Chapter 2

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The next morning, I woke up at 5:00am. I still had plenty of time before breakfast, so I got dressed, then put my school supplies together, before pulling out a potion book and read until breakfast. Two hours later, all my roommates were still asleep, although breakfast was just barely starting. 

I walked down to the nearly empty great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. There were a few other Slytherins, afew Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well as Gryffindors, although, unfortunately, my brother and his friends were sitting at the Gryffindor table, directly in front of me. 

Taking a bite of toast, I saw Sirius whisper something to his friends, before they all got up and moved to sitting across from me at the Slytherin table. 

I try to ignore them and continue eating my breakfast, although, then Sirius starts talking. "Hey Reggie." "Go away Sirius." I say quietly, not looking Sirius in the eyes. "Reggie-" "Don't call me that." I tell him, looking down. "These are my friends, Peter, Remus and James." Siruis said, starting from a new aspect. "No offense, but I really don't care." I say, although I did mean to offend him. Sirius looked hurt by my ignorance. "I'm sor-" I interrupted as I saw a group of Slytherins entering the great hall. "You should probably go back to your table." I said. As they left, more and more people started flooding the room. 

We were handed our schedules near the end of breakfast. 'Potions first period' I read. After breakfast, I walked to where I remembered seeing the potions classroom in the dungeons. 

My third encounter with Sirius was on my way to lunch. I was on my way to lunch, when I was cornered by Sirius and his friends, once again. "What now?" I asked annoyed. "Why are you ignoring me?" Asked Sirius, sternly. "Because you ignored me." I told him. 

"When?" Asked Sirius, as his friends/comrades stood there awkwardly. "Whenever I owled you since you left for Hogwart last year. "I was busy." He explained. "You didn't come home for Christmas or summer holidays." I continued, ignoring his last comment. "I was with my friends." He said, I turned away from looking at him. 

"You promised you'd protect me from them." I said quietly, not sure if he heard me or not. "What did they do?" Asked Sirius, sounding worried. "Nothing new." I spat out. "Reggie, tell me." He said, sternly. "Just the regular abuse." I said, not wanting to go into details. "How bad was it." He demanded. "Just what I deserved!" I said loudly, instantly regretting telling him. 

"Wha- Regulus, you don't deserve any of that." Sirius said, sadly. "Everything is my fault." I said sadly, tears rolling down my cheek. 'I hate crying in front of people, it's a sign of weakness.' I think to myself. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Sirius said, wiping away my tears. "Neither of us are ever going back to that house." Sirius said, tear in his eyes. "I have to." I said, scared of what our parents would do. "No you don't, they can't hurt us anymore." Sirius said in a calm voice. 

"Regulus, Sirius is already staying with my family and I, I'm positive my parents would love for you to stay with us too." James said, speaking up for the first time. "I-" "Please Reggie." Pleaded Sirius. "Alright." I give in, giving a forced smile. "Great!" Cried Sirius, giving me a huge hug. I stood there awkwardly, I'm not much of a hugger, especially because I'm still pissed at Sirius.

Throughout the next few weeks, Sirius would force me to hang out with him and his friends when I'm not in class. I would always try to make up excuses to leave like 'I told my dorm mates I'd hang out.' Which of course, was a lie because I've barely talked to any of them.

 I've had a few short conversations with Remus, he seems nice, James seems to keep calling me 'Baby Black' which annoys the crap out of me, his whole personality is just annoying, also, he seems to have an obvious obsession with Lily Evans, a girl who he has no chance with. Peter, on the other hand, is shy and not that outgoing

Throughout the past few weeks, I've discovered that Sirius and his friends love to prank people, especially the Slytherins. On Wednesday, they spelled the Slytherin robes neon green. Ofcourse, they all gave a good laugh as all our robes turned neon green as we entered the great hall. 

Today at dinner, Sirius and his friends were the first people in the great hall. They're rarely early to meals, except for the first day of class, where I learned: They were only early so they could corner me. Any other time, it usually means they have a prank planned.

I slowly walked into the great hall, not sure how/when or who they're about to prank. I sat down at the table in an empty spot near my cousin, Narcissa, who was a seventh year. 

I wearily took a bite of food, nothing happened. I continued eating until the Slytherin table was covered in multi coloured smoke. When the smoke disappeared, there was a scream and the three other houses bursted into laughter. I looked around and saw that all the Slytherins now had neon hair. 

I pulled a strand of my hair into my view and saw that I had neon pink hair. I looked over to where Sirius sat at the Gryffindor table and saw him crying with laughter. My gaze falls on James, who was staring at me with a huge smile. Instead of returning the smile, I glared at him. 

After their 'little' prank, the great hall was in chaos. I immediately stormed out of the great hall, and into the library and began to search the books for a spell to reverse the prank. Soon, I was joined by Snape and Evans, who were also looking for an antidote or spell to reverse it. 

"Mind if we join you?" Asked Evans. "Sure." I said, not looking up from my book. They both grab a book and start researching. "Any idea what spell your brother and his friends used?" Asked Evans. "No." I replied. She huffed in annoyance. After five more minutes of intense reading and book throwing, I finally found it. 

"I found the spell they used." I told Snape and Evans. "Great! Is there a spell to reverse it?" She asked, hopefully. I ignore her question, and try the reverse spell. "Uncolour capillum" I said, waving my wand in the direct order it said in the book. Unsure if it worked, I pull down a piece of hair and find it's back to normal. "Better?" I asked Evans, still unsure if it had completely worked. "Yes." She told me.

I point my wand at Snape, saying the spell. The neon yellow now gone from his hair. "Thanks." He said quietly, talking to me for the first time. 

Evans casted a tempus spell, seeing that it was time for class. "Bye Regulus." Said Evans. "Later Evans, Snape." I said, turning to leave. "You know, we have first names, you might as well use them." Said Ev-Lily. I gave a small smile. "Bye Lily, Severus." I corrected myself. "Bye." Said Severus. 

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