Chapter 19

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To say that Sirius and Remus' date went well is an understatement. The two, after returning from their Hogsmeade date, couldn't get their eye's off each other, although it wasn't until the week later that their friends finally found out they were boyfriend and boyfriend.

James and Regulus, on the other hand didn't have a horrible time, or at least that's what Regulus' response was after the fact. James would say they had a great time.

The first thing they did was go around to a few shops that were around, stopping for a Butterbeer and lunch afterwards. They'd both seen Sirius and Remus walking around with Sirius basically hanging off of Remus' shoulder, laughing and smiling.

Regulus was happy for his brother and friend, he'd seen the way they've chased each other for years, although both boys were too oblivious to notice each others pining.

The weekend of the gala had finally arrived and so Regulus found himself in his dorms getting ready for the gala, to his dismay.

Regulus already knew to expect some sort of chaos to occur from the marauders, he was still unsure if they'd manage to successfully crash the gala but chances are, it won't be a quiet night.

That morning Regulus' parents had sent a portkey through the mail as to not have to get caught in the floo traffic as the families arrive to the Black manor.

Regulus always hated the Black manor, it was much to large and drafty, he much preferred one of their families other properties, it was a much smaller town house that his parents had only bought to spite the family who were originally trying to buy the property. The family was much less rich family who needed a cheap place, so the Black family had bought the town house for a lot over asking to flaunt.

"Regulus, are we heading out now?" Barty asked, stepping out of the washroom.
"Yeah, let me get the portkey, it should be activated in a minute," Regulus told his friend. Barty had decided to tag along with Regulus on his way to the gala to get there before the crowd.

Regulus waved his wand, using a charm to check the time before holding out the book-turned-portkey for Barty to grab onto before the duo was swift away to the Black manor.

The two boys tumbled into Regulus' room as the portkey fell to the ground.

Regulus' room was dark and had little characteristics as possible. There was a bed, desk, dresser and closet, the walls were a dark green and the drapes were grey.

"This is your room?" Barty asked.
"I guess," Regulus said, shrugging.
"What are you, a minimalist?" Barty questioned, opening the closed curtains to let some light into the dark room.
"What do you want me to do, put worthless posters everywhere?" Regulus scoffed.
"That would be a start, what's your house elves name?" Barty asked.
"Kreatcher!" Barty called into the silence of the house.

Kreatcher pops into the room, "Stupid gala, Stupid guests-" The house elf mumbled to himself.
"Kreatcher!" Regulus interrupted.
"Master Regulus?"
"Can you get 'Master' Regulus some posters for his room?" Barty requested.
"Stupid orders, from annoying guests-" Kreatcher started mumbling again.
"Kreatcher, please, Barty's my friend," Regulus pleaded.
"Anything for master Regulus," Kreatcher grumbled before popping away.

"Why's you do that?" Regulus scolded in a hushed voice.
"Why didn't you stop me?"
"I can't just take away Kreatchers orders, that would only make his more upset!"
"Your room's boring," Barty said, pointing out the obvious.
"All I do is sleep in here, why does it need to be 'exciting', I'm at school most of the time anyway," Regulus complained.

"So what do you do when you are here, stare at the wall?" Barty asked with a fixed look.

"Something like that," Regulus mumbled, before Kreature returned with an armful of random posters that he found. He dropped them all on the floor before popping away.

"Lets see what he got," Barty mumbled. "Weird sisters poster," Barty said, holding it up.


"You seriously don't know who they are? What are you, fifty?" Barty scoffed.

"Guests will be showing up any minute now, I should probably go say hi to my parents," Regulus mumbled, wanting to get away from Barty at this very moment.

"They'll be fine, now, Chudley Cannons or Holyhead Harpies?" Bart asked, holding up a poster for each.

"Chudley Cannons," Regulus reluctantly replied.

Barty started putting up the posters on the walls of regulus' room, ignoring Regulus' complaints as he saw posters of groups that he's never heard of before being charmed onto his walls.

Regulus could hear guests starting to floo through the fireplace in the entrance room as he sat on the corner of his bed.

"Are you almost done? People are arriving?," Asked a bored Regulus.

"Yeah, yeah, lets go," Barty agreed, putting down his want that he was using to spell the posters onto the walls.

The boys left Regulus' newly decorated room, heading down the stairs where they saw groups of people in fancy robes talking and welcoming each other.

"Regulus, is that you? You've grown so much!" A lady who was wearing very strong scented perfume gushed.

"Thanks..." Regulus mumbled to the older lady, who he doesn't recall ever meeting.

"Still not much of a talker I see, your parents used to be the same," Barty, who was listening in on the conversation had to try his best to hold in his laugh.

"Hm," Regulus hummed in response, having to stop himself from rolling his eyes in her presence.

"I'll let you go, you must be eager to greet the others," The lady, who's name Regulus didn't know said as she left to speak with a couple who were just leaving the floo.

"I can tell you two are close," Barty joked once she was out of earshot.

"Shut up," Regulus mumbled, as a couple started walking over to them.

"See, doesn't redecorating your room sound quite nice right now?" Barty whispered.

"I'd rather death," Regulus whispered back, without looking at his friend.

"Dark much?" Barty whispered but the couple had reached them before he could reply.

"Hello Mr and Mrs..." Regulus greeting with a fake smile.

"It's great to see you Regulus, do you happen to know where your parents are?" The man asked.

"Unfortunately I don't, I'm sure they're around here somewhere though, if I see them I'll send them your way," Regulus let the couple, -who he also didn't recognize- know.

After the couple had left Barty once again turned to his best friend with a smirk.

"What?" Regulus asked in a hushed voice.

"Nothing.... you're just shit with names,"

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