Chapter 47

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The cabin wasn't in as bad of shape as Regulus had remembered. The paint was all chipped and it was cold but other than the fact that the whole left side of the cabin had caved in, it was livable.

"Huh," James glanced around the small cabin. They couldn't get to the living room or anything past that on the left side but on the right were the stairs leading upstairs as well as a room that had a closed door.

The main floor of the cabin was small and had a bunch of open space. From the entry way you could see the disaster of a living room, the kitchen and a dining room which was only half destroyed.

In the living room there was a fireplace. In the case that the living room wasn't destroyed, that fireplace could have saved them but the roof had fallen right on top of the fireplace and even if they could reach it, they had no floo powder.

"Why do you have a random cabin sitting on your property?" James asked

"I don't know, it's always been here," Regulus shrugged before stepping further into the cabin, not bothering to remove the wet shoes.

"Are you sure it's safe?" James questioned as he looked towards the collapsed ceiling.

Regulus stayed quiet before speaking, "There's about a 40 percent chance we're safer here than at the manor," He replied.

"Only 40?!" James exclaimed.

"I mean there's a chance we were followed or tracked here and I wouldn't consider the structure or the cabin 'safe' so I'd say 40 is being generous," Regulus explained.

"Great, so we jumped out of a window and possibly got frostbite for nothing," James complained.

"I wouldn't say nothing, it doesn't smell like blood here, that's got to be a bonus,"

"Don't you have a second floo system here or something?" James asked after looking at the broken fireplace for a moment.

"I don't think so, the cabin was like a guest cabin or something,"

"Right, cause guests don't need an emergency floo incase of a killer on the loose," James mumbled grumpily.

"I don't think that was considered in the construction of the cabin," Regulus spoke.

"So we're stuck here to starve to death?"

"No, there should be food in the kitchen, unless the rats have gotten to it," Regulus left James' side to walk into the kitchen. "Although I wouldn't eat the eggs, even with magic they usually don't stay fresh for long," He added.

"Since when was there a spell to keep food fresh?" James asked dumbly.

"Are you telling me you have to go grocery shopping weekly?" Regulus gave James a look of disgust. Although Kreacher did the shopping, they used a spell to keep the food fresh so that they didn't run out of food often.

"I think we grew up in completely different wizarding worlds,"

"Quite possible, it would explain a lot about you,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" James asked, offended.

"You're quite clueless for a pureblood, have you noticed?" Regulus asked slyly.

James stood there astounded. "I'm not clueless. I just wasn't spoiled like you!" James fired back.

"You want to do this again?" Regulus asked, referring to the previous fight they had back before the holidays.

"You mean repeat the time you said you loved me and ran off?" James cocked his head to the side.

"I did not," Regulus was quick to deny it.

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