Chapter 33

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The group of four stepped out of Regulus' bedroom, planning on heading back to the floo system. They had only made it three steps out of the room before they froze as they heard a blood coiling scream. 

"Wha-" Before anyone could muster a word out they heard another cry coming from the same direction. The ruckus was coming from not far away, it sounded like it was coming from the direction of the staircase. 

The group had concerned looks on their faces and as a whole, they decided to head in the direction of the noise. 

Regulus was in the front of the small crowd that they had formed. The second that they rounded the corner that led to the stairs, Regulus pulled to a halt making the others behind him crash into him. 

"Dad?" Regulus mustered in a small voice. In front of Regulus was his mother's dead body lying motionless at the top of the stairs with its head missing. 

Behind him, Sirius, James and Remus also stood motionless. Remus and James seemed more traumatized from finding a dead body while Sirius was a mixture of shocked and terrified. In front of him was his abusive mother with their father crouched in front of her in tears. He's never seen his dad cry. His mother used to always say 'Crying is for the weak and the Black family is not weak.' 

Orion looked up and saw Regulus as well as the group behind him. 

"R-Regulus, S-Sirius," Orion stuttered out. 

"Dad..." Regulus could feel his knees getting weaker and weaker until they gave out and he was left kneeling in front of his dead mother. Don't get him wrong, he hated the woman, she was a terrible person but he had come to terms with that years ago. Right now there was a dead body in front of him and that's something that he'll never be able to come to terms with. 

"Your mother, I-I just found here like this," It was odd to see Orion looking so vulnerable but his wife was lying dead in front of him, blood everywhere and head nowhere to be seen so it makes sense, anyone in their right mind would be the same. 

"W-was anyone else in the house?" it was barely auditable but Regulus was too busy trying to catch his breath to care. 

"We heard the floo go off a few minutes ago so we split up to go find the culprits after we heard them run off and I went to find your mother a-and she- was dead and her head w-was missing," Orion had tears streaming down his face and his clothes were now soaked in Walburgas blood that continued to leak out everywhere. 

"U-uh, t-that would be u-us, we used the floo to c-come get Reggie," Sirius looked pale as a ghost. He never would have guessed that his next family reunion would be with a head-less mom and his dad covered in blood that was not his own. 

"S-Sirius, your-your here," If Sirus was in a better mindset he'd be telling Orion off. He didn't deserve to see Sirus weak, he didn't deserve his sympathy. "A-and your friends," James and Remus were standing in the background nauseous. The smell of blood was strong and the sight was graphic. 

"I think I'm going to be sick," James muttered out before quickly turning the corner and falling to the ground. Remus was quick to follow, leaving Sirius and Regulus alone with their father and the head-less body.

The three that were left were silent. Orion was grieving while Regulus and Sirius were swaying in their places, feeling faint. 

Kreacher popped into the scene holding the loosehead of Walburga Black by the hair. Kreacher was wide-eyed at the view. His Mistress was dead and he was holding her limp head. 

"Mistress Black," Kreacher mumbled with no sign of his usual snotty attitude. He was just as shocked as the rest and was him too was trying to process the situation. 

At the sight of his wife's head, Orion had fainted. He might have been a death eater but it didn't change the fact that the sight of his dead wife -his dead cousin- broke him.

Kreacher immediately dropped the head on the floor with a 'clunk' before popping away from the murder scene. Regulus let out a gasp at the sight. He wanted to move, he wanted to run away but he could find the energy, his legs were like jelly. 

Sirius on the other hand was leaning, one hand on the wall for support and was focusing on finding a breathing pattern. 

It felt like hours that the group stayed like that. The smell of blood only got stronger and for Remus who had enhanced smelling from being a werewolf, it was unbearable. He had to get as far away from the stairway as possible. Remus was now all alone in a hallway that he could recognize from when he was at the gala but couldn't be bothered to figure out where it led to. 

James had also managed to scoot himself farther away from the bloody mess but not nearly as far as Remus did, he could still smell the rusty smell of blood. James sat leaning against the wall with his head in his knees for what he could have sworn were days. 

Orion had started to gain conciseness and to realize the situation he was in, he finally moved away from the dead body, not wanting to look at it for another second. He scooted back to the point he fell down the stairs but he didn't bother to stop himself. He was too light-headed that he couldn't do anything to protect himself from the fall. Instead, he waited until he reached the bottom of the stairs before he attempted to walk away, leaving blood trails all across the house. 

Sirius and Regulus were the only two left at the scene, Sirius couldn't stand it anymore and he knew he had to get Regulus away from their decapitated mother. He wasn't quite sure when but he had found himself crouched down on the floor and curled up into a ball. 

Sirus had brought himself into a standing position and slowly limped to Regulus' side and grabbed him by the arm, directing him into a standing position. 

"'Cmon," Sirius sniffled. "L-let go... somewhere else," Sirius managed to muffle out. 

Sirius ended up directing Regulus away until they found James curled up in the middle of a hallway.

"Prongs," Sirus mumbled as he took a seat beside him.

"Padfoot?" James whispered out, looking his friend in the eyes.

"Where's Remus," Regulus asked in a soft voice.

"I don't know, he went," James nodded his head down the long hall. "that way,"

"I-I'll go find him," Regulus was still very shaken but he didn't want Remus to be alone.

"N-no, I'll get him, you stay here with 'ames," Sirius struggled to stand up before he hobbled down the hall, off to find his boyfriend. 

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