Chapter 26

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Regulus and Barty's intense game of checkers was interrupted at exactly 1pm by three idiots being thrown into their dorm room.

There was a crash as James had launched himself face first onto the ground, knocking over the two younger Slytherin boys' game of checkers which Regulus was about to win.

James' fall was quickly followed by Sirius who landed right ontop of his bestfriend. Remus managed to stay standing even after being whisked away from one location to another.

"How graceful," Barty said after he had realized what all the ruckus was.
"I was just about to win," Regulus mumbled.
"No you weren't, I was!" Barty insisted. Barty may have known for a fact that he was loosing badly but as the two griffindor boys had messed up the game with their messyfall, so there was no proof that could prove his lose.

"You were not about to win and besides, I've won more games then you have today," If there's one thing you shouldn't do, it's call Regulus a looser. He wins, he always does, even when he doesn't.

"Only one more!" Barty pointed out.
"So what I'm hearing is that Regulus is being a sore looser, again?" Sirius said with a wide grin. He had spent years challenging his brother with different challenges and games all throughout their childhood.

They would turn something as simple as heading to bed into a race. It was always a race to see who could reach the top of the stairs first or who could brush their teeth the fastest, which now that he thought of it more, that challenging probably wasn't the best for their dental hygiene.

"I am not being a sore looser! I won, I've been winning all morning, Barty is lying!" Regulus insisted. He won and he knew it.
"Right, anything you say little bro," Sirius said in a teasingly tone.

"Gesh, who would have known that Mr. Edgy Redgy was so competitive," James spoke in amazement, trying out his new found nickname for mini Sirius.

"Don't call me that!" Regulus scolded. That was truly the worst thing he's heard all day, all week even.
""Edgy Redgy?"" Sirius gawked. "That's the most amazing thing I've heard all day!"
"That's not surprising, what other so called 'amazing' things have you heard today?" Remus asked.
"Nothing, which makes 'Edgy Redgy' at the top of that list," Sirius said, giving Remus a look as if to say 'duh'.

"I can tell Sirius adores the name but I can't say the same for you Reggo, why is that?" James asked in a sincere voice.
"Get out of my room Potter, I can't deal with this right now, I have a game of checkers to get back to," Regulus said, rolling his eyes and crossinghisarms. He couldn't help but find James Fremont Potter completely irritating. He really wished he'd bother someone else.

"Oh come oh Black, we just need to keep trying until we find a nickname you like, I still have a bunch more ideas on my list to try out so just stay with me until then," James reassured Regulus, although Regulus definitely didn't feel reassured, he just felt done.

"They kinda destroyed the game board with their messy landing so we can't actually continue the game," Barty explained to Regulus in a quiet voice.
"But I would have won," Regulus mumbled.
"Maybe, maybe not," Barty shrugged, knowing it would get on his bestfriends nerves. "Anyways, although you were trying to kick Potter out, I think you forgot that it's also my dorm so I say he can stay," Barty added. He didn't really care if he were to stay but Regulus would so he'd allow it.

"Why thank you Barty," James thanked the almost taller boy.
"You aren't even friends with with!" Regulus exclaimed in annoyance.
"And you are?" Barty smirked, this kind of bickering was normal for the two of them.

Barty knew Regulus was competitive, he had to win, he also had to be a step ahead of everyone else, hence why he takes classes twice a week with the sixth years as he was excelling in his classes, well all but divination but he refused to drop the course because to him, that would count as quitting.

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