Chapter 14

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The train whistled as we pulled out of King's Cross station and we headed back to Hogwarts. The Christmas break had gone by relatively fast, the rest of the break was quiet. We spent most of the time playing either chess or exploding snaps, that is when I couldn't find an excuse to make James and Sirius leave me alone. I did however finish three, in my opinion, amazing paintings, using the new paints I had gotten for Christmas. 

The day after Christmas, boxing day, Remus had flooed over to the potters and Sirius, James and Remus went off and did their own thing, that was the most alone time I had gotten all break, although I was stupid to expect it to be quiet with those three together. 

You'd think with lupin there he'd control them, he seems responsible and quiet but he is defiantly the opposite. He is the brains of most of their pranks, he can easily figure out what charms you need to make everyone who walks through a certain doorways' hair lime green or what potion ingredients you need to make someone's head turn into the head of an animal. 

(Side note, having the head of a pink flamingo is not fun! Especially when a certain potter was there laughing his head off and a certain brother of mine took a picture of that moment)

(A/n: I stole the picture from Sirius and put the picture at the top^)

"Hello Regulus," Lily said, as she and Severus joined my compartment on the Hogwarts express, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey Lily, Severus. Did you have an enjoyable Christmas?" I asked. "Yeah, Severus and I hung out near my house most days, although my sister, Petunia was not as enjoyable as she used to be," The redhead explained. 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," I replied. "It's okay, anyway, how was your break?" She asked. "It was..." I was brought back into my thoughts of the previous events of the yule break. 

The pranks, the cold, the pranks... 

But then there are the good things like the food, celebrating Christmas, painting in the greenhouse and I did have some civil conversations with Sirius and surprisingly James. 

"Break was good, for the most part at least... as much as it can with James and Sirius there," I Joked... kinda. 

"Severus, I was wondering what you thought of the potion ingredients I got you for Christmas, they're from a not so known shop at the back or diagonally, they sell many rare potion ingredients and I know how much you enjoy and are good at potions," I nervously ranted, I didn't really know what to get him and he still doesn't talk to me enough for me to know. 

"Thank you for them, I hadn't heard of most of them before but I did find some interesting potions I could make with them," Severus said with a slight smile on his face. 

"No problem," said Severus. "Oh Regulus, I need to say thanks for the book I got, it was really good," Said Lily. "That's great, I thought it sounded interesting. 

We were soon sucked into conversations about anything and everything, only taking a break from talking when the trolly lady knocked on the door. 

We later arrived back at Hogwarts and we hurried off of the train to get a carriage, in which we were shortly joined by the Marauders who had ran and jumped into the carriage at the last second before we the carriage started to move.

"Regulus, Evans, Snevelus,"  James said nodding towards Lily and I but sneering towards Severus. "Watch what you're saying, Potter," Lily said, angrily spitting out "Potter." "Yeah Potter, keep this up and Lily will never marry you," I laughed. "As if I'd ever get married to him anyway," Lily said rolling her eyes. 

"Trust me, Evans, you're in denial, you love me," James said, crossing his arms. "Maybe you're the one in denial if you really think she gives a rat's ass about you," I sassed, making Sirius laugh. At this, James looked at Sirius with a fake offended look on his face. 

"I mean you just have to fall in love with the one person who doesn't love you? If you'd look around you'd realize that there are so many people would gladly go out with you, just not Lily," I explained to the oblivious idiot. "So... if she's the one person who wouldn't go out with me... that means everyone else would date me... meaning you'd totally go out with me," He smirked and Sirius was soon laying on Remus while dying with laughter. I glanced over to Lily and Severus to see they both had a small grin on their faces. 

"Would not, what I meant was that everyone excluding all of Slytherin as you should know by now, we don't like you," I explained. "Mmhmm, sure, sure," He said, overconfidently. "Besides, why would you care?" I asked back. "Only for the joy of teasing you, flamingo..." James said with a Cheshire cate grin. "Whip that grin off your face!" I yelled angrily, Sirius and Remus both laughing hard now while Peter, Lily and Severus sat there, now confused. 

"I don't know why you're so defensive, I'd totally date James, especially for his calling you a flamingo," Sirius said, still laughing. "Oh please, we all know you and Remus are in love with each other, there's no chance you and James would date," I laughed. "Wha-" Before they could say anything else, the carriage came to a stop and I hopped out and quickly left towards the castle.  


In the great hall, I sat beside Barty Crouch JR, a Slytherin in my year. As people piled into the room I sat there and made small talk with the other Slytherins. 

During diner, as I was facing the Gryffindor table I could see Sirius who kept glancing at Remus before quickly looking away when what I'm guessing is they make eye contact although I can't be sure as Remus is facing the opposite direction than me. 

A/N: A bit of Wolfstar in this chapter

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