Chapter 48

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"Fuck," Muttered Regulus.

Both Regulus and James had backed up to where their backs were against the kitchen cabinets. It was dark outside, it must have been around 3-4 in the morning by now and it was even darker in the cabin.

The strong winds could be heard out side as it was blowing against the cabin. Besides the unusually strong winds, it was silent, it might not have been that silent, they were already half outdoors anyway.

The power outage could have been the wind, it seemed possible but unlikely. In their last moments in the manor the power went out, now they were in the cabin and the power was once again out.

The lights flickered back on for a moment before shutting off again. In the short second that the lights were on, there was a flicker of red on the wall near the door.

It could have been a fragment of their imagination but the hitched breath of both James and Regulus said otherwise.

With the lights off, you couldn't see the red stain, but in the flash of light it had almost looked like a blood-like substance on the wall... it might have been blood.

"Merry fucking Christmas, this is where we die," Regulus spoke in a tone that was just barely loud enough for James to hear.

"We're not going to die, we did not go through hell and back just to die like this," James hissed.

"Well then, what are we supposed to do, genius Gryffindor?"

"Will you lot shut up?" A voice scowled from somewhere in the cabin.

Safe to say, they went quiet. They refused to make another noise. The voice was familiar, it sounded young.

"This is where you die," the voice said,this time the voice was slightly closer, but the person who the voice belonged to was yet to be seen.

"Great, hurry up on that please," Regulus scoffed.

"Don't encourage him!" James squeaked.

The lights turned back on, this time to stay one, revealing the figure that stood in the half destroyed dining room.

There was silence as the figure gave them a chance to take the moment in.

Regulus looked at the person with a neutral face, James looked at them in horror.

"Wormtail?!" James shrieked.

"Didn't expect me did you? Not 'ittle Wormtail'," He mocked.

"Actually it was quite obvious... rat," Regulus sighed, he had a suspicion but he didn't want to believe it.

"You know, it doesn't even matter because you'll be dead like the rest in just a couple of minutes," Peter grinned, he liked feeling in control.

"W-Peter, you killed... you killed Sirius and- and Remus?" James couldn't help but stutter.

"Of course not, Remus is still alive, although I did take joy in throwing that ax at the mutt," Peter chuckled.

James took a deep breath, Remus could still be alive or he could have been killed by someone else...

"To think this all could have been avoided if you lot cared," Peter paused.

"You know, I heard all about your plans for 'prank week', you plotted the week when you thought I was asleep, but I wasn't. I heard every last word," Peter was staring right at James, the last of the Marauders, minus Peter but that was... complicated.

"Why bother letting Wormtail in on our plans, why let Wormtail hang out with us, we don't care about Wormtail, he doesn't deserve to be our friend, we're too good for him!" Peter spat out.

"Pettigrew-" Regulus was interrupted before he could get out more than his name.

"I should have known the second I was kicked out from under the invisibility cloak the second you arrived," Peter looked at Regulus, scowling.

"Are you talking about that time in my first year?" Regulus asked. "Are you Se-honestly holding a grudge about that?" Regulus had to stop himself from saying 'Seriously', it was too soon because if his brother were here he'd be using that opportunity to make a ridiculous pun that everyone would roll their eyes at.

"That was just the beginning, you ruined it all," Peter spoke, venom lingering in his voice.

"It's not his fault, blame me for everything. Regulus didn't want to hang out with us in the first place, myself and Padfoot made him, we treated you like shit, not him. I realized that and I'm sorry but don't blame Reggie for what he didn't do, that 'Wormtail appreciation week' thing that we held, Regulus knew you hated it and told me to stop as it made you uncomfortable, he tries to help you when we failed to be good friends," James spoke quietly, not trusting his voice, Peter could kill them at any moment if he truly wanted to.

Peter walked through the dining room and stepped into the kitchen, they were merely meters apart now. James and Regulus had nowhere to go, they couldn't hop out a window or flee down the hall and hide inside of a closet, they could only talk their way out of it.

"Wormtail, you could have talked to us if you were feeling left out, you didn't need to take it this far!" James' voice was shaky.

"When? At our nightly hangouts? Oh wait, I wasn't invited!" Peter reached beside him and grabbed a knife from on top of the counter. "I am not worthless, you think lowly of me, you this I'm weak but I'm not, I'll kill you in an instant," Peter rambled on.

"Ever since I was a child-" Regulus had to intervene, he wasn't going to listen any longer.

"It's a very lovely villain origin story, and although I'd love to hear how much we've contributed to it, get to the point. I'm sure you've been preparing for weeks your 'how I'm going to confront and murder my only friends and many other people who mean nothing to me' script, but learn to peer edit, stop rambling on. At this point, I don't even believe that you're going to kill us," Regulus glared at the rat, crossing his arms and holding his chin high with fake confidence.

"You watch your words, I was the one who killed all six people," Peter grinned.

"What about the seventh person and possible death of an eighth?" Regulus asked. They knew Peter wasn't working alone, he remembered the two sets of footsteps running past the closet as James and him hide, holding their breaths.

"Silence, I'm the one holding the knife," Peter stared at the knife in his hands, he could finally kill the last two in his way right there and then, no one could stop him.

He lunged forward with the knife, he had gone straight for James, aiming the knife at his stomach.

James had nowhere to turn to, he was stuck in place and Regulus could only flinch away in fear that he desperately tried to hide, this was it.

A/N: Sorry for the rushed chapter.

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