Chapter 24

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Sirius, Remus and James stood quietly in the dusty room. It was clear that Kreatcher, the Black families house elf was skipping out on cleaning the unused rooms, which made sense to do, although I'd either Welburga or Orion Black were to hear of this the house elf would be done for.

"Sirius has to be around here somewhere, that disgruntled child is always waiting to embarrass me in front of my friends!" The furious voice of Welburga Black was heard walking past the room in which her son was currently holding his breath in, no longer joking around.

"If we want to make it to the kitchen we might want to go now, before she comes back," Remus said is a calm voice.

"Or, hear me out, we could stay here and starve," Sirius offered. Hearing the angry voice of his mother made him finally realize the situation he was in. He had let his brother flea back to Hogwarts where he was safe and far away from Welburga and leave him to face her wrath. It was all too real, he hadn't actually had to see his mother since Hogwarts started up, he wasn't going to let her catch him now.

"I thought you were hungry?" Remus said with a brow raised.
"What? No, I'm fine, I can definitely last until later," Sirius reassured the other.

"I'm starving, like I think I might die from starvation so I say we go," James interrupted, pointing towards the door, motioning them to leave.

"Sirius, you're fine, we'll just go get some food and then find somewhere to hide out for the night, Prongs, you brought the invisibility cloak, didn't you?" Remus asked.
"Yeah, it's right here," James pulled the invisibility cloak out of his pocket where is was folded up neatly.

"See, we can't be caught if we can't be seen, there's nothing to worry about Pads, we are 3/4 of the maurduers after all," Remus made sure to comfort his boyfriend but unfortunately they didn't really have an option to dip out on the whole 'breaking in and spending the night in the Black manor' thing.

"Remus is right, although it just happens that the one maurduer with the best animagus for this type of thing isn't here... but we'll make do!" Turns out James is horrible at comforting people.

"Right, fine, let's go," Sirius swung the door open, leaving the trio exposed to anyone who may be around them.
"Okay, maybe don't do that, someone could have been behind the door!" Remus scolded, but truth be told, he was just worried for his boyfriend.

The three boys quickly got under the invisibility cloak and gently closed the door behind them.

"Now, Sirius, where's the kitchen?" Asked Remus.
"I- I think... I mean it should be..." Sirius went silent. "It's through that door," Sirius motioned his are in the direction but he wasn't sure if the other two could even see his movement. "From there, you go left through another door and that should be it,"

"Are you positive?" Remus asked, Sirius didn't seem so sure.
"Yeah, I think, I've not been in the kitchen that many times, is that weird? We'd usually has Kreatcher, our house elf get us food," Sirius explained.

"So you've never been in your own kitchen?" James' mouth dropped open in shock. It's always been a habit of James' to sneak into the kitchen for a midnight snack, him and the maurduers did that at school every once and while as well.

"I have gone into the kitchen, it's just been a while and the house is huge," Sirus shrugged it off.

The group quickly -but quietly- slipped into the next room and sure enough, to their left there was a door. Remus had to stop his friends before they barged into the next room.

They stopped in front of the wooden door, listening for any possible moment coming from inside.

After a few seconds of pure silence, they decided it was enough to take their chances in opening the door. Sirius had grabbed the doorknob and started to turn it when they heard it.

From inside the room, there was a light sound of constant, inaudible muttering.

"Kreatcher!" Sirius whispered, inwardly cursing himself for not thinking about where Kreatcher might be.

"Is that your house elf?" Asked Remus.
"Yes, and it just it happens, he hates me,"
"Of course he does," Remus sighed.
"How could anyone hate you Padfoot," James cooed.
"It's easy when I'm not Regulus," Sirius told the boy.

"Ah, fair enough, it's pretty hard to hate Sirius.20," James nodded his head as he thought about it.
"You know I'm starting to think you like my brother more then me," Sirius said in an offended tone.
"Because, who can hate him, he's just a quiet, mini Sirius!" James exclaimed.
"I can't tell if you're joking or in love with my brother but it better not be the second one," Sirius joked.

The griffindors decided to head away from the kitchen now that they had finally found it, not taking the risk of Kreatcher telling Welburga and Orion of their stay in their house, unannounced.

Instead, they went back upstairs where they had previously started, and where they were going to stay the night.

On the upstairs floor of the house, there were many useless rooms, there was unused offices, lounges, drawing room and a random studio where James, Remus and Sirius decided to sleep that night.

The studio had long mirrors, covered in dust on one wall and pictures hanging on another.

"I wonder what Regulus is doing right now," Sirius mumbled, sitting hungerly.
"Probably enjoying the fact that he left us to suffer," James mumbled grumpily. Safe to say, he was starting to get hangry.
"We should have planned a better excape plan, that way we wouldn't be stuck in this position in the first place," Remus admitted.
"Okay, but it's easier to blame it all on Regulus," Sirius pointed out.

"Do you think if we were to call for Kreatcher he'd get us food," Asked Sirius.
"Probably no-" Before Remus could finish, Kreatcher popped into the room while mumbling more inaudible words.

"Kreatcher?" Sirius said confusedly.
"You said his name which probably could have been considered 'calling for him'" Remus explained.
"Kreatcher can hear all your loud bickering, Kreatcher knows all," Kreatcher said, creepily.

"Kreatcher, don't you dare tell my parents of my whereabouts," Sirius blurted out in worry.
"Kreatcher do this, Kreatcher don't do that," Kreatcher mocked in his usual grumpy tone.
"Kreatcher, will you make us dinner?"
Sirius asked, only to get elbowed quite hardly by his boyfriend.
"At least use your manors," Rmeus hissed at Sirius.
"Fine," Sirius grumbled. "Kreatcher, could you please make us some dinner?" Sirius asked again.
"Masters Mr. And Mrs. Black told Kreatcher not to serve Mr. Sirius Black," The house elf told the him.

"Kreatcher, I'm Remus Lupin and it seems that my friends and I are famished and are in need of a meal, would you be so kind as to get it for us, or at least let us into the kitchen to make it ourselves?" Remus asked politely. If anyone could get onto Kreatchers good side it was Remus, and Regulus of course.

"I will not let a bunch of incapable children in my kitchen!" Kreatcher scolded.
"Great, so does that mean you'll be making us our meal?" Rmeus asked the old elf.
There was a series of mumbling from Kreatcher that not even Remus understood, before Kreatcher popped away, leaving the three teenagers alone again in the echoing room.

"Does that mean he'll be back?" James asked, once the echoing of the house elves departure disappeared.
"I think so," Remus slowly nodded his head.
"How did you get Kreatcher to listen to you? My boyfriend is magical!" Sirius exclaimed.
"Yes, Sirius, I am a wizard after all,"

After five minutes of the trio sitting on the dusty floors, Kreatcher popped back into the room and left three plates full of food in front of the teens. This time, there was no muttering or mumbling before he quickly popped away with the snap of his fingers.
"I can't believe it, you got Kreatchers respect, Regulus was the only other person who's done that," Sirius said in amazement.
"Must be something with the 'R' names," James spoke.
"It's called having good manners, you should try it," Remus said to his boyfriend who was ready shoving his face with food.

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