Chapter 21

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"If you want to visit your old room we need to do that now," Remus told his lover. "Right, right, let's go," Sirius said, leading the group to the direction of the stairs.

Regulus and Barty followed the older boys up the stairs and down a the hallway, stopping as they reached Sirius' bedroom which was found right across from Regulus' room.

Sirius had stopped in front of the tall and dark door as he hesitated to enter. Regulus hadn't opened his brothers bedroom door since he had left for his first year at Hogwarts.

After Sirius had left for Hogwarts Regulus spent days on end hiding in the comfort of his brothers room, although without his brother there it wasn't the same, being with his brother always gave Regulus a certain feeling of comfort and safety, but now Regulus had his brother back, he had no reason to enter the room which filled Sirius of so many dark memories.

Sirius slowly reached for the doorknob in a way that to anyone who wasn't aware of his previous home life might think that it was only for dramatics, which Sirius loved so much.

Sirius pushed the door open wide enough for the rest of the group to see inside before finally entering.

Sirius' room, unlike what Regulus' room had previously look like, -before Barty redesigned it of course,- had all black walls with red curtains, grey bed sheets with a red blanket thrown over top. His room was dark with Red accents which were mainly put there to anger his parents as much as possible, as if to say a little 'fuck you' to the people who failed to raise him.

Sirius' walls had posters, some of which were similar to the ones Barty put up is Regulus' room earlier on in the day.

The most noticeable thing about the room was it's temperature. The room was freezing. Even Regulus' room, -which has also been closed up for a long period of time- wasn't nearly as cold as it was in the Gryffindors bedroom.

The room had a ghostly feel to it, almost as if there was a spirit remaining in the room which previously belonged to the one, Sirius Orion Black, but it was no longer his room, it was just another unused and purposeless room in the Black manor.

No one said a word, no one wanted to say a word. Sirius looked as if he was reliving memories of the past, memories that Regulus was certain, he wanted to stay in the past. Memories of their parents, memories of their sorry excuse of a childhood, memories of Sirius hiding in his room with his younger brother, promising to protect him from their parents, promising that everything would be okay and promising that he would never leave his brother, that he would never let anything come between the two.

Sirius look over to his bed, remembering of all those time he spent staring at the ceiling, of all those time he and Regulus had spent in the comfort of eachother and of all those times he spent in tears and in pain in that very spot.

Sirius then glanced over to his closet, he remembered him and Regulus stealing pillows and blankets from their living room and hanging up fairy lights to make a cozy and warming fort to hide from all their problems; from their parents, from reality and from the dark and cold household where they were forced to grow up too soon.

"You okay?" Remus asked quietly as he stood beside his boyfriend, gently placing a hand on the shorter boys shoulder.
"Yeah, it's just a room," Sirius shrugged, masking his emotions from his friends but mostly from his brother. He had to stay strong, he always had because he couldn't let his brother worry, he already worries enough.

James and Barty were both standing by the door, sensing that it wasn't their place to speak or interfere. 

James knows that Sirius had never had a good home life and never truly considered the large and drafty manor home but he didn't know the extent of it. He didn't know the cold looks of Orion and Welburga Black or the feeling of pain as the cruciatus curse hit you on the back when you're least expecting it. 

He didn't know what it's like to fear your own parents, to not know what it felt like to be loved and cared about, but most importantly, he didn't know what it felt like to think that you deserved the pain and deserved the fear, that he deserved everything he got and that if he went to someone for help no one would believe him and no one would care.

So, instead James did what he could and tried to be supportive and comforting. Sirius had Remus who was by his side ready to help the damaged boy and Regulus was standing there silently staring at the wall where there was a huge hole, it was probably what was letting in all the cold air.

"What do you want?" Regulus asked James who he had caught staring at him. "Wha- me? Nothing, I- I wanted to make sure you were okay," James stuttered out, he never stutters.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Regulus asked with a straight, emotionless face, not tearing his eyes away from the wall.
"You look like you're deep into thought," James pointed out in a soft voice.
"Nice observation," Regulus mumbled.

Truth be told, Regulus was lost in memories, any noise outside of his mind felt like whispers, soft whispers that sounded so far away. One the wall in front of him there was a large hole that was created by the one Welburga Black with the use of a curse.

Regulus could remember the day of the incident as if it were yesterday, which he greatly disliked. Regulus had been 8 at the time that he and his older brother were running around the house after previously being told not to. They were running and laughing, it was the most fun that they had in a while and the first time in a while that they could actually act like kids.

As they were running through the living room, they took a sharp turn around the couch but unfortunately the two kids forgot about the slippery floors against their socks and ended up sliding right into a small decorative table which held a very fancy and very expensive vase on it. As you'd expect, the vase fell on the ground and smashed into millions of pieces, making it unfixable without magic, which boy boys were too young to use.

The boys did their best to hide the broken vase but they knew their mother would know. She took pride in the vase, she always notices the little things, even when you think she won't.

Instead of facing their mother,
The two boys hide in Sirius' closet, a place the two boys had always believed to be the safest place possible, but no doubt there, they were found by Welburga after only five minutes of hiding and she was furious.

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