Chapter 22

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"Reg," James said worriedly.
He had noticed the younger boy starting to dissociate as he stared at the hole in the wall.
"Regs" James quietly whispered as he realized that Regulus couldn't hear him.

"Hey, Regulus," James said as he gently tapped the boy on the shoulder, trying not to scare him.

"Re-" Before James could call out to the younger boy again, Regulus snapped out of his gaze, ignoringJ ames.
"Sirius, grab what you want so we can go, I doubt we'll be alone for long," Regulus said, hinting towards his angry parents who were somewhere in the house.

"Right," Sirius whispered under his breath before opening his closet door.
In his closet still hung the fairy lights and had pillows and blankets scattered in the small room. On the door of the closet was Sirius' old leather jacket that he had forgotten.
He gently took the jacket off the hook and carefully folded it in his arms.

Sirius wasn't sure if the jacket would even fit him but he didn't want to leave it in the grimly household any longer.

Sirius then proceeded to go over to his dresser and from the middle drawer he took out a dark book bag that he had received as a gift one year. The bag was already full of items that he had hidden from his parents as a kid. Not bothering to empty it, Sirius took the bag and swung it over his shoulder before stuffing his leather jacket into it.

"Let's go," Sirius told the group.
"Got what you wanted?" Asked Remus.
Sirius took another good look at the room before replying.

Barty, who was still standing by the door in silence was the first one out the door.
"So how are we leaving? We were supposed to stay the night and portkey back to Hogwarts tomorrow," Barty whispered to Regulus.
"We probably could use the back floo entrance and tell Professor McGonagall that plans changed and we decided to floo back a day early, at least she knows why we left so less chance of us getting in trouble, can't say the same for them tho," Regulus said, nodding his head towards the group of three.

"How are we leaving?" Sirius asked Remus.
"If you plan not to get caught, we're not," Remus stated bluntly.
"We're not...?"
"Wait what? I thought you had a plan?!" Exclaimed James.
"I did, but it may be a bit too late for that plan working, unless you want to get caught," Explained Remus.

"If you guys need a way back to the castle, we can help," Said Regulus.
"We can?" Asked Barty.
"What do you have in mind?" Remus asked.

"Barty and I are flooing back to school through the back floo entrance, we were supposed to take a portkey back together tomorrow. The portkey won't be ready until 1 pm tomorrow so you'll just have to survive the night here and portkey back tomorrow afternoon," Regulus explained.

"And there's no way you could just distract Professor McGonagall long enough for us to floo back?" Deadpanned James.

"Nah, she'll already be ready to scolded us for flooing into her office unannounced, don't want to get onto her bad side," Barty shrugged.

"Really? Suck ups," Sirius said, mumbling the last part under his breath.
"We could just leave you here with no way back if you'd prefer," Regulus offered.
"No, we'll stay the night," Remus decided.
"We will?"

"Great, Kreatcher will be delivering the portkey to my room five minutes before it's due to activate, don't be late," Regulus explained.
"So you're just going to leave us?! What about our parents?" Sirius asked in disbelief.

"I thought you were 3/4 of the maurduers, don't tell me Peter was the only reason McGonagall hasn't caught your little group," Regulus teased, as an offended look washed over James and Sirius.
"I mean, he's the only one not here, Pettigrew clearly knows how to stay hidden if you couldn't find him before you three left," Barty remarked.

"Damn rat," Sirius mumbled under his breath.
"What was that, Sirius?" Regulus asked, with a fake look of clueless.
"Nothing, dear brother,"
"Really I thought you said something about a rat?"
"What about a rat?" Asked Remus.
"I don't know... that's why I asked Sirius to expand on his thoughts, which he seems incapable of doing," Regulus shrugged, keeping a monotone voice.

"Enough about rats, they freak me out," James interrupted.
"Yes, I see why they would, you know, with their worm-like tail," Regulus agreed.
"Are you three apart of some rat cult that I didn't know about or something?" Questioned a clueless Barty.
"Um- no, Barty, we are not," Regulus cleared up. Regulus looked towards his friend in disbelief, was he that clueless?

Regulus looked down the hallway realizing that they had yet to move from the doorway of Sirius' room and started to panic.

"We can continue talking about our positions in our rat cult another time, we need to move away from Sirius' room," Regulus rushed, taking another glance down both lengths of the hall.
"So there is a cult!" Barty shouted in amazement.
"Yes, yes there is, now quiet down before someone hears you!"

"Right, where abouts are we spending the night?" Remus asked Sirius.
"I thought that you'd figure that part out, you're good at thinking," Sirius said, making Remus sighed.
"Right, let's find an empty corridor," Remus offered, slowly making his way down the hall.

"Okay, well I guess we're leaving?" Regulus said, looking over to Barty who was next to him.
"Yeah, let's go, if we stay any longer we'll have to deal with the adults," Barty agreed.

"Don't get caught," Regulus told James and Sirius with a pointed look.
"Do you truly have that little faith in us little brother?" Sirius asked, holding one hand over his heart.
"Yes, that's exactly it," Regulus nodded his head. "Now go catch us to Remus, and remember, don't miss the portkey no matter what," Regulus reminded the pair.
"Right-o Reggo," James said, shooting fake finger guns at Regulus.

The two boys started making their way towards Remus -who was standing at a four way hallway, keeping an eye down each hall to make sure they were alone.-

"Come on, I hear someone coming," Remus said, before hurrying forwards, hoping for his friends to follow.

As the three older boys started running down the hall un-spotted, Regulus and Barty started heading the opposite direction before the sound of hurried footsteps could catch up to them.

The two Slytherins made it to an old office which held an old floo system that hasn't been used in years. Luckily, Regulus had a small bag of floo powder stuffed into his pocket incase of an emergency like this case.

"I'll floo back first, don't waiting before following, if we're lucky Professor McGonagall won't be in her office and we won't have to deal with that confrontation," Regulus planned out.
Barty nodded his head in agreement., "Right, go ahead,"

Regulus stepped into the floo system, "Professor McGonagalls office, Hogwarts," Regulus called out in a steady and ear voice before he was blown away through the floo network.

As Regulus landed in his transfiguration teachers office he dusted himself off and took a glance around the room.

"Mr. Black, is there a reason for your early arrival back to the school, through my office?" She asked in a stern voice, but before she could get an answer out of him, Barty came in through the floo system right behind his friend.

"Mr. Crouch, lovely for you to join us," Professor McGonagall greeted.
"Good afternoon Ma'am," Barty greeted politely.

Reggo My Eggoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें