Chapter 29

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Regulus stood still in his place as he saw James Potter leaning on a tree in front of him. The school grounds were large and yet he still managed to run into the one person he wanted to avoid the most.

"Regulus," James stood up straight as he saw the younger boy standing in front of him, he went wide-eyed.

"Got to get to class," Regulus mumbled to himself as he quickly tried to turn away from the griffindor boy.
"Regulus wait," James tried calling after him. Regulus paused for a few seconds, stopping in his tracks before he regained control of himself and started walking away calmly.

Luck way not on Regulus' side today. James quickly jogging up next to Regulus before starting to walk at Regulus' pace -which was quite fast-. Regulus wasn't a runner, he had already ran away once that day and he wasn't about to do it again.

"So, Regulus," James started, awkwardly.
"I'm late for class," Regulus said, trying to walk faster but he was already walking at his limit.
"You're already late enough that you might as well skip for the rest of class rather than getting yelled at in front of the whole class," James pointed out, trying to glance over at Regulus' face, which he was hiding from him.

James did have a point, he currently had a double class of transfiguration with professor McGonagall so he was best to wait until his next class which was potions with professor Slughorn and face McGonagalls raft later.

Regulus sighed, wishing for the day to magically end.
"About earlier," James paused, how was he supposed to address this?
"What do you mean earlier? We argued, get over it, what else is there to it?" Regulus decided it was best to ignore the main events of earlier that day, for now on it hadn't happened.

"Okay, but after that, you said-" James was determined to get an answer from him, he needed to talk about it.
"I believe I told you that "If you hate me so much then run along back to Sirius," as well that "I've never asked you to constantly bother me, you never leave me alone, you are always right in the way, let me breath with out you mocking me,"" Regulus recounted.

"Yeah, but afterwards, before you ran away,-"
"I didn't run, I don't run, you're remembering it wrong," It's true, ask Sirius and you'd learn that Regulus was simply the worst at running, it wasn't funny. He couldn't handle running more than a few steps before quitting.

"You said you loved me," James whispered quietly. He knew Regulus was trying to avoid the so called 'Elephant in the room,' as he heard Evans say so many times, although he wasn't sure if the phrase was still appropriate to use when outdoors.

"I didn't?" Regulus tried to say but it sounded more as his he was asking it.
"Did you mean it?" James asked.
"What, that I didn't say it? Yes. I did," Regulus pushed himself to walking faster without actually running, if someone were to see him right now, they'd say he looked ridiculous.

James was now Jogging ot keep up but Regulus wasn't gonna let himself stop, he wanted out of this ridiculous situation.
"You know what I mean Regulus, it's a yes or no question, then you can go back to ignoring me," James said, effortlessly.

"Regulus stopped, making James have to skid to a stop. "I didn't say anything so now you can go back to your day, don't let me stop you, I said nothing," Regulus starting walking away, this time walking off of the original path that was along the side of the black lake. He had turned to his left instead, walking through the long, untrampled grass and plants, surrounded by trees.

Regulus left James standing near the lake and didn't look back. He was going to get away from James as of his life depended on it, and it did. If he didn't get away from the griffindor he might just have thrown himself into the lake, which wouldn't work out well on his side as he hadn't a clue how to swim, although he doubted that it was too hard to pick up on, he just didn't like the water.

James ended up sighed before continuing down the path at a slower pace. He wasn't going to be getting an answer from Regulus and he knew it.

By now, Regulus was already late to potions with professor Slughorn and decided to skip the rest of that class to, deciding on the excuse that he hadn't been feeling well, besides, it would help sell out the lie if he just didn't show up for the rest of his classes anyway.


At dinner, James, Sirius and Remus were seated at the Gryffindor table talking about their days.
"Prongs, where were you today? You missed out on class, you could have at lease offered for me to join," Sirius complained. He had sat through too many boring lessons that day.

"I wasn't feeling well, I ended up heading down to the hospital wing to rest for the day," James successfully lied.
"I'll help you study and catch up on what you missed later tonight," Remus told his friend.
"No, no, it's fine. I can manage, I'm sure of it," James attempted to reassure the werewolf.
"We have a quiz on today's lesson on Friday, I'll help you," Remus explained, earning an odd look from his boyfriend who wasn't aware of this quiz.

"Or, I could talk to the professor and complete the quiz next week," James simply stated, taking a bite of the mashed potatoes that were on his plate. "Also, what class is the test?"
"Transfiguration, I'm sure that professor McGonagall will ask you to get help studying by a classmate anyway," Remus pushed.

"Since when was there a quiz?" Sirius asked, confused as ever. Remus harshly kicked Sirius under the table, giving him a pointed look.
"Oh.. yes that quiz..." Sirius nodded his head, assuming that there wasn't actually a quiz, although he wasn't positive that was the case.

"Regulus!" Sirius called across the hall as his brother started walking towards the Slytherin table.

Regulus turned his head towards his brother.
"Come sit with us," Sirius yelled. Regulus was going to ignore his brother but people were starting to stare as Sirius continued to yell and he was left standing halfway between his table and the one where his brother and friends were seated.

Regulus forcefully dragged himself towards the Gryffindor table, hesitantly taking a seat next to Remus, thankful that it wasn't next to James, even though, he unfortunately had to sit across from the boy, making it difficult not to make eye contact.

"Regulus, I'm assuming you were planning on heading back home for the holidays?" Remus asked politely, making conversation.
"Yes, I've already received a letter by my parents asking if I would be joining them, apparently one night we'll be joined by Crouch Jr and Sr for dinner," Regulus kindly made conversation with the scarred boy.

"You should just stay at Hogwarts with us," Sirius told his younger brother.
"I rather spend holidays with our parents, at least I only have to see them at meals, unless I decide to eat in my room which I'll mostly do," He explained.

The holidays were coming up soon during which Regulus would be heading back to see his parents, he hadn't had a chance to have a proper conversation with them after the incident at the gala and he was a bit worried for what was to come but he also couldn't wait to get away from James.

The tension was thick between the two and he could tell the neither Sirius or Remus were aware of the reasoning behind it and he was quite certain that Sirius didn't even notice, chances are Remus didn't either.

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