "Yea..." I said, turing back to my painting.

"REGILUS!" The voice of my cousin boomed behind me. "What's up Cissy?" I asked. "You planning on going home for the holidays?" She asked. "No... actually, I'm going with Siri and his friends." I explained. "Do your parents know?" Narcissa asked, with a worried expression on her face.

"No, they don't know." I said, annoyed. "They aren't gonna like this." She told me. "They don't have to know where I'm going." I said. "The second you don't come home they'll expect you to be with Sirius, you know they aren't going to like this!" She said, worriedly. "I know." I whispered quietly, looking down at my shoes.

"Look, I'm just trying to look out for you. At least send home a letter with a believable lie." She said calmly.
I thought about it. "I will." I said, voice just above whisper.

For the next two days, what Narcissa said was on my mind. If mother and father think I'm with Sirius or even hanging out the the Gryffindors, things will be even worse then before.

It's 2 days until holidays and I'm now pacing back and forth in the owlery, trying to write a proper letter home.

'Dear mother and father,

Over the holidays, I've come to the conclusion to stay here for the break. That way I can catch up on work, and not many people are staying so it'll be quiet-'

I stop myself and crumpled the parchment up and threw it into the corner. If I said I needed to catch up on work they'll be furious and think i'm behind! Besides, we have a large library at home that I'm sure has all the studying books I'd need.

Maybe I'm over thinking this, but I can't take the chance of mother and father finding out the truth.

I finally wrote a letter I was alright with,

'Mother and Father,

I've decided that for the holidays, I will be staying at Hogwarts. I know it's last minute, but I know that a few of my friends who are also in Slytherin, are also staying for the break and besides, it'll be quiet here and won't be much disturbance. Sorry I won't be coming home, it's a hectic year.

Your son,
Regulus Arcturus Black.'

Although it is formal, it'll be what's expected by my parents. I hesitantly tie the letter to the leg of my owl, before sending it off.
It wasn't till the next morning at breakfast did I receive a response.

'Regulus Arcturus Black,

We appreciate you letter explaining your absence, unlike your brother did the previous year.

'Of course, already bringing up Sirius.' I thought to myself.

Which friends will be staying? Do we know their parents? You're letter was very short notice, next time I expect at least a weeks notice in advance. We had already told the stupid house elf to start preparing., all for nothing.

You're really putting us out.

Your parents,
Welburga and Orion Black.

I wasn't too surprised the the letter, ofcourse they had to bring Sirius into this.

They made the entire letter, making it seem like they actually cared that I'll be absent for the holidays, they probably were only sad that they wouldn't have any of their personal punching bags there.

I looked up at the Gryffindor table, noticing that Sirius was staring at me with a concerned look on his face. He probably saw the letter from our parents fly in.
"Reggy!" Sirius called, catching up to me in outside of the greathall. "Yea?" "That letter..." Sirius said, out of breath, nudging his head towards the letter in my left hand. "What about it?" I asked, impatiently. "It's from them, isn't it?" Sirius asked, worriedly.

"Yeah, so?" "What did it say?" Sirius pushed. "Not much, they were just responding to my letter, explaining why I'll be absent this Christmas." I explained. "So you told them everything!?!" Siri asked panicked.

"No, I told them a mere lie."

"I never would have thought, the day has come!" Sirius praised.
"What are you going on about?" I asked, my tiredness showing.

"Regulus Black actually lied to our parents!" Sirius said, laughing.
"Whatever, idiot." I said, leaving to go to class.

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