Chapter 27

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The following week was something that James and Sirius liked to call either 'Peter appreciation week', or 'Wormtail appreciation week'.

The week started simple. The three friends made sure to include Peter in their planning of pranks and to make sure he sat with them at meals. Whether he liked it or not, he was eating with his friends.

Peter had mixed feelings about the week. He didn't understand it, he was confused on the special treatment and the constant cheerful glances by his friends. He actually preferred it when he got less attention, he wasn't a fan of the spot light.

So, when Sirius randomly stood up in the great hall one morning and shouted, "A round of applause for Peter for just being Peter!" Peter put his head down onto the table, it was all to much. The worst part was that people actually applauded for him.

While this was all happening, Regulus was seated on the other side of the great hall holding in his laughter.
He knew that Peter would hate all of this, Peter was shy and didn't like being the center of attention, it was easy to see that.

Regulus knew that he had to stop this from happening because if it were him, he would drop out right and then.

Regulus ended up coming to Peter's rescue three days after the incident in the great hall, but that wasn't before he had overheard while walking through the hall James trying to give Peter girl advise.

James thought that it would be a good idea if he were to give Peter advice on how to ask a girl out, the advice was obviously horrible advice, considering it was coming from James Potter, a guy who's never been in a relationship and can't get the girl he has liked since first year to date him.

Three days might have been a bit late but he was generally curious as to how far they'd take it, and he couldn't make himself seem soft by going straight to Pettigrews rescue.

When Regulus had passed James in the hallway on his way back from divination, he decided to say something. He quickly and quietly stopped James in his tracks and dragged him around the corner to an empty hallway that was much quieter then the other but you could still hear muffled chatter coming from around the corner.

"Baby Black, what a surprise," James grinned.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Regulus shrugged back against the wall.
"So, is there a reason I was just kidnapped or did you just want to hang out with your older brother's super cool friend?" James asked smirking.

"Cool' is definitely not the word I'd use," Regulus sassed back, "let's just hurry up before someone sees me with you."

"And why would that be so bad?" James asked.
"It'll ruin my reputation," Regulus slyly looked down the hall, facing alway from James.
"You mean your reputation as the Slytherin loner?"

Regulus' head snapped back in his direction. "You are on thin ice right now, Potter," The younger boy glared at the older boy. He was not a loner, he had Barty.

"I don't know why I'm getting all the attitude, when you're the one dragged me here not the other way around!" James exclaimed, he still didn't know what he was doing wrong or at least what he was doing that wasn't up to Regulus' very high standards.

"This isn't just about you," The Slytherin stated. James motioned for him to continue, as he turned to lean against the opposite wall as Regulus.

"It's about this stupid week," Regulus explained, "all week you've been putting Pettigrew at the center of attention and he doesn't like that, incase you haven't noticed, he likes hiding in the shadows, he's an introvert, not an extrovert." James mouthed a quick "Oh", as he realized where they've messed up.

They had been doing the exact opposite of what Peter would have wanted. They could have been just hanging out and being better friends in private, they didn't need to go out of their way to show appreciation, they just needed to acknowledge him.

"Maybe stop making people clap for hom in the middle of breakfast, he doesn't like that, I'm just trying to stop you from loosing your friend," Regulus hated to admit it but he genuinely didn't want pain for any of the four maurduers. "Oh, and stop trying to give him girl advice, that's a topic that you know nothing about," Regulus added.

"You know, besides saying that I know nothing about giving girl advise to others, you are such a good person," James complemented.
"I will hex you right here and now," "Admit it Black, you've turned soft," James was now smiling, an actual smile was displayed on his face in front of his bestfriends brother.

"I have not turned soft, this is a once in a lifetime thing, I'll now be leaving before I kill you out of spite," Regulus used his right leg to push himself off the wall. He started walking around the corner, trying to leave the griffindor in the quiet hallway but he seemed to have tried to follow the other.

When Regulus looked over his shoulder, he saw the older boy just barely behind him.
"Are you following me?" He asked.
"Why of course, I just saw the one Regulus Arcturus Black being soft around me, I couldn't just let you leave," Regulus could hear mockery in his tone, he should have kept his mouth shut.

"Next time I should remember to talk to Remus instead, he at least has an ounce of respect," Regulus said to himself.

"Are you trying to say that I have no respect? You dragged me into a random hall way before continuously insulting me when I did nothing to you," James exclaimed.

"Wh-," Regulus was lost of what to say. James just talked back to him, he wasn't used to that. "You're the one who was just gawking about how I'm a good person, make up your mind, and I a good person and am I not?" Regulus crossed his arms, waiting for his answer.

"You are a good person when it comes to anyone but me,"

"So you don't think I'm a good person?" Regulus clarified.
"I didn't say that," James said with a neutral face.

"So you think I'm a good person," Regulus scrunched his nose.
"I also didn't entirely say that,"
"It's one or the other Potter," Regulus needed his answer.

"Okay, so I'm leaning more towards a good person with a bad attitude," James decided.
"At least I don't let my ego get the best of me because news flash, not everyone likes you, you're irritating and irrelevant, not everything is about you, so stop making it about you!" Regulus spoke his mind, after 5 years of dealing with James Potter he finally said it.

"You think I'm the one who let's my ego get the best of me? Oh please, you think you're too good for everyone else, no one likes you, you're selfish, self-centered and mean!" James cried.

Regulus took a minute to let it all sink in. He was fuming, no one talks to him this way, what gave James the right to?

"If you hate me so much then run along back to Sirius, I've never asked you to constantly bother me, you never leave me alone, you are always right in the way, let me breath with out you mocking me!" Regulus shouted back. Potter was the one always bothering him, it wasn't the other way around.

"I only bother you because Sirius thinks you need friends, you're such a loner and he's worried about you, you never listen to anyone but yourself, you don't take others advice and you walk around like you know what you're doing and you have your life together but you don't," James yelled in return.

Regulus was honestly just surprised he managed to say that all in one breath, it was impressive.

"I-" Even though Regulus wasn't the one who just screamed a 50 word paragraph in one go, he was breathless.
"What, are you going to tell me I'm wrong? Oh, or that I'm a loud mouth, dunce, mouth breather?" At this point James was going on and on insulting himself so Regulus didn't have to.

"I think," Regulus finally managed to catch his breath and before he realized what was happening, he was once again speaking.

"I think I'm in love with you,"

A/N Wheels or doors

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