Chapter 8

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After breakfast the three of us went outside, well James and Sirius went out side while I went into the greenhouse, which I had to walk five whole steps in the freezing cold to get to.

The greenhouse was quite warm and was an amazing site. From my bedroom window I could see vines on the other side of the glass walls and ceiling but from the inside it was a completely different view.

There were beautiful green vines climbing up the walls, as well as potted trees that were placed off to the side of the rooms.

The trees were different colours, shapes and sizes. One certain tree caught my attention. This tree was blooming with wonderful white and pink flowers, flooding the branches. The tree branches, which were hard to see through the many flowers, were slowly swaying along to the different sounds of the other plants.

Some plants were whistling or humming along to an unknown toon, others were swaying, creating a light sound of the leaves brushing against one another.

In the center if the room were three large tables. The first table was filled with a few planted with all the gardening supplies you might need. Shovels, gloves, trimmers, spare pots and anything else you might need.

The second table was filled with all types of magical plants. There were all different types of shrubs, flowers and some more small trees.

The third table was fild with different types of non-magical plants. Although the muggles plants were non-magical, they were beautiful.

There were bursts of colour coming from the bloomed flowers that normally you wouldn't see this time if year.

Each plant was well taken care of and happy. I decided to take a seat on an upside-down bucket that said "Home Hardware" that was laying around in the corner if the room. The view was certainly breathtaking.

I took out my sketch book and began to sketch out an outline of my drawing as there was far to much details that I didn't want to miss.

I started off by drawing the tree that I was admiring because it was too beautiful to not. Each detail was hard to get because the tree wouldn't stop moving long enough for me to see exactly what each leaf and each flower looked like.

The greenhouse reminds me of why I enjoy herbology so much, although I don't enjoy getting dirt underneath my nails or getting bitten by a mandrake, it always inspired my next piece of art.

After I finished off the sketch I decided to give my eyes a rest before I started to paint so I got up and walked around the greenhouse some more.

As I looked out the giant glass windows I could see James and Sirius having a snowball fight. It was hard to see them as the snow was coming down pretty hard now, but they looked happy, which was a rare thing for Sirius at the Black manor.

I sat back down to continue my painting. I made sure to get each and every detail possible, not missing a single plant in view. I stopped painting as I was half way done to step outside.

It was freezing cold and the snow was falling into my face. James and Sirius were still having a snowball fight and haven't noticed me yet so I continued to take a step forward. Suddenly I was hit in the shoulder with a cold, wet snowball.

I looked up to Sirius who was looking at me with a huge smile on his face, although I was not impressed.

Again, I was hit by another snowball, this time coming from James. I slowly leaned down and packed the snow into a ball and through it directed towards James as he wasn't paying attention.

"AHH, Cold!" Shouted James as the snow got down his back, causing Sirius and I into fits of laughter.

I did that same to Sirius and he stopped laughing. Now it was his turn to throw another snowball at me.

Next thing I know, we're all throwing snowballs at each other, left and right. After what felt like hours, Mrs Potter called us in to tell us she had mad hot chocolate for us.

We all headed back inside. I left my art supplies in the green house because I'll need to be in there to finish the rest of my painting anyways.

I quickly through of my soaking wet winter robes, hat, mittens and scarf and hung them up to dry near the fire.

In the lounge Mrs Potter had set aside three mugs of steaming hot, hot chocolate with three large Marshmallows in each.

We ahh sat down and I rapped my hands around the hot mug to warm my freezing cold hands. Incase you haven't noticed, I hate the cold.

"So Regs, get any painting done?" Sirius asked. "Y-yeah, I did, the greenhouse was wonderful." I told him. "It's alright, I guess." James said, to mock me.

"Shut up Potter, from an artist eye it's magnificent." I informed him.
"So using big word now, are we?" He joked. "Do you ever shut up?" I asked, tired of him constantly sharing his idiotic thoughts. "Let me think, uh no, I don't think I do," James replied.
"What a shame," I said, rolling my eyes.

I suddenly shivered from my wet hair, from the snow. "Why do you hate the cold so much?" Asked James. "I don't know, I just do, it's cold!" I empathize. "He's never liked the cold, growing up he would make us floo to each store possible during the winter, not wanting to step foot in the cold." Explained Sirius.

James laughed. "What about the stores that don't have floo systems, isn't the whole point that you floo into the three broomsticks to walk around diagonally?" Asked James.

"The stores we couldn't get to, either mother and father would make him suck it up or we would get dropped off at home and mother and father would go alone," Sirius finished explaining.

This made James burst into laughter. "Shut it Potter, it's not funny," I mumbled. "It kinda is," replied James, finally being able to catch his breath, before entering another fit of laughter. "It would always piss off mother and father!" Exclaimed Sirius, joining James and laughing, until the were both suddenly laying of the floor, cating their breaths.

"You two can get up now," I said, rolling my eyes in annoyance. After the finally managed to get up, we all enjoy our hot chocolate, which I've only had it once or twice in my life when Sirius would ask Kreatcher to fetch us some when mother and father were either asleep or out.

Once we were all done, I went upstairs to have a warm shower and change into some new clothes.

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