Chapter 6

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We flooed right into the potter manor, the first thing I noticed was how bright and home-like it was, unlike the Black manor, which was dark and gloomy, filed with dark artifacts. The aura inside their house was completely different from the Black manor and it felt refreshing, like I could actually breath, unlike hom-the Black manor, I don't think I could ever actually consider that horrible, depressing place home. 

I slowly looked around in awe, taking the whole place in. "Y'okay there Black?" Asked James, pulling me out of my  thoughts as he put an arm over my shoulder. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah defiantly," I told him, flustered, that's when I noticed him arm and gave him a killing glare. "Okay, okay, Relax!" James Exclaimed, removing his arm from my shoulder, holding his hands up in defeat. 

"We'll leave you boys to get settled, I'll call you boys down later for dinner." Said Mrs Potter. "Great, thanks mom!" James said, pulling me towards the stairs by the wrists, Sirius following behind. "Quite it Potter," I said, not wanting to have my arm ripped off. 

"Just come on Regs," Sirius said, with a smile plastered n him face.

 "Whatever," I mumbled under my breath, Sirius smiled, knowing I wouldn't bother arguing with him.  We walked upstairs and walked down a longish hallway with doors on either side of us. James suddenly stopped in front of a door, nearly making me run into him. I blushed as I saw James smirking at me almost running into him. 

"This, is your room," James said, opening the door to the room. The room as fairly large with neutral colours. A queen sized bed was placed in the center of the wall with grey covers. The main thing that caught my attention was the bay window at the far end of the room, showing a view of the large back garden, covered in snow. 

"Like it?" James asked with a grin, probably seeing the way I gawked at the room. "It's alright, I guess," I said, still distracted by the view. "Yeah, yeah, anyways, Sirius' room is right across the hall," James turned to Sirius, "It's the same room as the one you stayed in during the summer." He turned back to me. "My room is right next to yours, feel free come bother me." James said with a wink.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to avoid that room at all costs," I assured him. "Hey, I'm being serious." Said James, before Sirius could interrupt, I spoke, "You're not Sirius, he is," I said, pointing to my brother. James looked shocked. "Oh my God! You just mad a Sirius joke!" Sirius practically Squealed. "I don't know what you're talking about, now get out so I can unpack!" I said, pushing the two boys out of the room.

"Rude!" Sirius called before I could close the doors in their faces. I only had two weeks worth of clothes to unpack so it didn't take long, so I decided to grab my sketch book and sit in the bay window to paint. I decided on painting the greenhouse that was out in the back garden to keep certain plants safe for the winter. 

The snow was coming down hard so it was hard to the the greenhouse, making me have to use my imagination to finish different details of the painting. 

It took about two hours until I was done and there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in!" I called out. "Dinner's read, come on Reg." Sirius said, with a huge smile on his face. I can tell how much more happier he is here than he ever was back at the Black manor. 

Sirius lead me out of the room, where James was just leaving his room. James ans Sirius preceded to lead me down to the large dinning room, where dinner was getting placed on the table... by Mrs. Potter, I'm glad they don't use house elves, I always feel bad for Kreatcher when ever he gets bossed around by our family, or worse, hurt. I can't Bare to see that happen.

As I went to sit down, James pulled out my chair for me and said, "You're welcome, princess." Causing me to roll my eyes at his stupidity and the pet name. "Shut it Potter," I mumbled under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear it.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Was his reply. I eventually sat down as Mr and Mrs Potter did as well. The elder Potters were on either far end of the table while Sirius had the whole one side of the table to himself and I was stuck, across from him, seated beside the arrogant Potter.

"Sirius, it's lovely to see you again and finally meet this brother of yours that you've mentioned so much." Mrs Potter said. Huh, did he really talk about me that much?

"Regulus dear, so this is you're first year at Hogwarts, Correct? How're you enjoying it, do you have any friends?" Asked Mrs Potter.

"Yes, it is. Uh, the school year has so far been good, besides when I'm getting dragged into empty corridors by these two," I said, directing my head at James and Sirius. " I've made a few friends, Lily Evans and Severus Snape."

"Oh, I believe I've heard James mention both of those names before, they're in James' year, correct?" She asked.
"Yes, they are."
"Lovely, are you two friends with them too?" She asked James and Sirius. They glanced at each other.

"Things with Evans are, well we have something going on and with Snevilus," James paused. I gave him this look, saying to watch what he's saying because I'm not gonna let him talk bad about my friends. "Well let's just say things are complicated."

I snorted at this. 'Complicated? They tease him and bully him just because he's a Slytherin who actually had a chance with Evans, although if they bothered to pay any attention, they like each other like brother and sister, being together would be just weird.

For the rest of dinner, James and Sirius were mainly in a very Seriu- intense conversation about quidditch as both boys had scored a spot on the quidditch team this year.

After dinner, I was dragged up stairs and into James' room by James and my brother, gesh, what is with them dragging me everywhere.

"Why am I here?" I asked the two grinning boys. "Because, I know for a fact that if we don't do something about it, you'll spend the entire break locked up in your room." Explained Sirius.
"So, what's wrong with that? Better than hanging out with you two." I said, mumbling the last part.
"Hey! People would die to be able to hang with me!" Whined James.

"Sure, sure." I said, rolling my eyes, I swear this boy is obsessed with himself, I feel sorry for the idiot who marries him one day.

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